DIY dental bridge repair

In detail: do-it-yourself dental bridge repair from a real master for the site

What to do if an acrylic, clasp or nylon denture breaks down? Contact the nearest dental clinic! Most dentists are equipped with dental laboratories and carry out urgent repairs of minor breakdowns in just 1-2 hours.

In addition, the staff of a large medical institution always has an orthopedic specialist who will determine the cause of the breakdown, give recommendations to dental technicians and relocate the structure after it has been repaired.

The service life of a conventional plastic (acrylic) prosthesis is 3-5 years, clasp structures made of thermoplastics and metal - about 8, and flexible nylon prostheses - 5-7 years.

The most common breakdowns:

  1. Fracture or the appearance of a crack in the base of the structure.
  2. Breakage of the clasp (hook lock).
  3. Spalling of an artificial tooth.
  4. Impaired fixation of the prosthesis.
  5. Removal of the abutment tooth, for which the structure was attached, and the need to replace it with an artificial one.

Why did your prosthesis break? There may be several answers, but together they lead to an incorrect distribution of the load on the jaw, as a result of which the structure does not withstand and breaks.

The fault can lie with the manufacturer (as most patients often assume) and with the owner. Let's list the main violations:

Most often, domestic acrylic devices fall into repairs - even falling from an insignificant height or biting through very solid food can lead to their breakdown.

The more expensive Akri-Free nylon, clasp structures and dentures are no exception. The reasons for their malfunction may be:

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  • incorrect determination of the ratio of the dentition (occlusion);
  • an error in taking casts and making a structure;
  • lack of proper home care;
  • untimely relocation;
  • low indicators of strength and flexibility of materials from which the denture is made;
  • aging of plastics.

Only a qualified orthopedic surgeon can determine the true cause of failure and the possibility of repairing a removable device.

The timing of the repair of a denture depends on the type of malfunction:

  • a small crack or chip in the base of the structure will be eliminated in 1-2 hours;
  • repair of metal arcs or clasps can take 1-2 days;
  • making a new denture - about a week.

Before contacting a dental laboratory, you must visit the office of an orthopedic dentist. Repair of a denture without a doctor's recommendation and the lack of professional correction after it will lead to another breakdown or complete damage to the structure.

  1. Acrylic apparatuses are glued with self-hardening resins, dichloroethane glue or connected with a fresh layer of polymerized plastic.
  2. The missing artificial tooth is augmented (plastic) or implanted (ceramics) under the influence of high temperatures.
  3. When repairing clasp structures with metal components, artificial gums and teeth are removed from the arch. Then the clasps or base are soldered with a laser.
  4. The damaged parts of the nylon prosthesis are connected using special bonding fluids.

Many clinics offer free polishing and resurfacing of acrylic dentures after refurbishment as a bonus. Nylon machines are cleaned in ultrasonic baths, dipped in a disinfectant solution and polished from scratches inside and out.

  • gluing the crack in the baseline will cost about 800 rubles;
  • repair of a denture fracture - up to RUB 1,500;
  • soldering one artificial tooth will cost 300-400 rubles;
  • ultrasonic cleaning - 500 rubles.

Breakage of a denture causes a lot of inconvenience to its owner - from the aesthetic component and articulation disorders to the inability to normally accept and chew food. Therefore, the first thing that comes to mind in such a situation is to try to glue the structure yourself.

Orthopedists advise against doing this, and here's why:

  • "Handy", industrial glue can cause poisoning or allergic reactions in the mouth;
  • The "lifespan" of such a design is no more than a week;
  • not properly sealed "seam" will become a place of accumulation of food debris and cariogenic bacteria;
  • after repairing a denture at home, restoring its integrity is often impossible.

So that your denture does not remind of itself as long as possible, dentists recommend that you undergo timely correction (1 time in 6 months) and polish even expensive, modern structures made of thermoplastic materials and nylon (1 time in 8 months) from scratches.

If a breakdown does occur, entrust the repair of the structure to the dental technicians of the dental clinic. Such a decision will prolong the "life" of your prosthesis and will avoid unplanned expenses for the purchase of a new one.

Dentures are quite durable structures, but sooner or later, daily chewing loads or lack of proper care lead to darkening, cracking, chipping or relining of dentures with the formation of gaps between the teeth or gums. What to do in such cases? Where and to whom should I go to troubleshoot such problems? And is it worth repairing the prosthesis with your own hands? You will find answers to all these questions in our article.

Denture repair is a technical procedure to restore the appearance, integrity and functionality of dentures, which is carried out in dental clinics or dental laboratories. Even the highest quality and most expensive products can fail for a number of reasons. Of course, in such cases, they need to be repaired as quickly as possible, since not all patients keep a spare prosthesis in case of a breakdown of the main one. Fortunately, many clinics today provide emergency denture repair services.

An interesting fact!
According to statistics, modern prostheses break in 10% of cases in the first year of use. Meanwhile, in the world, every second person over 35 wears dentures, since in the period from 35 to 45 years, 68% of people lose at least one tooth.

Dentures often break suddenly. There can be many reasons for a breakdown, here is a list of the most common ones.

  • Presence of an initial defect in construction made during manufacture.
  • Violations of the prosthesis installation technology.
  • Poor denture care.
  • Excessive chewing load on the prosthesis.
  • Patient trauma.
  • Denture falling onto a hard surface.
  • Poor quality material from which the prosthesis is made.
  • Structural changes in the abutment teeth (loosening, destruction).

The most frequent requests for urgent repair of a prosthesis are associated with cracks in the structure. Therefore, it makes sense to immediately consult a doctor in order to avoid the worst-case scenario of further developments, when the product splits into several parts. This often happens, for example, with removable plastic dentures.

Patients with chips on artificial crowns often turn to dentistry for the repair of a prosthesis. And this is absolutely correct! The sharp edges of broken crowns can injure the oral cavity, so a damaged prosthesis definitely needs urgent repair. You should also contact the clinic if a fragment of the outer layer breaks off from the metal-ceramic crown. Such repairs will not take long, and the doctor will most likely restore the damaged crown using composite materials.However, in some cases, an artificial crown may completely fall out of the base.

Attachments of various types of prostheses are also susceptible to breakage: clasps, locks or telescopic fixation elements.

Relocation of the prosthesis is carried out in cases when small gaps or gaps form between the base of the prosthesis and the gums or teeth of the patient, which prevent a snug fit. This problem can cause changes in diction, malocclusion and soft tissue injury, therefore, the repair of a denture in dentistry should be carried out as early as possible.

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Urgent repair of removable dentures sometimes does not require serious interventions and is carried out directly in the presence of the patient. This usually concerns the repair of acrylic dentures or Acri Free products, which are the easiest to restore. If the structure has metal elements, then the procedure will take much longer. For example, it can take more than a day to repair metal-ceramic dentures.

Traditionally, dentistry, dental laboratories and denture repair workshops provide the following range of services aimed at eliminating the breakage of orthopedic structures.

Important! For a high-quality repair and accuracy of restoration of the prosthesis, before repair, you must definitely visit an orthopedic dentist.

Removable dentures consist of a base made of silicone, nylon, or acrylic plastic, and directly artificial crowns (plastic, metal-ceramic or ceramic). Thus, a feature of the repair of removable dentures is that their base is a monolithic structure and it is rather difficult to repair it. As for the artificial crowns themselves, they are attached by soldering and therefore they can be replaced quite easily and quickly. When artificial enamel is peeled off or chipped, as a rule, it is restored with composite materials.

The most difficult among removable structures is considered to be the repair of clasp dentures, since there are a lot of cast metal elements in them. For example, if the cast shoulder of the clasp breaks off, then it will have to be replaced with a similar bent element. However, it is important to note that in the event of a fracture of the arch of the structure, the repair of the clasp prosthesis is impossible.

Fixed prostheses include the following orthopedic structures:

  • veneers, inlays, crowns;
  • bridges;
  • adhesive bridges;
  • fixed prostheses on implants.

For crowns, inlays and veneers, damage is typical only in the form of cracks, chips, which are eliminated by layer-by-layer application of a composite material. Changes in shade are also possible, corrected by professional cleaning in the laboratory.

For bridges, problems are added that are typical for removable products: loss of one crown in a row, damage to fasteners, destruction of abutment teeth. Cracked, deformed bases of cobalt-chromium bridges are welded with special equipment. While urgent repair of removable dentures can take 1 - 2 hours, in the case of fixed devices, due to their technical complexity, it is often delayed for 1 - 2 days.

Many patients believe that it is possible to repair dentures with their own hands, since, at first glance, there is nothing complicated about it. However, in fact, by eliminating the breakage of the prosthesis yourself with the help of improvised means, you risk your health. Why?

  • Firstly, clinics, workshops and laboratories use hypoallergenic substances, resins and glue for the repair of dentures. They are specially formulated to be used safely in the mouth and are non-irritating to tissues. But the vast majority of household adhesives are toxic.
  • Secondly, unprofessional intervention can lead to a change in the shape of the design of the prosthesis, after which it will be uncomfortable to wear. Moreover, even repairing a crack in a denture at home can lead to problems with bite, diction, rubbing of the gums or loosening of abutment teeth.
  • Thirdly, a number of repairs can only be carried out by a qualified dental technician. If a crown breaks off from the orthopedic structure or a part of it breaks off, then it is very difficult to accurately restore its position in the prosthesis structure independently and securely fix it. The same applies to broken fasteners - clasps and clasps.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that it is impractical and even dangerous to repair dentures at home! If the denture breaks, seek help only from dentistry. Denture repairs at home can be expensive.

However, there are times when you still cannot do without repairing removable dentures with your own hands, and some breakdowns can still be fixed at home. However, such a repair should be of an exclusively temporary nature. For example, a crown broke off at a time when there is no way to urgently visit a dentist. Then in the pharmacy you can buy denture repair glue and repair the crown at home. It is much less durable than professional dental formulations, but it is quite suitable for a temporary solution to the problem. Remember that for high-quality and long-lasting restoration of prostheses, a regular pharmacy fixing cream for repairing a prosthesis will not work. For these purposes, plastic denture repair glue is usually used.

Instructions for repairing dentures at home:

  • Remove old cement or glue from the dropped crown, rinse and dry.
  • Apply a small amount of adhesive to the contact portion of the crown.
  • Try to position the crown as precisely as possible in its place.
  • Press it firmly to the base of the denture and hold it for 1 - 2 minutes.
  • After 45 - 60 minutes, check that the fixation is secure.

In Moscow dentistry, dental laboratories and workshops engaged in the manufacture and repair of dentures, the prices for the repair of dentures are varied. The cost of repairing cracks is 1,900 - 2,200 rubles. Welding of a dropped out and preserved crown - 2,000 - 2,400 rubles. If the crown is lost, then the cost will depend on its material. The most expensive are ceramic and zirconium. Restoration of the first will cost about 5,000 - 6,000 rubles. The cost of repairing a removable acrylic denture (fracture, soldering of 1 - 2 teeth) is 2,800 - 3,500 rubles. Relocation of an acrylic product costs an average of 3,500 - 3,700 rubles. Additionally, for 1,000 rubles, you will be offered dental calculus cleaning and polishing.

Image - DIY dental bridge repair

The solution to the problem of missing teeth and their restoration is prosthetics. This branch of dentistry is very flexible and offers patients a wide range of possible solutions.

However, dentures, like other structures of a similar type, can break. This happens for very different reasons.

Then the question arises - is it possible to repair such a structure, how much does it cost where to find such a service. We will try to answer all these questions.

The content of the article:

It should be remembered that there are a lot of prosthetics options. Therefore, specific types of breakdowns, as well as their repair, should be considered in relation to one of the types of prostheses.

Image - DIY dental bridge repair

Despite the strength and properties of the materials from which dentures are made, there comes a time when cracks, breakages, chips and many other types of damage can appear.

There are many reasons for this. Moreover, not all of them depend on how the structure is operated. All these reasons can be divided into several groups.The name of the group determines the main factor that led to the breakdown.

This is the first group of reasons, which is quite common.

  • It does not have sufficient flexibility, strength and elasticity, therefore, it may not withstand too heavy loads arising from chewing or impact.
  • The end of the optimal service life, after which the material no longer possesses most of the useful properties.
  • Too much water loss occurs during the formation of the prosthesis - polycondensation.
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Image - DIY dental bridge repair

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When creating an orthopedic structure, it is possible that there are some shortcomings or serious errors in the work of the specialist himself.

  • Saliva remains in the impression that was removed from the jaw, which makes it difficult to make a perfectly fitting model.
  • Clay cast components are incompletely formed.
  • Fitting procedure not perfect.
  • Incorrect fixation of the usual occlusion.
  • Incomplete coincidence of the base (basis) of the structure with the gum tissue, which causes the appearance of an incorrect load.

Image - DIY dental bridge repair

In addition to the errors of the prosthetist, inaccuracies can also be made in the manufacturing process of the structure, which takes place in a special dental laboratory.
  • Inaccurate bonding of a correctly taken impression.
  • Clasps (fixing devices) undergo multiple bends during the fitting process.
  • Incomplete (or simply inaccurate) processing and grinding of the finished product.
  • The design is too thin.
  • Violation of normal conditions during the polymerization process.
  • Incompletely removed wax from some areas of the structure before installing artificial crowns.
  • The presence of various impurities in the starting material (liquid plastic).
  • Sloppy molding step.

In many cases, it is the lack of proper care and neglect of the structure that causes damage to the prosthesis.

  • Violation or complete non-observance of the rules and principles of hygiene while wearing a prosthesis.
  • Not going to the doctor after the end of the objective period of wearing the structure.
  • Inaccurate self-extraction and installation.
  • Strong shocks and possible mechanical impact on the prosthesis.

Image - DIY dental bridge repair

Initially, clasp prostheses are very strong, since a metal arc serves as the basis, however, careless operation and the lack of timely prevention can lead to some types of breakdowns.

    A significant (noticeable) discoloration that makes the prosthesis visible during communication... In this case, professional cleaning is required in a laboratory environment.

The cost of such a procedure is about 1,000 rubles. This procedure takes about an hour. However, if it is done simultaneously with the repair, then the price may be less - from 300 rubles.
Crack or even fracture... It is required to carefully glue the place of damage, after which the structure is given its original appearance and shape.

Depending on the complexity of the damage, the specialist will need about one and a half to two hours to carry out the repair. And its cost is about 2,200-2400 rubles.
Loss of artificial crowns possible... In this case, they can be put in place and secured, or new copies can be used for this. It will take about the same time as repairing a crack or fracture, that is, up to two hours.

But the cost varies depending on whether the dropped crown is preserved or not. In the first case, it will cost about 2,500, and in the second - up to 4 thousand rubles.

  • Saddle fracture can be glued with wax. This also happens pretty quickly. The repair price in this case is about two thousand.
  • Repair of fasteners is also possible... For example, replacement of special bushings in locks will cost from 600 rubles to several thousand.

    And welding a torn off clasp - from 500 to 6 thousand rubles.

    Here were the prices and terms that are relevant for urgent repairs. Usually, for patients who wear prostheses, it is very important to urgently carry out repair work, since being left without an orthopedic structure in the absence of a large number of teeth brings very great inconvenience.

    Image - DIY dental bridge repair

    With regard to breakages that can occur when using nylon removable dentures, it must be said that they are about the same as for other types. but it is nylon structures that are difficult to repair, this is due to the properties of the material itself.

    Accordingly, when carrying out any operations aimed at restoring their functionality, the cost will be much higher than that of similar, for example, acrylic structures. And in some cases, this is completely impossible.

    • Damage or loss of artificial teethwhich are placed on a nylon base. The cost of restoring one unit will cost the patient about 3000–5000 rubles.
    • It may also be necessary relocation of the structure... This procedure is rather complicated, therefore, even with urgent work, it can take more than a day. Accordingly, the cost of such a service is quite high - at least 4-6 thousand rubles and even more.
    • At damage to fasteners, with the help of which the prosthesis "holds" to the patient's healthy natural teeth, they are restored using special gels and adhesives. The price of such a repair can be from 2 to 3 thousand.
    • At breakdowns of structures that completely cover the entire jaw, the reinforcement procedure can be used - reinforcement with a thin metal mesh. The price may vary depending on the degree of damage - from 2.5 to 5 thousand.

    Image - DIY dental bridge repair

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    Image - DIY dental bridge repair

    Fixed orthopedic structures are of many types. Here we will touch on the most common - artificial crowns, as well as bridges.

    For this type of restoration of lost teeth, there are only two types of damage - the occurrence of cracks and chips, as well as a strong change in shade.

    Another option is complete loss of functionalityeg loss on drop. Then you need to put a new crown, and this is another operation - repeated prosthetics.

    In this case, one should also consider the material from which the crown was originally made. For example, zirconia products are unlikely to be repaired. The fact is that their service life is at least 10, or even 15 years.

    Plastic coating may break off from metal-plastic crowns... It can be restored quite easily and quickly. It will cost about 1.2–2.0 thousand rubles.

    Chips on metal-ceramic and all-ceramic crowns restored by gluing the desired ceramic part. The glue is very durable. After that, turning takes place.

    In most cases, small chips are repaired by layering a composite material similar in color and quality to the rest of the crown. The price of the procedure starts from 1,500 rubles.

    There are several common bridge failures. Methods similar to working with other types of prostheses are used to repair them.

      Chipping Image - DIY dental bridge repairparts of an artificial tooth or its loss... In case of chips, the repair is the same as for classic crowns - applying a composite and turning. The price is about the same - from one and a half thousand.

    But with the loss of an artificial tooth, the price increases greatly. It starts from three thousand and can cost even 5000-6000 rubles.

  • Color change removed by professional cleaning.It costs a little more than in the case of removable structures - up to 2 thousand.
  • At damage to fixing elements, most often they can be restored. It will cost at least 2300 rubles.
  • When there is problems with the abutment tooth repairs are almost never done, since the shape and configuration of the prosthesis changes completely. In this case, impressions are taken again and a new structure is made.
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    In the next video, we will be shown how the cobalt-chromium bridge structure is welded: