Do-it-yourself inexpensive repairs in the kitchen

In detail: do-it-yourself inexpensive repairs in the kitchen from a real master for the site

The kitchen is the place where people spend a lot of time. Here they not only cook and eat food, they talk here, solve family issues and just live with a cup of tea. That is why this room should always be clean, comfortable and functional. However, not everyone can afford expensive repairs by a famous designer. In the case of a limited budget, there is a way out - to do a redecorating of the kitchen with your own hands, from start to finish.

There are a number of building materials that will be acceptable in the kitchen interior as good in terms of price-quality ratio. And it does not hit the budget, and will not become unusable in a couple of months.

  • plastic panels,
  • plasterboard in one tier,
  • paint,
  • wallpaper,
  • putty.

The walls will have to be delimited by zones. The work surface will be lined with ceramic tiles (the most inexpensive of the easily washable and not afraid of high temperatures), and everything else will be finished with washable wallpaper, putty or paint.

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Image - Make repairs in the kitchen inexpensively with your own hands

Image - Make repairs in the kitchen inexpensively with your own hands Image - Make repairs in the kitchen inexpensively with your own handsImage - Make repairs in the kitchen inexpensively with your own hands

Do-it-yourself economical kitchen repairs should be planned in advance and fully calculated: from the style in which the interior changes will be made to the timing of all the work.

To date, do-it-yourself budget redecoration of the kitchen will cost you an average of 26,000 rubles. (based on the area of ​​the room - 9 sq. m.), where 5000 rubles will be spent on the floor. (if the main coating does not cost more than 400 rubles per 1 sq.m.), on the walls - 17,000 rubles, on the ceiling - 4000 rubles.

We buy all the building materials and tools necessary for work. The latter, in order to save money, we try to borrow from friends and relatives, in extreme cases we turn to rent an instrument.

Video (click to play).

We carry out do-it-yourself kitchen repairs only after freeing up space for work.

Directly the repair itself, in which

  • remove all old wall coverings (paint, wallpaper, etc.);
  • we prime the walls and level them with putty;
  • we carry out all conceived painting works;
  • we lay the kitchen apron, having previously drawn its contours directly on the wall;
  • we carry out the ceiling decoration;
  • gluing wallpaper in the rest of the kitchen;
  • we put new linoleum or laminate on the floor.

We carry out a final general cleaning, placing all pieces of furniture and equipment in their places. We add small touches to maintain style and comfort in the room (photographs, paintings, accessories, etc.).

What is not worth saving on?

When repairing a kitchen inexpensively with your own hands, it is important to remember that this room is still a high-load area - and therefore there are materials that cannot be saved on:

  • on ceramic tiles in the area of ​​the working apron (cheap wallpaper or paint simply will not withstand temperatures, and in what cleanliness condition they will be literally a week after the kitchen is used - and needless to say);
  • on a primer and putty (applying a new finishing material to uneven walls or an old coating not only leads to the fact that new materials look disgusting, and do not last long, and are used below their usual period, but also increases the consumption of paint on the surface);
  • on washable wallpaper (when buying ordinary paper walls, they will quickly become unusable, since it will be very problematic to wash them).

How can you save money in kitchen renovation?

  • On finishing materials, choosing monochromatic options.

If there is no pattern on wallpaper and ceramic tiles, you will need less of them.

  • At the manufacturers of building materials.

Do-it-yourself kitchen renovation will be cheap if you buy a number of goods from not well-known foreign brands, but from domestic manufacturers: they often do not differ too much in quality, but are much more affordable in price.

Many works can be done independently, armed with the necessary tools.

Image - Make repairs in the kitchen inexpensively with your own hands

Image - Make repairs in the kitchen inexpensively with your own hands Image - Make repairs in the kitchen inexpensively with your own hands Image - Make repairs in the kitchen inexpensively with your own hands

The choice of interior style for the future kitchen will largely affect how much money will be spent on the design of such a room. Cheap renovation with your own kitchen is simply impossible for baroque, avant-garde or expressionism.

But it is perfect for

  1. simple Minimalism with its minimum of functional and unusual items, light shades and a lot of free space;
  2. delicate Provence with small patterns and wood with an abundance of decorative elements;
  3. strict Country with a predominance of wood and a minimum of frills;
  4. an unconventional Loft with its brickwork and elements of ease and independence.

But the final choice is yours!

Image - Make repairs in the kitchen inexpensively with your own hands

Image - Make repairs in the kitchen inexpensively with your own hands Image - Make repairs in the kitchen inexpensively with your own hands Image - Make repairs in the kitchen inexpensively with your own hands

We advise you to watch an interesting video on how to repair a small kitchen yourself!

Your repost will change the internet 🙂

It was possible to start repairs, sending the whole family to their historical homeland. In order not to be so boring to be engaged in repairs, I decided to take pictures along the way. What if my experience is useful?

So, it WAS: an ordinary smoky gray room with an area of ​​6.5 sq. m (I forgot to take a picture, excuse me).

I wanted something cool and loft, but money was running out.

The first two days I studied the assortment of Ikea, Leroyamarlene and Obi and tried to compare my desires and possibilities. The results were not very encouraging, so first I decided to dismantle everything old.

To start repairs, you need to disassemble everything old, unscrew and drag the necessary one into the next room.

I took out 5 heavy bags of tiles from the walls to the trash heap. As luck would have it, the elevator was not working.

Tried to get close to the wiring to do it the way I need it.

Read also:  How to make cheap repairs in a room with your own hands

Finally, we managed to clear the last wall of wallpaper. The war was fought for every centimeter: the hellish mixture of glue, which becomes terribly slippery from water, left me practically without hands.

This wealth of textures of the peeled wall, on which time has worked great, inspires me terribly. I would live alone - I would ask the designer to arrange such walls.

The ceiling has already been made, the walls and furniture remain. I decided to leave the working area above the stove as it is.

And our ceilings are crooked. The door frame is level.

Having cleared the paint from the windowsill, I saw such a stunning color that my hand did not go up to paint it back. And I will choose the color of the laminate to match the color of the window sill.

I could not find a lamp suitable in size and price in stores. Converted an old chandelier. Here is the result.

Fit new doors to the mezzanine

The most interesting thing is that the last stage of the repair was the most protracted and costly. Hanging furniture, connecting a washing machine, shelves, hooks and other little things took more time and money than the repair itself.

To be honest, the impetus for the start of the repair was the dream of such a faucet (switching modes, retractable spray) and a sink.

This is how our kitchen began to look after renovation:

The concrete was thoroughly washed and covered with wax from Ikea

I decided not to glue the wallpaper, I painted the walls with water-based paint. Covered on top with mother-of-pearl enamel from Leroy. And it is pleasant to the touch and washes perfectly.

Panorama of the kitchen after the last changes and improvements

The kitchen should be cozy, comfortable and beautiful. The creation of a stylish interior usually requires significant financial costs. To save on wages for the designer and builders, repairs should be carried out on their own.A description of do-it-yourself kitchen repair with photos of each stage will help you cope without the involvement of professionals.

DIY kitchen repair

How to make a stylish renovation in the kitchen, as in the photo, with your own hands? To do this, you need to take courage, discuss with the household the features of the interior they want, present the final result of the repair and get to work.

Preparatory work for the renovation of the kitchen

Before starting any repair work, you should draw up a design project for the renovated kitchen area. This requires:

  1. Measure the dimensions of the kitchen, taking into account protrusions, niches, columns, door and window openings;
  2. Decide on the layout of the room, the amount of furniture, the color scheme of the decoration, the style, the placement of lighting fixtures;
  3. Draw a volumetric drawing of the arrangement of furniture on paper or in a special application on a personal computer;
  4. Determine the scope of the budget, choose the right finishing materials, order furniture from the necessary materials and the right sizes;
  5. Create a list of required materials: paint, putty, wallpaper, glue, tiles, etc. and purchase them.

An example of a drawing for the placement of kitchen furniture

After creating the project, they begin preparatory work, which includes:

  • Cleaning the space from furniture and household appliances;
  • Dismantling of wall, floor and ceiling decoration. Removing the door frame and window frame.

Photos of the kitchen before and after DIY repair are presented below.

Photos of the kitchen before and after renovation

Kitchen renovation - before and after

For cosmetic repairs, this step can be skipped. But if the old water supply and sewerage pipes are in poor condition, then they must be replaced. One of the following materials is selected for pipes:

  1. Polypropylene has an affordable price, resistance to corrosion and a low level of heat conductivity, does not require additional components, is installed by welding;
  2. Metalloplast has a rigid structure, low heat transfer, corrosion resistance, is not easy to install, requires installation of gaskets and cuffs;
  3. Copper is an expensive, but the most practical material, it is characterized by wear resistance, durability, is not afraid of the influence of high and low temperatures, has antibacterial properties and resistance to deformation.

It is recommended that a professional electrician replace the wiring. It is important to provide for the installation of sockets at the electronics connection points.

Replacing the wiring in the kitchen with your own hands

Above the location of the stove, it is necessary to install a powerful hood, which, during cooking, will draw smoke and steam into the ventilation shaft.

Advice! The hood should be installed 60-70 cm above the hob.

Do-it-yourself installation of a hood in the kitchen

With a quick cosmetic repair and when the condition of the window frames and doors can be called satisfactory, this stage is skipped.

Image - Make repairs in the kitchen inexpensively with your own hands

DIY window repair in the kitchen

Wooden windows can be restored or simply cleaned of old paint from the frames and repainted.

When replacing old windows with new ones, you must select the desired material:

  1. Wood is a beautiful, environmentally friendly and expensive material;
  2. Plastic is a cheap and practical material. It provides a high level of heat and sound insulation.

Preparing a doorway for installing kitchen doors

When choosing a door, you should give preference to a plastic model. It is more practical than wood. It all depends on the style of interior decoration and the financial capabilities of the apartment owners.

When choosing materials for decoration, it is worth considering their practicality, since the kitchen is characterized by a temperature drop, as well as particles of food and drinks that may end up on the walls, floor or even the ceiling.

DIY window painting

For finishing the ceiling in the kitchen, you can use:

  1. Tension structure. Installation of a stretch ceiling is carried out only after finishing the walls.This finishing option is durable, attractive in appearance, but expensive and requires professional installation.
  2. A paint that is not afraid of water. Before painting, it is required to level the ceiling surface with a putty. Only after the putty has completely dried is paint applied. This is a simple and inexpensive finish.
  3. Suspended structure. It is made of plastic or drywall. Requires the creation of a crate, which is then sheathed with plastic or plasterboard panels.
Read also:  Do-it-yourself dream 29 electric stove repair

DIY plasterboard ceiling installation

Before starting work on the decoration of the walls, their surface can be leveled with a putty and a primer or isogypsum. The following materials are used to decorate the walls in the kitchen:

    Wallpaper is a budget option. They are inexpensive, easy to stick. It is necessary to choose wallpaper for the kitchen among washable models: vinyl, non-woven. Wallpaper for painting and glass wallpaper is very popular.

Applying washable wallpaper in the kitchen

Image - Make repairs in the kitchen inexpensively with your own hands

Green painted walls in the kitchen

Decorative textured plaster in the kitchen

DIY ceramic tile apron

Advice! Not all walls can be tiled, but only the apron above the work surface.

Below in the photo you can see the design of a simple kitchen renovation option.

Image - Make repairs in the kitchen inexpensively with your own hands

Renovated kitchen in a classic interior

As a floor covering in the kitchen, you can use:

    Linoleum is a cheap and practical option. It is durable, easy to fit on your own, unpretentious in maintenance, has many color options.

Image - Make repairs in the kitchen inexpensively with your own hands

DIY linoleum laying in the kitchen

DIY cork floor in the kitchen

Environmentally friendly kitchen floor material - wood

Laying moisture-resistant laminate in the kitchen with your own hands

Porcelain stoneware tiles on the kitchen floor

The furniture is installed in accordance with the previously drawn drawing. Its quantity and dimensions depend on the area of ​​the room.

Linear kitchen set

A must-have piece of furniture in any kitchen is a set. It can be straight or angular, occupy one, two or three walls of the room. If the kitchen is small and will be used only for cooking, then the kitchen set and household appliances can occupy almost the entire room. In this case, the dining area will be located in another room.

Small corner kitchen interior

If the kitchen combines both the cooking area and the dining room, then a table and chairs or a couch are installed in it. The dining area is usually placed opposite the headset.

Image - Make repairs in the kitchen inexpensively with your own hands

Placing the dining area against the wall, opposite the working area

To make the furniture fit perfectly into the space allotted for it, it is recommended to make it to order. Do not forget that the appearance of the furniture should match the style of the kitchen design.

Corner kitchen with wooden facades

After familiarizing yourself with the photographs of the repair work, you can safely take on the repair of the kitchen with your own hands. It is necessary to carry out the whole range of work in stages. The most important step is planning. Without a well-thought-out plan and accurately carried out calculations, it will not work to create a harmonious interior.

Image - Make repairs in the kitchen inexpensively with your own hands

Image - Make repairs in the kitchen inexpensively with your own hands

Image - Make repairs in the kitchen inexpensively with your own hands

Image - Make repairs in the kitchen inexpensively with your own hands