If in the course of diagnostics you come to the conclusion that the starter retractor relay is out of order, then in most cases its repair will consist of replacing it, since it is quite a laborious process to restore its operability, besides, many manufacturers make the starter retractor relay not collapsible. Sometimes, if the relay can be disassembled, you can limit yourself to a simple cleaning of all its elements from contamination.
Finally we got around to the starter ... well, how we got there. If the day before yesterday the car had not refused to start at all, then I would not have thought to touch it. I do everything from under the stick ... oh, it's time to change my life radically ...
To be precise, the problem was with the retractor relay (aka solenoid). It clicks, the bendix jumps out, but the engine does not turn ... And the car had this problem for a long time.
Well, here I am at the garage, doing an autopsy ... which says only one thing - the 3.14-Z-Decl starter ... well, if not right now, then in the near bright future ... in short, he can estimate the result of the "Kazakhstan 2030" program for sure cannot ... Nursultan Abishevich, I'm sorry ...
Well, not to be unfounded, a photo of a stator with badass:
perhaps one core in the winding ... but where is it?
yes, here it is ... lying around inside =)
as I understood, once upon a time, due to the fact that the bearing flew apart, everything inside was blown apart. But the craftsmen did not begin to eliminate the consequences, they simply replaced the bearing and put everything back together, without even checking if there was anything unnecessary inside.
and in general, all the insides are covered in scraps of insulation and dirt ...
I consulted with the specialists, they said there is nothing to catch here, if it is spinning, wait until it gets up at all. Can't be repaired.
Well, let's move on to the hero of the occasion - the retractor relay. It turned out to be non-collapsible (sealed), and, according to the assurances of specialists, it cannot be repaired either ... New under the order from the Emirates to wait 20 days ... from America it is faster, but more expensive. Well, you need to check, maybe someone has been lying around on the market, maybe they brought it by mistake, because the 32nd maxim is almost the same ...
Indeed, it was lying around. Looks like a solid 4
... until you put it back in place. Even does not overpower ... clicks, heats up terribly - insidious endurance =) but the bendix does not jump out. I take off, look - there is a spring inside, removed the spring - the bendix pops up, but not completely ... in short, this Chinese piece of excrement does not overpower the obligations imposed on it ... We do not need such hockey, we will hand it over tomorrow ...
And now what to do, to spend N-th amount of time without a car again? To hell with the assurances of specialists! who said "non-separable" ... there is nothing "non-separable" ... ..a couple of dozen cuts around the perimeter and the object is already ready for opening ... you just need to unsolder the wiring from the terminals, otherwise nothing good will come of it.
one penny was burnt by half ... But at the same time it was half intact =) so I am doing it simply.
I remove the stopper (I tried to twist it, but then cut it off so as not to smack the thread)
I take out a nickle, I polish it a little
now that's enough for another 20 years =)
replace the removed stopper with a nut.
I also polish the plate ... so that everything is as new.
I assemble in the reverse order, I roll up and solder the contacts. It is advisable to walk along the seam with a sealant ... well, so that it is airtight
Thus, it turns out that the starter solenoid is not only "collapsible", but also "assembled", which means that it is even "serviced"))
and… moment of truth… - THE MACHINE STARTS. And this means that I again sent specialists to hell, did it my own way and got what I wanted ...
Well, let me summarize. The starter is in any case for a replacement, but I probably will kill him to the end. The retractor is quite maintainable, and if there is a desire, and most importantly, there is no money to buy a new one, then a hacksaw for metal may be very useful. The quality of spare parts on the market still maintains a clear dependence on the price ... for a penny you can't buy anything worthwhile ... it's good if there is a working one at all.
And I also want to note one point, if you yourself have no time to repair a car, that is, an excellent resource where they will definitely prompt you exactly the company or car service that will do all the work for you.
Service the starter on time. And happy road to you.
The starter solenoid relay supplies current to the starter motor and also expels the bendix. This means that the moment the starter starts to rotate, its bendix is pushed out. In fact, it is not difficult to understand how a starter works. Today we will help you understand how a solenoid relay works, how to check this element and repair it.
In the starter, the retractor relay engages the flywheel crown with the bendix. All work is based on the principles of electromagnetism. The core, which is designed as a hollow tube, inside which the armature is located, is wrapped in the form of a wire. The current in the coil creates an electromagnetic field, as a result of which the armature enters the core. After the current has ceased to be supplied, the armature can move freely.
V the composition of the starter solenoid relay includes:
magnet with windings;
return spring.
The magnet in the relay is made in the form of a pair of coils - retraction and retention. The retraction coil of the relay is connected to the electric motor and the control terminal, but the holding one is connected to the control pin and contacts the case.
When power is applied to the control pin, magnetic induction occurs in the coil, which results in a magnetic field. As a result, the armature compresses the return spring. At the same moment, the bendix rotates, which connects the starter to the car battery.
At the time when the contacts are closed, the pull-in winding is powered from the "+" terminal, the generation of current in the coil stops, but the field of the holding coil acts on the armature, so it remains inside. When the vehicle's power unit starts up, a power outage occurs, causing the armature to return to its original position under the action of the return spring. The contacts open, which can cause the bendix to disengage.
The main reasons for the failure of the starter solenoid relay are as follows:
Physical deterioration.
Burnout of contact plates.
Destruction of components.
Burnout of the winding.
How to determine that the solenoid relay is out of order:
The engine starts, but the starter does not want to shut down, constantly rotating. At this time, you hear a characteristic buzzing sound.
The starter motor rotates after starting, but cannot start the engine.
When the key in the ignition switch turns to its original position, a click is heard to turn on the starter, but it does not want to rotate.
As mentioned above, the operation of the solenoid relay, as well as the starter itself, is based on the principle of electromagnetism. When voltage is applied to the windings, the relay acts on the armature. He, in turn, changes the position of the bendix gear so that it meshes with the flywheel crown. At the same time, the contacts close, providing voltage to the starter windings. In order for the car's engine to start, all this must happen very quickly. If at least one of the elements is not working properly, you will not be able to start the car.
To check the starter relay, it is not at all necessary to remove this element from the car. Experts advise to close the contact bolts located on the back of the relay using a piece of wire or metal.
This will supply current to the starter windings. If this has caused the starter to rotate, it can be concluded that the starter is operating normally, and the problem lies with the relay itself.
If the retractor clicks the starter does not turn, this indicates that the relay is probably working, and the cause of the breakdown must be looked for directly in the starter.
If you come to the conclusion that the starter traction relay is out of order, it is necessary to repair it. We want to note right away that in most cases it is much easier to replace this element than to restore its performance.
Many manufacturers make non-separable relays in order to make this assembly the most reliable. In such situations, you just have to change the solenoid relay to a new one. If the starter in your car is equipped with a collapsible relay, you can repair it yourself. Often the relay does not work for the following reasons:
the mechanical drive is worn out and out of order;
a short circuit has occurred in the winding;
"Pyataks" or contacts are burnt.
You can determine each of the above malfunctions after disassembly. True, to determine the integrity of the windings, you will have to use an ohmmeter. When measuring the resistance between the ends of the wire and the case, this indicator should be at least 10 kOhm. Otherwise, the windings were closed, so you will need to go to the store for a new relay.
Installation of a new or restored relay is carried out in the reverse order of dismantling. At this stage, many motorists have a problem, which is how to connect the starter relay. In order to avoid such troubles, we advise you to mark the disconnected terminals in advance. Before installing the relay, do not forget to thoroughly clean the contacts and degrease them.
In this article, we will show you how to check the starter solenoid relay for troubleshooting and see how to fix them.
The car starter is a traction electric motor, due to which the crankshaft is unwound to further start the power plant.
The unwinding is carried out by means of a gear mounted on the starter rotor, which at the time of starting has a gear engagement with the flywheel rim.
But the engagement between the starter gear and the flywheel is only needed until the power plant starts up.
If the engagement were constant, the starter would fail very quickly.
Therefore, a retractor relay is included in the design of the latter, through which the starter gear is brought into engagement with the flywheel during engine start-up and disengaged after starting.
The retractor relay is combined with the starter relay, while this device is not structurally complicated, which ensures its reliability in operation.
But nothing is eternal, therefore, and it can also fail, although this does not happen often.
There are not so many malfunctions that may arise with this element, but if they do occur, it is often impossible to start the motor or it is very difficult.
Faults that can occur with a solenoid relay are:
Deterioration of its elements;
Burnout of contact plates installed in the housing cover;
Breakage or burnout of the relay coil winding;
Anchor stuck.
The appearance of these faults can result in:
Failure of the starter when starting;
Weak starter speed, which is unable to spin the flywheel sufficiently;
Continuing to work it even after starting the motor.
To understand how to identify a malfunction, first you need to understand the design and principle of operation of the retractor relay, as well as the starter relay, since they are located in the same housing.
So, there is a body, inside of which there are two coils - the retractor and the retention one.
On the one hand, the body is covered with an ebonite or plastic cover. This cover has three terminals on the outside for connecting the wiring.
One of the terminals is designed to connect the "positive" wire from the battery, the second is to supply electricity to the starter motor, and the third is to connect the relay to the ignition switch.
On the inner side of the cover there are two positive terminal plates.
Schematic diagram.
Inside the housing with coils there is an armature, spring loaded on one side, and a starter relay rod.
On the outside, an eyelet is made on the anchor, with which it engages the bendix plug with the gear.
It all works like this: when the engine is off, the anchor of the retractor relay is pulled out of the case due to the action of the spring on it. The same spring holds the bendix with the pinion through the fork in the non-engaging position.
When the ignition key is turned to the start position, the solenoid relay is activated first.
The electrical energy supplied to the solenoid relay coils creates a magnetic field inside the case.
This field acts on the armature, and it, overcoming the force of the spring, enters the body, after which the retractor coil turns off and ceases to create a magnetic field, but in the retracted position the armature is held by its magnetic field by the holding coil.
In this case, the armature pulls the fork along with it, and that, in turn, moves the bendix forward along the rotor shaft, and its gear engages with the flywheel crown.
The armature, entering the inside of the case, pushes the rod of the starter relay, and, shifting, closes the contact plates of the positive terminals together.
Electricity from the battery is supplied to the brushes of the starter motor, and its rotor begins to rotate. And since the gear has already entered into engagement, the rotor begins to rotate the flywheel.
After starting the power plant and turning the key back on the ignition lock, the power supply to the holding coil stops, its magnetic field disappears and the armature leaves the housing under the influence of the spring.
At the same time, it disengages the bendix through the plug, and stops acting on the relay rod. That, in turn, leaving, opens the contact plates, and the starter is completely turned off.
It is not so difficult to troubleshoot a traction relay. It should be noted that its operation is accompanied by a click - this is the result of the armature being pulled in, and the gear engaging.
When turning the key, this click is clearly audible. So, the absence of a click may indicate a break in the coils, lack of power, jamming of the armature in one position.
If, when turning the ignition key, a click is heard, but the starter itself does not start or starts, but rotates very slowly, this may signal that the contact plates are burning.
Continued operation of the starter after starting the power plant will be accompanied by a characteristic buzzing sound.
It is possible that the armature is stuck in the retracted position, and it cannot come back, so it keeps the bendix gear in engagement and continues to close the contact plates.
It is not so difficult to check the performance of this element. Moreover, you can check it without even removing the starter from the car. For example, let's take a VAZ-2110 car.
So, the starter on this car does not work. First you need to check the wiring going to it for a break.
If everything is in order with the wiring, you need to find out if the traction relay is triggered at all.
To do this, you can ask someone to turn the ignition key, and listen to yourself if there is a click. If it is absent, it is faulty and you need to change it.
If there is a click of operation, but the starter itself does not turn, it is possible that the relay does not work due to burning of the contact plates.
You can check whether this is so with a regular screwdriver. The terminal coming from the ignition switch is disconnected from the relay.
Next, a screwdriver closes the terminal coming from the battery with the terminal going to the starter - a direct transfer of electricity to the electric motor is obtained, bypassing the relay. If it works, you need to look for the reason in the relay.
You can also check the voltage going to the starter with a multimeter, but this will rather make it clear if the problem lies in the starter or in the wiring and battery.
To do this, a multimeter is connected to the positive terminal of the solenoid relay, to which voltage is supplied from the battery. Connect the other negative lead of the multimeter to ground.
Next, someone has to turn the ignition key to the start position. The voltage on the display of the multimeter should correspond to 12 V.
If it is lower, it is possible that the battery is simply discharged and its energy is not enough to start the engine, but at the same time its charge is enough to trigger the relay, but there is not enough energy to rotate the rotor.
The solenoid relay is not repairable, and in the event of a malfunction, it is simply replaced.
The only thing that can be changed from him is the anchor. Replacing this element with a VAZ-2110 is a simple operation, it is more difficult to remove the starter itself from the car.
For replacement, you will need to dismantle the starter from the car. To do this, the car is driven into a pit, since it can only be reached from below. If the car has a crankcase protection, then it is removed first.
Next, you need to disconnect all the wiring going to the starter. To remove it, you need to unscrew the two nuts of its fastening, after which it is carefully pulled out of the seat.
Already on the removed starter, two bolts of the retractor relay are unscrewed, and it is removed, while the anchor together with the spring remains on the starter, since it is hooked onto the fork with its eyelet.
Before installing a new element, the old anchor is removed from the plug, and a new one is installed in its place.
Next, the new relay is put on the starter and tightened with the mounting bolts. To consolidate the material covered, we recommend that you watch a training video on how to repair and find malfunctions of the starter retractor relay.
If your car stops starting at some point, the reason may be the starter retractor relay. But the best place to start is to check it out.
If the battery is charged, there are no violations in the electrical circuit, then the reason lies in the starter itself or its components - the starting and solenoid relay.
On VAZ 2109 cars, the starter relay is used to activate the windings and transfer the torque from the rotor to the flywheel. When the engine starts, the relay disconnects the drive, cuts off the power.
All VAZ cars, including model 2109, have a standard engine start system, which is based on an electric starter. Here's what you need to know about it.
A starter is a small electric motor that, by means of a clutch (bendix), is connected to the flywheel of the motor for a short period of time to start the rotation of the flywheel.
With its small dimensions, the starter passes huge currents through itself.
If the starter circuit was closed directly in the ignition lock, then not a single component of the system would be able to withstand such current loads. As a result, they would have burned out.
Therefore, for these purposes, the starter is connected remotely to the battery via a relay. Its contacts are designed for high currents.
The starter motor works for a short time and should be switched off after starting the engine. Otherwise, its active destruction will begin due to the influence of the motor power.
These tasks are perfectly performed by the relyushka. Actually, it is precisely to ensure the functioning of the system and protection against current, the timely shutdown of the starter, a retractor is included in the design.
Before changing the relay, make sure that the problem with starting the motor is associated with this component.
To do this, consider two situations that indicate its malfunction.
Your actions
The relay clicks, but the armature is not spinning
If there are clicks from the relay, check the condition of the armature. For this, the terminals of the retractor are bridged with a large screwdriver or a piece of welding cable to the terminals at the ends. Using a thin wire or screwdriver can easily burn the terminals. When the armature is running, after the terminals are closed, the armature will twist, which can be identified by sound. Consequently, the retractor relay itself is out of order and requires repair.
Even if there is silence after the terminals are closed, the problem should be looked for in the starter. The relay no longer plays any role here.
Having found that the relyushka has worked its way, it must be replaced or repaired, if possible.
There should be no problems with the dismantling process. The main thing here is to remove the starter, since the desired relyushka is held on it. Therefore, the dismantling is carried out as an assembly.
Turn on the handbrake, disconnect the battery by removing the negative terminal from it.
A wire with a large cross-section goes from the battery to the relay contact. It can be disabled by unscrewing it with a 13 key.
Remove the thin winding power wire from the solenoid relay.
Using the same 13 wrench, unscrew the three retaining nuts holding the starter to the clutch block.
You can remove the device from the bottom or top. If you chose the top, then you need to twist the starter a little around its axis and get it out.
The bottom terminal is more difficult, since here you need to remove the crankcase protection. But if parallel work is carried out that require such manipulations, problems will not arise.
Next, you have a choice - to replace the completely relyushka or try to repair it.
Only a relay with a collapsible design lends itself to full repair. It is not uncommon for cars to have a relyushka with a non-separable body. There, repairs are also possible, but only partial.
Unscrew a pair of bolts that hold the reel to the starter, disconnect the core shackle from the upper end of the drive arm;
In its place, install a new solenoid relay, thereby completing the replacement.
But if you want to save some money or just like to tinker with the car, it is quite possible to try to revive the damaged relay. For this we offer you detailed instructions.
If such a measure did not help, we will disassemble the case and repair it.
If the carbon deposits are too strong and cannot be removed with simple sandpaper, do not rush to buy new bolts. Just rotate them 180 degrees. So they will touch on the other side, where there is no carbon deposit.
Relay coils are located in a non-separable housing. If they are damaged, you will have no choice but to completely change the reel.
Replace all damaged and worn-out elements of the switching relay, and then put everything back into the case. Reinstall the retractor relay and check if the ignition is back to normal.
If the relay has a non-separable housing, many recommend changing it.But if you wish, you can even repair such a unit. To do this, flare the case with pliers, then unsolder the contacts and remove the cover. Then follow the instructions above.
The last stage of replacement or repair is checking the resistances of the windings.
If the unit is working properly, the multimeter in ohmmeter mode will show you the following data.
Noticing the first signs of a malfunction, do not debug starter repairs on the back burner. Tightening with checking and restoring will lead to the fact that at one point the engine simply will not start. We will show in the video and tell you how to check the retractor relay, replace the brushes, starter bushings in order to fix the breakdowns with our own hands and correctly assemble the car starter.
There are only 2 ways to check starter malfunctions: according to characteristic symptoms and according to the results of troubleshooting after disassembly. The main causes of breakdowns and their symptoms.
Without removing the starter from the car, you can reliably check only a poor contact and the fact of a malfunction of the control circuit of the retractor relay. If the starter does not respond when the key is turned to the Start position, use a screwdriver to bridge the power terminals of the solenoid relay directly. An operation of the starter will indicate a malfunction in the control circuit or the traction relay itself.
If you know how to use a multimeter, in the DC current measurement mode, check if the voltage comes to the control terminal after turning the ignition key to the Start position. If the voltage comes in, but the retractor does not work (there is no characteristic click), the traction relay needs to be repaired or replaced.
Abrasion of brushes that wear out due to tight pressure on the rotating armature. Wear can be assessed visually or with a caliper. It is enough to compare the thickness of the new brushes with the worn out elements.
Wear on collector plates. The brushes wear off much faster than the armature contact plates, but even after a few hundred thousand kilometers they can become unusable. The degree of wear is determined by the depth of the groove that results from friction with the brushes. If the brushes do not fit tightly at the moment of rotation of the armature, a spark discharge may appear, provoking burnout and further exfoliation of parts of the lamellas. Among other defects that arise as a result of beating and axial play of the armature shaft are ovality, displacement of the friction zone of the brushes.
Violation of the insulation of the collector contacts, leading to a breakdown to the mass of the armature body; turn-to-turn closure.
Worn bushings fixing the armature shaft. Critical depletion of bronze or copper-graphite bushings leads to the beating of the armature shaft, as a result of which the copper-graphite brushes fail much faster, and uneven wear of the collector is observed. Also, the wear of the bushings can cause displacement of the armature plates, which leads to turn-to-turn closure.
Worn or incorrect selection of distance washers to prevent axial play of the armature shaft.
Burnout of the contact plate of the solenoid relay. Burnout of the winding, turn-to-turn closure of the solenoid coil.
Worn armature shaft gear.
Removing magnets from the starter housing.
Fracture of the terminal of the positive wire going from the power terminal of the retractor to the brush. Sometimes the terminals, due to their location in a place with an aggressive environment, corrode strongly.
Operations, which in most cases are limited to self-repairing a starter:
replacement of the brush assembly. We have already considered how to replace the starter brushes with our own hands, so we will not dwell on this;
cleaning the working area of the collector with fine-grained emery paper;
lubrication of the planetary gearbox, the armature shaft at the point of movement of the plug of the solenoid relay;
complete cleaning of all parts from wear products of graphite brushes and collectors, dirt.
Many manufacturers do not provide for the repair and maintenance of the solenoid relay, so flare it to disassemble it. This can be done only for the purpose of cleaning with sandpaper or a file of the contact areas of the terminal bolts, plate. If a turn-to-turn short circuit or a breakdown on the case is detected, we recommend that you prefer to replace it with your own hands. We also find the idea of repairing the collector lamellas and rewinding the starter armature very dubious. For widespread starter models, such a repair is simply unprofitable, since it is often easier to find a serviceable used part for disassembly or to buy a new launcher altogether.
Before removing the terminals for repair or replacement of the starter, be sure to remove the terminal from the negative battery terminal.
When checking the starter removed from the vehicle, fix it securely in a vice.
Even to rotate the armature without engaging the flywheel crown, a considerable current is needed, therefore, when checking after repair, do not use thin wires and ensure reliable contact on the power terminals.
You can find the tolerance limits for axial, radial play, and the minimum collector diameter in the technical documentation. Even before starting the repair, we recommend that you find out the model of the starter, which should be indicated in the identification marking on the body.
When assembling, follow the sequence of installing the spacer washers to limit the axial play. In order to assemble the starter correctly after repairs with your own hands, mark and take photos even during the disassembly process.
Only the planetary gear unit needs to be lubricated. For these purposes, CV joint grease is well suited. Never lubricate the working surface of the copper-graphite bushings. The grease will collect dust, thus transforming into an abrasive paste.
The armature shaft play should be checked before disassembly. To do this, just rotate the shaft itself radially and axially with your fingers. With a significant backlash, it is necessary not only to replace the bushings, but also to measure the output on the shaft itself, since in case of critical wear, limiting the repair only by replacing the bushing will not bring much result. You can measure the axial play with a vernier caliper. A dial indicator with a tripod is used to accurately check the radial play.
The video shows a simple way to check turn-to-turn ignition. The essence of the diagnosis is to connect one of the contacts of the light bulb to the armature shaft. The second contact should be drawn along the collector lamellas. If there is no breakdown to the case, the lamp will not light up.
A serviceable freewheel should only rotate in the direction of rotation of the starter. The bendix itself cannot be repaired, therefore, in the event of a breakdown, it should be replaced. To remove the coupling, it is necessary to slide the stop ring along the shaft, then remove the retaining ring. When flushing an old bendix, do not use aerosol cleaners, as they can flush out the internal grease of the overrunning clutch.
The video shows how to replace the starter bushings with your own hands.
Video (click to play).