homeQuicklySpotter for DIY body repair from a welding machine
Spotter for DIY body repair from a welding machine
In detail: a spotter for do-it-yourself body repair from a welding machine from a real master for the site my.housecope.com.
Spotter is a device that allows you to perform spot welding. This device is used to connect thin parts, and perform leveling work. Most often, the spotter is used in the restoration work of the car body part. Equipment of this type is used by employees of car services. But if necessary, you can assemble the spotter with your own hands from the welding machine.
A homemade spotter can be made from an old inverter. But for this you need to know what scheme the structure is going to use. Spotter operation depends on a number of mandatory components:
welding transformers;
primary winding;
diode bridge;
The equipment operation scheme is determined by two diagonals. The power of the transformer of the first diagonal is higher than that of the second. Therefore, it accepts voltage after turning on the device. Electricity flows through the secondary winding through a diode bridge and a relay into a capacitor. This system provides charging. In this case, the voltage is passed in the transformer and does not accumulate. With this triggering scheme, the thyristor closes.
Opening the thyristor is required to start welding. After disconnecting the charging of the capacitor, the secondary winding of the transformer will receive a sufficient current for welding... In more detail, you can consider the elements of the scheme in work on the plan.
When creating a homemade device, the body is selected. A dielectric plate acts as the base of the device. Parts made from other materials are not used for this purpose. The dimensions of the base are free to choose. It must be taken into account that all used components can be placed on it. At the same time, they must be placed so that during installation and, if necessary, free access to them is provided.
Video (click to play).
In order not to make a mistake in the calculations, a drawing is prepared in advance, including the components used.
A suitable option for performing the functions of a body is an old welding machine. Also, a microwave oven is used as a case. The fastening of the components depends on how the device is planned to be made: stationary or portable. When choosing the second option, the components are distributed evenly and mounted using fasteners. Handles for transportation are installed on the outside of the case.
Considering the weight of the equipment, place wheels under the base. Thanks to this, the device does not need to be lifted when moving.
The list of additional components consists of:
pistol - the working mechanism of the device;
welding cables - two pieces;
inopuller - a device also known as the "reverse hammer".
To connect the cables to the gun, terminals are used that are compatible with the threaded connections of the operating mechanism. The same components are attached to the back of the cables, or mass is created using quick-release elements.
Without a pistol, the spotter will not perform its functions. This component is also known as stadder. The choice of the working mechanism depends on the intended purpose. Spotter pistols are conventionally divided into two categories:
To work with a high frequency of spotter use, factory models are purchased. Such devices are capable of providing sufficient performance for the assigned tasks for a professional welder.
A homemade spotter pistol is recommended for household work where a heavy load on the equipment is not required. As homemade working mechanisms are used:
glue gun;
semi-automatic welding machine.
To make a handle for a stadder, getinax or textolite is used. The thickness of the material ranges from 12 to 14 millimeters. Two rectangles of the same size are cut from it.
A niche is created in one of the segments to accommodate the fastener. This part of the blank is intended for fastening:
electrode - a copper rod with a diameter of 8 to 10 millimeters;
light bulbs;
buttons that turn on the backlight;
switch that gives an impulse.
The button must be placed strictly in the created recess. A homemade bracket is used as a fastening element. For its production, a pipe made of copper is used. It is necessary to get a section of a square or rectangular type.
When the spotter is in operation, the electrode must be replaced periodically. To make this task easier to perform, when designing the device, it is necessary to place the electrode so that replacing it does not require disassembling the entire structure.
The gun is connected to the spotter using a five-wire welding or control type cable. The veins are connected to:
backlight lamp;
light on the switch.
The end of the cable is placed in the hole in the bracket and fixed with a soldering iron... Before that, it must be cleaned.
An inopuller for body repair is an expensive device. But self-production is carried out according to a simpler scheme than assembling a pistol. This component is manufactured from an assembly gun. The reverse hammer and attachments are made step by step:
removal of the upper part for attaching a foam bottle or sealant;
welding of racks instead of them - made from rods with a diameter of 6 to 10 millimeters;
welding the ring to the posts - take as a basis the same rod that was used for the posts, and then fasten it into a ring with a diameter of 100 millimeters.
Then the welding ring is wrapped with electrical tape. Thanks to this, in the process of work, it will not accidentally weld to the working coating. The curved part of the gun is sheared off and a cable is attached in its place. The cut point is sharpened until it acquires the shape of a cone with a diameter of no more than 3 millimeters.
A spotter made from a do-it-yourself welding machine works with a transformer. The generation of welding current and the power of the spotter depend on the welding transformer. Such a device is difficult to find on the electrical appliance market, so the machine will have to be made independently in any case. The basis of the transformer is a magnetic wire with a cross section of 400 square millimeters.
Transformers are divided into two categories: plate and strip. Devices of both categories are produced in three forms:
w-shaped, also known as "armor";
o-shaped, also known as "swivel";
A suitable option for a homemade spotter is the third, since it is distinguished by the lightest weight and the minimum volume of the layers of the secondary winding. Transformers have a different number of turns on the body. The number of turns that the primary winding of the working device includes depends on the voltage received. When the winding is performed, test runs are carried out until the indicator reaches 1 volt.
A homemade straightening spotter has most of the functions of a professional apparatus. With his help:
a spot weld is created to connect parts;
working elements are warming up;
damaged areas of parts are cleaned;
fasteners are captured;
the dents of the car body are pulled out;
fasteners are removed;
the working surface is cleaned.
The use of the device does not require professional skills to use, since the spotter control circuit is simple. The device operates in continuous and short-term mode. With the help of additional elements, a forced cooling system is provided.
The spotter is a rather useful device that helps to significantly increase the efficiency and speed of work. for car body repair... But this unit has a fairly high cost with a simple design. Therefore, many craftsmen prefer to make a spotter from an old transformer or from a welding machine with their own hands.
When car body repairs, it is often necessary to remove dents, for example, after an accident. For this, various methods are used: pulling out dents with suction cups, aligning with hammer blows from the back of the part, etc. In the latter case, the part must be dismantled to eliminate the defect.
The use of a spotter can significantly speed up and simplify the alignment process of auto parts. This unit is a kind of spot resistance welding, with which you can weld washers, pins, bolts, hooks and other fasteners to damaged parts of the car body. In the future, various tools for leveling dents are hooked on them.
Also, the spotter can be used for soldering, heating, hardening and settling of the surfaces to be leveled.
The spotter consists of the following elements:
a welding machine, which can be of a transformer or inverter type;
cables (power cable and ground cable);
welding gun (stadder);
electrode with an inertial hammer.
When the button on the stadder is pressed, current begins to flow to it. Depending on the selected mode, the current supply can be constant or in the form of one short pulse. Further, the current flows to the electrode, which can have tips of different shapes.
The device is working according to the following principle.
The place on the car body that needs to be leveled is cleaned of paint. You should also strip a small area for connecting the ground cable.
A fastening element, such as a washer, is attached to the electrode of the spotter and welded to the straightening point.
The alignment tool clings to the washer and the dent is pulled out.
Pulling out dents can be carried out and without welding of fasteners... In this case, a pointed tip must be installed on the electrode with an inertial hammer. The electrode is applied to the desired location on the part and the tip is welded to it with a short current. Further, without removing the electrode from the part, blows with a hammer in the direction opposite to the tip, thereby pulling out the dent (you cannot use a reverse hammer on aluminum). After eliminating the defect, the welded end of the electrode easily breaks off.
The spotter transformer differs markedly from the classic welding transformer. In arc welding, the metal is heated by an electric arc, and in spot heat, it is released due to the transition resistance in the electrode-metal section. This occurs during arc welding if, for example, the wrong operating mode is set on the machine. In this case, the electrode sticks to the metal, which can cause damage to the device.
To prevent this from happening, spot welding is carried out in pulsed mode of current supply (up to 1 second). And since arc burning is not required for spot welding, the voltage in the spotter should be minimal (about 6 V), and the current strength should be high (at least 1000 A).
It is impractical to make this unit from an inverter, if only because spot welding does not require direct current. In addition, the transformer will have to be redone in order to achieve high current rates.With such success, you can make a spot welding unit from scratch. If there is an inverter device, then it is better to use it for its intended purpose, and adapt a conventional transformer welder for the spotter.
As for semiautomatic devices, all universal models of these units already have the function of pulse welding, and they will not need to be altered. But if a broken, ordinary semiautomatic device is available, then the transformer will need to be redone in it.
Semiautomatic welding machine Aurora
Alteration of the transformer consists in removing the secondary winding and winding a new one. The spotter requires a welding current of 1000 A. If, in the calculations, it is assumed that the current density is 8 A per 1 mm 2, then its cross section should be about 120 mm 2. But winding a wire of this cross section is quite difficult. Therefore, you can take a bus with a smaller section, for example, 80 mm 2, if the device will not be used in too intensive mode.
For determining the number of turns do the following.
Wrap any insulated conductor around the magnetic core. 10 turns will be enough.
Connect the primary winding to the network, and measure the voltage on the improvised secondary.
The result obtained must be divided by the number of turns, that is, by 10. As a result, you get a value that determines the number of turns to obtain 1 V voltage. But since a voltage of 6 V is required for the spotter, multiplying the resulting value, you can find out the number of turns.
Based on the diameter of the wire with the required section, it is possible to determine whether this winding will enter the free space between the primary and secondary windings of the transformer (not yet removed). If there is enough space, then the secondary can not be removed from the magnetic circuit, but a new winding can be wound over it. In this case, the welder can be used and for electric arc welding, and for point.
A modified transformer is not the only part required to make a spotter from a welding machine. To it you need to add discharge electronic control unit and a small transformer to provide power to the module. Below is a diagram of the block that controls the spotter.
This scheme works as follows.
When the circuit is closed by the switch S1, current starts to flow to the primary of the transformer T1.
Further, the capacitor begins to charge. It is connected through the closed contact of the switch to the diode bridge.
The output transformer T2 will be de-energized until the switch button S is pressed. After that, the voltage from the capacitor through the variable resistor will go to the control electrode of the thyristor. Further, the voltage will go to the primary of the output transformer, after which a pulse with the current strength required for welding will appear on its secondary winding.
After the capacitor is discharged, the module returns to its original state. To repeat the impulse, you must press the switch again.
After the control unit is ready, all components are placed in a plastic or metal case.
This device, made of a 12 V battery, is mobile and can operate regardless of the presence of an electrical outlet. The following components are required to manufacture the unit.
Standard battery for 12 V and 75 A / h and above.
Solenoid relay. You can use a relay from a car starter. It is desirable that it be collapsible for periodic cleaning of the contacts inside it.
Start button.
Terminal cables and welding gun.
The assembly of the apparatus is carried out according to the diagram below:
a ground cable is connected to the negative terminal of the battery, which must contact with the part prepared for repair;
the first contact of the relay is connected to the positive terminal of the battery;
a cable going to the welding gun is connected to the second contact of the relay;
a start button is installed between the first and third (connected to the battery positive) contact of the relay;
The cross-section of the cables should be about 100 mm 2, and their length should not be more than 1.5 m. The only drawback of this device is that the battery runs out quickly, and it takes time to charge it.
To make the device, you need a transformer removed from the microwave. But for reliability it will be better if use two coils... Remove the secondary winding from each transformer and instead wind a couple of turns with a cable with a cross section of at least 50 mm 2.
The primary windings of both transformers are connected in parallel. Further, the spotter control module, which was discussed above, is connected to the circuit. You can also simplify the design of the spotter by including a time relay and a solenoid relay from a car in the circuit. How to do this, you can find them out in this video.
Important! Despite the low voltage - 6 V and less, the current obtained at the output from the transformer has enormous values, about 1000 A, which poses a great danger to human life. Therefore, both windings of the transformer must be grounded.
No blueprints are required to make the welding handle. Best suited for this purpose glue gun body... You will also need a copper rod with a diameter of about 20 mm.
On one side of the rod, it is necessary to cut a thread (M14x1.5). Various welding nozzles will be screwed onto it. A hole is drilled on the other side and an M8 internal thread is cut. The cable will be attached to this place. Also the details should be make a few groovesso that it fits better inside the case.
Further, the part is installed in the housing.
All that remains is to find a suitable button, place it in the case and connect it to the electrical circuit of the device.