Do-it-yourself sable rear axle repair

In detail: do-it-yourself sable rear axle repair from a real master for the site

Gazelle Sable. Rear axle assembly and final drive adjustment

Before assembly, we wash all parts in kerosene or diesel fuel and inspect them.

Any cracks on the parts are unacceptable. The gear teeth should be free of scoring, chipping and heavy wear. The bearings should rotate easily without clicking or binding. On rollers and rings chipping, chips and heavy wear are unacceptable. Bearing cages must be free of breaks and deformations. We replace damaged and worn parts. After running more than 100 thousand km, we recommend replacing the bearings, regardless of their condition.

We assemble the main gear in the reverse sequence to disassembly, lubricating the bearings and gears with transmission oil.
Installing the drive gear in the gearbox housing.
... with a torque wrench, tighten the flange nut to a torque of 16-20 kgf-m, while the gear must be turned to correctly install the rollers in the bearings.

We install the indicator with a graduation value of not more than 0.01 mm on a tripod, resting its leg against the end of the flange.
... and moving the shaft behind the flange, we measure the axial play of the drive gear.
To eliminate the backlash, remove the spacer ring installed on the pinion shaft (see "Dismantling the rear axle", p. 85) and measure its thickness with a micrometer.

We select a new spacer ring. It should be thinner than the removed one by the amount of backlash and additional

0.05 mm thinner if the pinion bearings are new, or 0.01 mm if the bearings are the same. Install the spacer ring.

In the absence of axial play of the drive gear, we check the torque of resistance to the rotation of the shaft with a special torque wrench with a scale division of 0.5 kgf-m. With correct adjustment, the moment of resistance should be 15-20 kgf cm for new bearings or 7-10 kgf cm if the bearings are left as they were.

Video (click to play).

With sufficient accuracy, the moment of resistance can be measured with a household steelyard.
... by hooking it into the hole in the flange and pulling it up.
In this case, the required values ​​will be 3.8-5 kgf and 1.8-2.5 kgf, respectively. If the moment of resistance is greater, we change the spacer ring to another one, thicker by 0.01-0.02 mm, if it is less, we accordingly select a ring of smaller thickness.

Before assembly, we degrease the bolts of the parts of the satellite box, the bolts of the driven gear, as well as their threaded holes, with a solvent or acetone and apply an anaerobic sealant to the threads.

We pay special attention to the cleanliness of the end surfaces of the driven gear and the satellite box. The slightest dirt or nicks on them are unacceptable.

We remove the existing damage with an abrasive tool, followed by thorough washing of the parts in kerosene or diesel fuel.
When installing the driven gear on the satellite box, we center it using long M10x1 bolts (you can use bolts from old connecting rods).

Lubricate the bearings of the satellite box with gear oil and install the satellite box in the crankcase bores. Having installed the caps and bearing nuts (without tightening the bolts), we check the ease of rotation of the adjusting nuts.

We tighten the differential bearings with adjusting nuts with a slight preload, while turning the gear in one direction or the other, so that the bearing rollers take the correct position.
To measure the lateral clearance in the meshing of the main gears, we fix the indicator on the rear axle housing by bringing its probe to the top of the tooth on the outside of the driven gear.

The gap should be 0.15-0.20 mm.The measurements should be repeated on at least six teeth in opposite areas of the rim.

To reduce the gap, use a screwdriver or a thin steel rod to loosen the adjusting nut on the side opposite to the driven gear, and tighten the other nut.

Unscrew one nut and tighten the other at the same angle, focusing on the grooves of the adjusting nuts. In this case, each unscrewing of the adjusting nut must be completed by slightly tightening it. For example, to loosen the nut five slots, turn it back six, and then turn it one groove.

This will ensure that the outer ring of the bearing is in constant contact with the nut and will ensure that it is secured during operation.

To increase the gap, repeat the adjustment operations in reverse order.

After adjusting the lateral clearance in the engagement, we check the axial play in the differential bearings, for which:

... we fix the indicator on the tripod, resting its probe against the end of the driven gear. By swinging the gear in the axial direction, we measure the backlash in the differential bearings.

Using the adjusting nut located on the opposite side of the driven gear, we set the axial play of 0.035-0.055 mm.

Further, tightening the nut, we set the bearing preload: 0.1 mm - when the bearings run less than 10 thousand km; 0.05 mm - with a run of more than 10 thousand km. Turning the nut one groove corresponds to "compression" of the bearing by 0.03 mm. After adjusting, tighten the bearing cap bolts and install the locking plates (see "Disassembling the rear axle", p. 85) and check the side clearance again.
Before the final tightening of the cover bolts, turn out one by one

bolts and apply anaerobic sealant to their threaded part.
The correctness of the adjustment can be determined by the contact patch on the teeth of the driven gear (see figure).

In addition, focusing on the contact patch, you can adjust the engagement of the gears in the absence of an indicator.
We paint on the teeth of the driven gear, better bright.
We rotate the drive gear flange several times in both directions, at the same time slowing down the driven gear until the paint abrades at the contact points of the teeth.

We examine the contact spots on the teeth of the driven gear from the convex and concave sides (see figure).

If the contact patch is located at the top of the tooth, it is necessary to increase the thickness of the adjusting ring at the pinion gear, and if at the base, decrease it.

If the contact patch is displaced to the center of the gear, it is necessary to increase the gap between the driven and driving gears, and if outward, to decrease (see above).

After adjustment, we install the gearbox in the rear axle, while applying a thin layer of oil-resistant sealant to the mounting bolts and flange.

Having assembled the rear axle and filled it with oil (see "Changing the oil in the gearbox", p. 82), we carry out a test
gearbox on the go. To do this, we make a trip at a speed of 60-70 km / h for 20-30 minutes. Heating of the crankcase throat should not exceed 95 ° (water droplets should not boil).

Otherwise, it is necessary to reduce the preload of the pinion bearings.

Image - DIY repair of the rear axle sable

Variants of the location of the contact patch on the teeth of the driven gear of the main drive: A - forward sides; B - reverse sides; 1 - the correct location of the contact patch; 2 - the contact patch is located at the top of the tooth - to correct it, it is necessary to move the drive gear to the driven one; 3 - the contact patch is located at the base of the tooth - to correct it, it is necessary to move the drive gear away from the driven one; 4 - the contact patch is located at the narrow end of the tooth - to correct it, it is necessary to move the driven gear away from the driving gear; 5 - the contact patch is located at the wide end of the tooth - to correct it, it is necessary to move the driven gear to the driving gear.

A time comes when there are extraneous noises, howling, rustling, grinding in the main gear of a Gazelle car, the gearbox heats up.This is a reason for an urgent inspection of the liner for backlash and oil, for the presence of metal shavings, metal debris in it. Perhaps repairs and adjustments are needed, because the first signs of breakdown are obvious.

  1. Advice. Before getting started, weigh your knowledge and capabilities. Maybe it's better to contact a car service! If you are confident in yourself, start.
  2. For convenience and safety, install the gearbox on a stand, or clamp it firmly in a vice. Believe me, the repair of such a unit requires a rigid attachment and nothing will work on the table or floor.
  3. The work begins with the installation of marks on the bearing caps and the crankcase. They are needed so that during assembly the parts fit strictly into place.
  1. Unscrew the bolts with a 12 key and remove the yoke stopper. Using the "17" head, unscrew the four bolts of the bearing caps. They come off easily if you lightly tap them with a hammer.
  2. With a special key - it can be made from a steel strip and a piece of round timber - or with a large screwdriver, unscrew and remove the yoke. The differential is free, remove it.
  1. Now you need to remove the driven gear. To do this, unscrew 10 bolts with a "17" head, knock it down with a soft metal hammer or through a drift.
  2. Before disassembling the differential box, put marks on both cups and unscrew 8 bolts with the head "13" separate them.
  3. Remove the first half-axle gear.
  4. Carefully knock out the crosspiece with a hammer and disassemble it, removing washers and satellites from their axles.
  5. Remove the second gear.
  6. To make it convenient to remove the flange, lock it, unscrew the nut and unscrew it with the "24." The flange can now be easily removed.
  7. Pull the drive gear out of the crankcase and remove the spacer sleeve, the adjusting ring, and using the puller the inner and support bearings, the adjusting washer, and knock out the old oil seal from the body and remove the outer bearing.
  8. Using a drift, remove the bearing races.

Wash all parts with kerosene, carefully inspect and reject. If necessary, replace them with new or used ones, but suitable for service. Remember that in a gear pair - the main gear - the gears do not change one by one. That's why they are a couple.

Assembling the gearbox is a complex and responsible process due to the presence of the necessary adjustments, for which special devices are needed. There is no point in describing them, since they are intended only for gearbox adjustments.

The time of using the assembled gearbox, which means its performance, depends on the quality of these works and the correctness.

The design of the rear axle of VAZ, Gazelle, Sable and the like cars implies the presence of a gearbox in it. This unit carries out the transmission of torque, changes its direction. All this is entrusted to numerous gears, bearings, differentials.

Like any other complex part in a car, the rear axle gearbox needs periodic maintenance, as well as the repair of worn parts.
Image - DIY repair of the rear axle sable

A sign of a gearbox malfunction may be:
  1. increased noise from the rear axle. May be caused by beam deformation, wear of axle shafts and gears, oil leakage. If the noise appears immediately after the repair of the rear axle gearbox has been carried out, the fault is incorrect adjustment;
  2. noise during acceleration of the car can serve as a signal of wear of the differential bearings, damage to the bearings of the axle shafts, a low level of lubrication in the gearbox;
  3. noise during acceleration and braking by the engine. The bearings of the drive gear are destroyed or badly worn out, incorrect clearances between the teeth of the gears of the main drive;
  4. cornering noise indicates wear on the semi-axle bearings, scuffing on the surface of the satellites axis, as well as their tight rotation;
  5. knock at the moment of the start of movement. The clearance in the spline joint of the drive gear shaft and the flange is increased, the clearance of the main gears is increased, the hole for the pinion axle in the differential is broken.

To detect a malfunction of the rear axle gearbox at an early stage, it is recommended to periodically inspect it. for oil leakage, external damage and deformation, listen to extraneous knocks and noises.
Image - DIY repair of the rear axle sable

Determining a gearbox malfunction at an early stage will save a very substantial amount. In the event of failure of one unit, it will necessarily lead to breakdown of other parts. So the oil leaked from the bridge due to a leak in the stuffing box will entail the replacement of the main pair.

Due to bearing wear, play appears in the rear axle gearbox, which will adversely affect the differentials. It is necessary to sort out the bridge after 100-150 thousand mileage, to identify and replace worn gears, broken bearings.

The repair and adjustment of the gearbox should be carried out by competent people who understand how it works and works. After all, if you incorrectly adjust the gearbox after repair, then after a very short time, you may again need to replace certain parts.

Nevertheless, let's briefly consider the procedure for disassembling the rear axle gearbox, using the example of a Gazelle car.

On the gearbox clamped in a yew, the bolts are unscrewed, which fasten the locking plates, after which the plates are removed. It is best to mark the bearing caps before removal in order to avoid confusion during assembly, the same is done with the outer bearing races. We inspect the bearings themselves for their suitability for further use.
Image - DIY repair of the rear axle sable

The backlash of the semi-axle gears should not exceed 0.5 mm, if it is greater, then, most likely, it will be necessary to replace the differential box. Then you need to unscrew the planetary gear, knock out and pull out the axis of the satellites.

We remove the drive shaft from the housing and knock out the inner rings of the roller bearing through a drift or soft metal lining. After a thorough examination of all parts, we reject chips and cracks.

In the event that all parts of the gearbox remain the same, then you can limit yourself to replacing the oil seal and spacer sleeve. If any elements of the main pair have been replaced, then a new spacer is required. The inner bearing race is pressed onto the shaft, and after installing a new spacer sleeve, it is installed in the gearbox housing. Having installed a new oil seal and putting on a flange, we tighten it all with a new nut. We install the differential in place, tighten the bearing caps.

The answer to the question of how to adjust the rear axle gearbox is not very simple, and requires certain skills. Incorrect adjustment after assembly will negate all your efforts after repair. Therefore, if you are not completely confident in your abilities, we recommend that you contact a specialized service, where specialists will make the adjustment using special equipment.

We will not describe the entire adjustment process in this article; the most complete and visual guide is contained in the video.

Image - DIY repair of the rear axle sable

There were strange sounds in the axle shaft, which means the repair of the rear axle gearbox on the Gazelle on the nose. The topic becomes immediately clear to drivers of cars of class "C" and higher, since the concept of a differential is much closer to them. It all starts with an insignificant hum, and if you do not intervene promptly, then it will become stronger and stronger, eventually leading to the complete failure of the semi-axle or the bridge as a whole.

Due to the fact that few people know where which mechanisms are located, not everyone undertakes to repair the car on their own, although it's a trifling matter... Everything about everything will take an hour or an hour and a half, no special experience is required if you strictly follow our practical recommendations.

The repair of the rear axle gearbox on the Gazelle must be started only after you are 100% sure that the reason is in it, otherwise you will screw it up.

  • cut the bearings out of the gearbox
  • wash the car
  • insert external bearing races
  • install the bearing caps in place
  • then check if there are any gaps: they should not be and the volume should sit very tightly