DIY Samsung charging repair

In detail: do-it-yourself Samsung charging repair from a real master for the site

On our website information will be collected on the solution of seemingly hopeless situations that arise for you, or may arise, in your everyday life at home.
All information consists of practical advice and examples on possible solutions to a particular issue at home with your own hands.
We will develop gradually, so new sections or headings will appear as materials are written.
Good luck!

Home radio - dedicated to amateur radio. The most interesting and practical circuits of devices for the home will be collected here. A series of articles on the basics of electronics for beginner radio amateurs is planned.

Electrician - given detailed installation and schematic diagrams concerning electrical engineering. You will understand that there are times when it is not necessary to call an electrician. You can solve most of the questions yourself.

Radio and Electrics for beginners - all information in the section will be completely devoted to novice electricians and radio amateurs.

Satellite - describes the principle of operation and configuration of satellite television and the Internet

Computer - You will learn that it is not such a terrible beast, and that you can always cope with it.

We repair ourselves - illustrative examples are given for the repair of household items: remote control, mouse, iron, chair, etc.

Homemade recipes - this is a "tasty" section, and it is completely devoted to culinary.

miscellanea - a large section covering a wide range of topics. These are hobbies, hobbies, useful advice, etc.

Useful little things - in this section you will find useful tips that can help you in solving everyday problems.

Video (click to play).

For home gamer - the section is entirely devoted to computer games and everything connected with them.

Works of readers - the section will publish articles, works, recipes, games, advice from readers related to the topic of home life.

Dear visitors!
My first book on electrical capacitors, dedicated to novice radio amateurs.

By purchasing this book, you will answer almost all questions related to capacitors that arise at the first stage of radio amateurism.

Dear visitors!
The site contains my second book on magnetic starters.

By purchasing this book, you no longer have to look for information about magnetic starters. Everything that is required for their maintenance and operation, you will find in this book.

Dear visitors!
The third video for the article How to solve Sudoku has been released. The video shows how to solve a difficult Sudoku.

Dear visitors!
A video was released for the article Device, circuit and connection of an intermediate relay. The video supplements both parts of the article.