Renault Kangoo DIY suspension repair

Details: Renault Kangu do-it-yourself suspension repair from a real master for the site

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Replacing silent blocks in a four-torsion beam is a rather entertaining procedure and requires a little patience and perseverance. In our case, the silent blocks were changed on a Renault kangoo D55 typewriter with an F8Q engine, but the replacement principle is the same for all cars with a rear suspension of this type.

1. Raise the back of the car. We remove the rear wheels, clean the wheel arches from manure and dirt.
2. Disconnect the parking brake cables and take them out of the beam.
3. & nbspDisconnect the brake pipes and turn off the brake force regulator. We muffle the brake line both on the beam and on the machine by plugging the brake pipes.

4. Remove the shock absorbers
5. Remove the beam. We unscrew two nuts on the brackets with which the beam is attached to the body. We observe safety precautions - the beam is heavy. If you have a kangoo truck converted into a passenger, make sure that there is free access to the beam mounting bolts from the passenger compartment. After rework, the bolts can be hidden under the skin.

Video (click to play).

We will not remove the stabilizing torsion bars from the beam during the repair, all further operations with the torsion bars will be performed only with the working torsion bars.

6. Pulling the beam out from under the car, mark the left and right torsion bar so as not to confuse

7. We make notches on the torsion bar, marking its position relative to the coupling and relative to the bracket. These tags will help you install new silencers.

8. Get rid of old silent blocks. With a heavy sledgehammer (3 kg.), Through a bronze or iron spacer (we used a piece of pipe with a diameter of 60 mm.) We knock down the bracket. The rubber of the silent block will absorb and cushion shocks, so it is advisable to either drill or burn it out.

After the rubber is burned out, the bracket gets off more easily, usually it flies out together with the torsion bar rotted to it.

9.Using a pipe nozzle and a sledgehammer, knock the bracket off the torsion bar. It is believed that you can separate the torsion bar and the bracket with a puller. In theory - yes, in practice, if the last time the torsion bar was removed more than a year ago - using the puller will be ineffective.

10. We pick out the remnants of the silent blocks. We knocked out the clip of the silent block from the bracket with a chisel, but you can try to drill it. The second clip, from the beam, is knocked out of the pipe of the corresponding diameter by a spacer.

There is a slightly different way to dismantle old silent blocks. Having removed the beam, carefully cut the silent block approximately in the middle - between the bracket and the beam, and only then we perform all the above actions aimed at removing the silent block. It's a little easier that way.

11. We clean the splines on the torsion bars, in the coupling and in the brackets.

We install new silent blocks. There are two ways to install. The first - the beam bracket, relative to the torsion bar, is installed according to the marks made earlier. The second way - we set the position of the bracket according to the instructions for the car.

12. We hammer in the new silent blocks using an iron spacer in the beam.

13. According to the marks made earlier, we put the torsion bar into the beam. Using the marks, up to the slot, we find the position in which the bracket should be located. We take out the torsion bar.We hammer the bracket onto the silent block - so that the silent block does not go into the beam and does not spring on the rubber, we push a horseshoe-shaped piece of reinforcement of the required diameter into the gap between the silent block and the beam.

When installing silent blocks, we observe the distance between the centers of the fastening holes of the beam closest to the silent block. For Renault kangoo with four torsion beam Y = 1164 mm.

If we put silent blocks according to the instructions, then we are guided not by marks, but set the distance X, which for the Renault kangoo car with a four-torsion beam is 156 mm.

When installing torsion bars, a wooden blade must be hammered under the coupling (Width - 50 mm, length - 103.5 mm, height - 23 mm, the angle between the edges of the wedge is 13 o). But as practice has shown, when replacing only two working torsions, you can do without a wedge. It is in demand when installing all four torsion bars at the same time.

14. We drag the assembled beam under the car and attach it to the body.
15. From a threaded rod with a diameter of 12 mm and a length of half a meter, we make a device for the correct installation of torsion bars.

16. Set the distance of 402 mm on the device, install it instead of the shock absorber and drive the torsion bar into the beam. If the silent blocks were installed according to the marks, then the device may not be needed. The distance between the mounting holes of the shock absorbers, with a small error, will correspond to 402 mm.
17. Connect the brake pipes. We connect the brake force regulator.
18. Connect the parking brake cable.
19. Install shock absorbers (clamp when the car is on wheels).
20. We pump over the rear brakes.

Today you will see how the front shock absorbers and springs are replaced in Renault Kangoo 2 and MERCEDES Citan cars. All work is carried out in a specialized car service, by a professional auto mechanic with the necessary certificates. The video was filmed by order of the KYB company, it is their shock absorbers that are installed on these cars (you can choose any others). Show work from start to finish, from all sides. Used tools, heads, etc. signed. You just have to carefully look through this manual and repeat the same on your car.

Video replacement of front shock absorbers and springs in Renault Kangoo 2, MERCEDES Citan:

Backup video of replacing front shock absorbers and springs in Renault Kangoo 2, MERCEDES Citan:

By doing this work with your own hands, you save money and a large amount of time that you could leave in auto services.

Video Front suspension repair. 1 series. Renault Kengo. Renault Kangoo of LamontyTV channel

AntonM »31 Jan 2012, 01:03

vlad3947 "31 Jan 2012, 17:32

AntonM »01 Feb 2012, 00:42

vlad3947 »01 Feb 2012, 01:31

pavel the magician »01 Feb 2012, 11:19

gusevart »13 Feb 2012, 20:25

BerlingoShAM »13 Mar 2012, 22:46

DAN »14 Mar 2012, 10:24

8000 km., So she went to the TO to OD without reaching 15000 km before the revenge. Result: we are waiting for the front support bearing to arrive, the master indicated the need to replace it. I do not know the details, since I myself was not personally present at the TO.

Sunsetpeople »14 Mar 2012, 18:27

Image - Renault Kangoo DIY suspension repair

svpam 04 Apr 2012, 20:44

softline3 04 Apr 2012, 21:12

vlad_kyiv »Apr 14, 2012 11:42 am

Kango II 14 Apr 2012, 13:56

vlad3947 Apr 14, 2012 9:34 pm

vlad_kyiv Apr 15, 2012 10:09 am

She was not asking exactly about the shock absorbers.

Shl. Found several numbers:

Left and right are the same. Price tag around 110 $

On the stand itself there is a nut that can be unscrewed. I suggested that you can get by with the purchase of a "patron". And figs there. Although it can be repaired. If absolutely for the poor - you can change some glands, seals, etc.

reaktiv »03 May 2012, 10:51

alxzver »03 May 2012, 22:12

CTPEJIOK29 »03 May 2012, 23:36

Yes Yes. A spar on Sobol burst on this road. The mileage itself is still small - 1200 km. May 13 will be a month in operation. Until the silence!

reaktiv »04 May 2012, 12:33

Yes Yes. A spar on Sobol burst on this road. The mileage itself is still small - 1200 km. May 13 will be a month in operation. Until the silence!

Pasha »04 May 2012, 18:19

pavel the magician »30 June 2012, 19:05

Pasha »30 June 2012, 19:53

pavel the magician »01 Jul 2012, 16:16

Pasha »01 Jul 2012, 17:07

svpam »04 Jul 2012, 17:47

AntonM »08 Oct 2012, 21:57

vlad3947 »08 Oct 2012, 23:23

Orehovo-zuevo "08 Jan 2014, 14:48

oboldui »08 Jan 2014, 15:55

Orehovo-zuevo »08 Jan 2014, 17:09

gusevart »08 Jan 2014, 23:18

mityaby "10 Jan 2014, 16:13

alxzver »10 Jan 2014, 17:23

How much more ?! Not a jeep! In winter, all these sedans and hatchbacks are clearing the way for us, kangovodam, with their belly!

Aquarius »10 Jan 2014, 21:42

mityaby »11 Jan 2014, 10:23

dixi`s »11 Jan 2014, 13:56

Do not confuse clearance min. distance from the ground to the lowest point (usually measured in the center of the car from the front when viewed)
and clearance from the body to the ground along the thresholds

so, due to tire deformation and sagging on the springs, yes, it will decrease

but it is treated either with spacers a la Danzhel on the Peugeot-Citroen (which is not good, in fact a body lift) or by pushing rubber 205 / 70-15 (From ShNiva, Suzuki Jimny, etc. - there are such sizes)

But the meaning? I somehow caught fire here (I could take a new rubber of this size for 1 tr.) - but cooled down. Anyway, this is not a full-fledged 4x4 will be released. And without all-wheel drive but with high ground clearance, this is pornography: Any deviation (sideways, uphill) and after a rain, that's all. Yes, and uphill, without rain - traction is catastrophically lacking (barely overcame my favorite climb on Utrish). Do not leave the track, etc. etc.

Bottom line: If you don't want to wed ... don't torment the priest It's easier to buy a full-fledged 4x4, if there is a need.

gusevart »11 Jan 2014, 18:10

mityaby »12 Jan 2014, 00:04

dixi`s »12 Jan 2014, 00:28

That's right We need to correlate Wishlist-possibilities
And all "improvements" are a waste of money, as a rule. Although I used to be very good. I did a lot with the car myself - I ordered parts from factories, designed, rummaged looking for information, etc. etc. But now I think differently. The investment of time, effort, money will never pay off. And in the end you get what you can buy anyway.
The exception is sports.

megapiksel »24 Sep 2014, 17:36

Andrey1 »24 Sep 2014, 20:29

megapiksel »25 Sep 2014, 12:58

Serj 44 »25 Sep 2014, 15:53

megapiksel »29 Sep 2014, 14:24

current, past and future

Message hsg »07 Apr 2016, 13:29

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I did not understand your question, but I will answer you.

Message hsg »20 Mar 2018, 22:28

Renault Kangoo 2004 car repair, reverse gear shift cable