DIY phone connector repair

In detail: do-it-yourself repair of the phone connector from a real master for the site

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about replacing the USB connector on the tablet. This replacement is unusual in that it had to be replaced with an ordinary soldering iron, without a soldering station. It all started with the fact that I was far from home, in a neighboring town. Friends, having learned that I was a radio amateur, immediately asked for help in repairing their devices 🙂 The first was a tablet with a loose USB connector, which did not even want to charge the tablet, it will be discussed here. To begin with, it was necessary to think about dismantling the broken connector, since it is very easy to damage the printed circuit board, especially with an ordinary soldering iron. It was decided to bite through the old connector with needle-nose pliers, and you need to bite through the upper end of the connector. But first, let's take a look at our “patient”. Remove the back cover:

In this tablet, it turned out to be latched, and under it is already the main aluminum cover, we see a bunch of screws, I have already unscrewed them above in the photo.

We look very carefully, have we forgotten some bolt, unscrewed everything that might prevent us from removing the back cover? - Okay, let's take it off.

Now you need to remove the board itself from the top of the tablet. The main thing is not to rush, otherwise we can break something, we check how and with what the board is attached to the tablet, in this tablet - on bolts and latches. Unscrew the bolts.

We disconnect all the connectors and cables from the board, in order to disconnect the cable, you just need to lift this connector clip up and pull the cable towards you:

Disconnect the display connector from the board, this tablet uses the connector as on laptops:

All the bolts were unscrewed, all the cables were disconnected, now you can remove the board for further manipulations.

Video (click to play).

We take it out carefully, as there are parts on the SMD board, and planar microcircuits, which are soldered only with a soldering hairdryer. And if SMD output parts and microcircuits can still be soldered with a soldering iron, then BGA only with a hairdryer. We carefully pry on the latches that hold the board, you need to pry with something soft, for example, I use an ordinary SIM card for this, or a bank plastic card. By the way, they also disassemble the plastic panels of all kinds of gadgets, since it is impossible to disassemble plastic cases with metal tools - it is very easy to damage or even break them. Here is the board itself:

You can start dismantling the broken connector, as I wrote above - my tool is far away, but I need to do it. We begin to bite through the old connector with needle-nose pliers, as shown in the photo below:

We open it very carefully, by bending up and down we break off the contacts so that the pieces of the pins remain on the contact pads of the board, the contacts themselves cannot be bitten off with needle-nose pliers - they will fly off the board along with the tracks. We can safely solder the rest of the connector and contacts.

In the photo, the contacts are not undermined, I just used a lot of tin for desoldering. Remove excess tin with copper wire or braid, clean and solder a new connector in place.

We solder it well, the connector pins were soldered with an ordinary 25 W soldering iron, and the connector itself was soldered to the board with a 40 W soldering iron. After checking for operability, we clean it from the flux and twist the tablet in the reverse order, observing accuracy.

It is worth soldering only with high-quality soldering irons, the heaters of which must be well insulated from the tip itself and the metal parts of the soldering iron itself. The soldering iron should not break through at all, and accumulate static electricity, so the breakdown of the soldering iron threatens, at best, with the failure of the soldered device, and at worst.Guess for yourself 🙂 Static electricity is dangerous to semiconductors: damage to sensitive parts is possible.

That's it, the replacement of the connector was successful, the repair is over. As you can see, even in the absence of the necessary tool and a lot of experience, a lot is possible in terms of restoring gadgets with your own hands. Until next time, dear readers. Especially for the site "Radio circuits" - BIOS.

Image - DIY phone connector repairHow to solder the micro usb connector on a tablet, phone, netbook, laptop with your own hands?

Now in devices you can often find usb connectors (u-es-bi, English Universal Serial Bus - "universal serial bus"). Due to accidental mechanical damage, for example, while the device is in charging mode, such a malfunction is often encountered - such as a break in the micro usb connector. You will learn how to solder the micro usb connector yourself in the article below.

If you love tinkering and know how to handle a soldering iron, then it will not be difficult for you to re-solder the micro usb connector on the tablet yourself. To do this, we need tools: a 25 watt soldering iron, solder, easy fusible tin, tweezers, a small curly screwdriver, a scalpel or a knife with a thin blade, a magnifying glass.

The most important thing is that we do everything carefully and accurately!

For disassembly, we need:

  1. Screwdriver Set;
  2. Tweezers;
  3. Scalpel or knife;
  4. Soldering iron.

Step 1. Unscrew all the fastening screws on the tablet or phone, carefully remove the back cover with a knife or scalpel, thereby freeing the case latches from the grooves, tilting the blade towards the screen.

Step 2. After removing the cover on the tablet (phone), you need to ground the soldering iron, solder the wire to the common body (minus) and then the other end of the wire to the body of the soldering iron itself. This must be done in order to protect the tablet from accidental static electricity, which can damage its electronic components. You should also make an antistatic wrist strap and also ground it.

Read also:  Do-it-yourself Pajero 2 repair

Step 3. Next, we solder the wires from the battery, this is necessary in order not to accidentally close the electronic circuit and not to damage the components.

Step 4. After that, we unscrew all the fastening screws on the board and turn it over, thereby we get directly to the micro usb connector itself.

Next, I give a short list of micro usb connector malfunctions and how to fix them:

If the connector has become unusable and further repair is impossible, then it should be replaced. To do this, we need to find a knowingly working one, you can use an unnecessary or faulty cell phone and unsolder the micro usb connector from the phone. To do this, take a scalpel and push it between the board and the connector, heating the mounting tabs of the micro usb connector, gradually lifting one side, then the other. Further, after the mounting tabs are soldered from the board, you need to take tweezers, since the connector heats up quickly, you should not overheat, because the plastic parts of the micro usb connector can melt and deform. After that, we unsolder the connector pins, they should be heated all at the same time. Pay attention to the installation, smd parts can be near the connector and if soldering is not neat, they can be soldered or burned, be careful and therefore the soldering iron tip must be thin. The sequence for unsoldering the connector is the same and dismantling the micro usb connector on the tablet should be done in a similar way.

In this case, you should pay attention to the integrity of the tracks themselves, for this we take a magnifying glass and inspect the installation, if the tracks are intact on the board, then well, if not, then you have to restore them. It is necessary to find all the ends of the torn off tracks and carefully clean them with a scalpel (clean the varnish), then tin with a soldering iron.After that, we take the micro usb connector itself and solder the fastening tabs of the connector to the board, I advise you to pre-glue the connector to the board before soldering, this will reduce the likelihood of repeated breakage. Remaining small, solder the leads, if the tracks are intact, then it will not be difficult, but if not, we do the following: we take thin copper wires (one hair of a stranded thin wire) and solder between the leads of the tracks and the connector. If for some reason it was not possible to restore all the tracks (the track under the electronic part is cut off and there is no way to track its location). In this case, it will be possible to do only for charging the tablet, while we need to restore only two tracks, two extreme outputs to the micro usb connector, the only drawback is the inability to connect the tablet to a computer and external devices.

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