DIY body repair slipway description

In detail: do-it-yourself slipway for body repair description from a real master for the site

A slipway is a special device (platform) that is designed for body repair and restoration of the original body geometry using the application of multidirectional forces. A high-quality factory-made slipway is quite expensive and it is not advisable to purchase it for small-scale and rare bodywork. You can do it yourself, and the price for a homemade slipway will not be so high.

Before starting work on the manufacture of the slipway, it is necessary to complete its drawing and calculate the amount of required materials. The platform should look like a rectangle (or preferably several) made of a metal profile with a section of 50 × 50 or 70 × 40 (the thicker the better). The optimal length is 2000 mm, the width is equal to the width of the car's wheelbase.

Why is this width chosen? In general, it is possible to manufacture a slipway with a width equal to the width of the vehicle's wheelbase. Or smaller than it, but with the execution of "branches" from the frame, on which the clamps will be attached. The first method is preferable due to the location of the clamps.

In the middle of the platform, it will be necessary to weld a stiffener from a similar metal profile. In the process of work, additional metal will be required, the amount of which is difficult to calculate at the initial stage of work.

After the calculation of the required number of metal profiles is completed, it can be ordered on a special base or use an existing one.

To ensure the functionality of the slipway, it will need to be equipped with good hydraulics - a kit with a tonnage of up to 10 tons will do.

Video (click to play).

You also need to remember that the slipway is of two types: stationary (that is, installed in a specific place without the possibility of movement) and mobile (equipped with wheels and adapted for storage and in an upright position). If the second option is chosen, then you also need to purchase a set of wheels: 4 or more - for the frame, 2 - for the power rack.

The frame is assembled by welding. That is, skills in working with a welding machine are necessary.

  • First of all, a rectangle is assembled from a metal profile of the calculated length and width, exactly in the middle it must be reinforced with an additional profile. The assembly of the frame is carried out as the future owner of the slipway sees fit. Perhaps he will want to additionally strengthen the longitudinal sides of the frame, possibly the transverse ones. There is no definite principled position on this issue.
  • To increase the stability of the car on the slipway, in its corners it is necessary to weld heights that will prevent the car from going off.
  • The next step is to install fasteners on the longitudinal sides of the frame. Fasteners are clamps with jaws that are required to securely fix the car frame when exposed to loads. There can be no strict place for fixing the fasteners, they must be able to move along the entire length of the frame. Making clamps with your own hands is also possible, but if they are freely available, then there is not much point in this, since a homemade clamp will cost about the same as a factory one.
  • This is followed by work on the installation of the power rack. The Power Strut is an upside-down "L" -shaped fixture that also needs to move throughout the frame and lock securely wherever you go. You can make not one, but two power racks.
  • Giving the slipway an aesthetic appearance.This stage consists in the usual painting of the slipway.
  • Well, at the end of the work, the homemade slipway is equipped with those repair devices for the sake of which it was created: hooks, chains, hydraulics.

The homemade slipway is ready, its use will help to carry out those types of body repairs that were previously possible only for auto repair shops, and the ways of its practical application can be seen in various videos.

In case of severe accidents, the car receives body deformation. A defective housing affects fuel consumption and handling. A body with a broken geometry will not be able to protect passengers in the event of a repeated accident. A body repair slipway is a necessary tool for repairing a car.

The body straightening jig is a device for carrying out body repairs. The stand is designed to straighten out serious damage to a car, and is equipped with fasteners that allow you to pull the body, as well as change the shape and size of some elements. A slipway is used to repair serious damage to the car body.

Image - DIY body repair slipway description

All types of slipways have an identical operating principle. To eliminate the deformation of the body, it is fixed to one or more areas that need to be straightened and straightened. Further, the master, using the drafting device, applies force and straightens the damaged parts of the case.

Simple slipways for body repairs are equipped with one exhaust device. Complex fixtures have several exhaust mechanisms.

Image - DIY body repair slipway description

There are 4 types of devices: floor-standing, rolling, frame and platform.

The rolling stock is used for body repair of various types of cars. It is equipped with devices that allow you to secure the car without flanging the sills. Rolling slipways are convenient to use in confined spaces. Due to this, the device is used in garage conditions.

Rolling equipment must not be used in the event of distortions and changes in the body geometry.

Do-it-yourself floor slip for body repair is a compact and effective equipment for restoring a car body in a garage or workshop. If there is no need to use a pulling mechanism, then the rails are used for other purposes.

Image - DIY body repair slipway description

The frame slip belongs to the professional type of exhaust mechanisms. The main difference from other types is that frame fixtures have a complex design.

The exhaust mechanism allows you to repair different car models. The machine is fixed to a frame that is highly durable. With the help of a force directed in different directions, the body deformations of mild and moderate severity are pulled out.

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Image - DIY body repair slipway description

To save space in a workshop or garage, as well as to facilitate the process of restoring the car body, they purchase body repair stands equipped with a lift.

The platform slipway for body repair is a complete professional equipment. Devices of this type are used to straighten damage to the body of any car, including frame SUVs.

The design of the pulling mechanism consists of special rails and an entry bridge-base. The car drives into it on its own, or it is pulled in there if the car is not on the move. The platform is equipped with various devices and fastening mechanisms that securely fix the vehicle on the slipway.

Image - DIY body repair slipway description

Platform devices have hydraulic metal stands, a winch, power and pull-out units. The beams of the device allow you to effortlessly move heavy structures in any direction. The platform leveling stand has a telescopic scale, with the help of which accurate calculations and measurements are carried out.

The disadvantages of the platform exhaust mechanism include large dimensions and high cost of equipment. It is used in large car maintenance services.

Making a homemade body straightening slip will save you money as they are expensive. When designing, you should take into account the dimensions of the future fixture for car repair and create a drawing of the device. It can be ordered from specialists, or you can find it ready-made on the Internet. Depending on the type of the exhaust mechanism, the set of tools and materials that will be needed differs.

Image - DIY body repair slipway description

To make a mobile body straightening device yourself, you will need:

  1. From a profile with a thickness of more than 4 mm, you need to create a frame with dimensions twice the dimensions of the machine.
  2. The structure is reinforced with cross members and corner pieces. The cross members will fix the car. Exhaust mechanisms are also attached to them.
  3. To make the structure mobile, four wheels are attached to the bottom.
  4. To be able to lift the car onto the frame, a gangway is constructed. On the one hand, they will have a special plug, and on the other, a removable section necessary for lifting the vehicle.
  5. The design is equipped with a bench vise or special clamps. They are needed to securely fix the machine.