LG direct drive washing machine DIY repair

In detail: lg direct drive washing machine DIY repair from a real master for the site my.housecope.com.

The car broke down. The washing machine rattled and screeched. The bearing rattled. Rather, at first, a creak appeared, rather sharply intensifying with each subsequent wash. For five washes (four weeks), there was already a rumble and squeal on the spin, which I wanted to get rid of. As the passport says - one year warranty, seven years' service life. Four months to seven was not enough.

Rice. one Checking the absence of smudges

Rice. 2 Checking the absence of leaks from the cuff of the hatch

Rice. 3 Checking drum play

After shaking the drum, looking under the car, checking for leaks, I came to the conclusion that despite the absence of visible defects (drum play, lack of water on the floor and nearby, chips), the point is in the bearings, or rather in the bearing that is closer to the drum.

Rice. 5 Suspected malfunction

I went online for prices for replacing bearings and oil seal. It turned out that this operation is one of the most difficult and expensive. Complete disassembly of the machine is required, starting with the engine. Prices were bent over sickly firms with a one-year guarantee for the work done. As the wife said: "It is better to add half the amount and buy a new one." I started looking for "Uncle Vasya". Many refused to repair when they found out about the direct drive. Those who agreed to renovations did not want to come on Saturday or Sunday. Of the three who agreed, I chose one with a lower price, i.e. from only 4.5 sput.

Friends at work encouraged: "Uncle will come with a sledgehammer and straighten the bearings!" I didn’t believe it! ! ! I called. - "What kind of bearing puller do you have?" - “Why a puller, there is a drift. Each owner must have his own hammer ”Yes-ah-ah. And this is without a guarantee, that is, only under the word of a completely unfamiliar person. You can't drag his note to court. I washed myself.

Video (click to play).

Rice. 6 Small bearing in a glass

I called two postponed ones. The effect is exactly the same. And moreover - “We have been repairing SO all our lives and we don’t sit without work”. - *** It's not a pity to knock on someone else's washing machine with a hammer. ((((*** Therefore, they do not sit without work with such an attitude. IMHO. I change bearings on a car only with a puller, but there is iron all around. On a washing machine, the tank is plastic with a fused thin-walled glass) (2mm at the bearing). I decided to do it myself, fortunately my wife said - "4.5tyr and even the same and we will buy a new one if that."

There was experience in car repair. "Vyatka-automaton" as a designer went through.

He scattered the car (cover, rear, front with a hatch, after removing the seal from the hatch), removed the engine rotor.

Rice. 12 Control panel fasteners

Rice. thirteen Detergent dispenser container

Rice. 14 Front panel fixing

Rice. 15 Front panel fixing

Rice. sixteen Front panel fixing

Rice. 17 Front panel fixing

Disconnected the wires of the TEN and the stator of the motor (carefully, the latches on the connectors).

I put the rotor in place without tightly tightening the bolt to preserve the stator when pulling out the drum. Disconnected the control panel wires.

Rice. 25 Control panel wires

Rice. 28 Removing shock absorbers

Disconnected the rubber and shock absorbers. He removed the tank from the springs, shock absorbers and pulled it out.

Rice. 29 Removing shock absorbers

He unscrewed the self-tapping screws of the tank connector, cut it in half. He removed the motor rotor again, pulled the drum out of the bearings.

Exactly! Small bearing (from motor) OK! The bearing from the tank soured, which did not rotate by hand. I dug out the oil seal, it was ground down to a radius of 1mm in the sealing collar.

Water got into the bearing (despite being closed) and it rusted. There was also corrosion on the shaft.I decided to put the bearings with a polyurethane seal (closure), instead of the standard ones with a metal closure.

I ordered pullers from a turner, bought bolts in auto parts.

After installing the thrust bearing in the small bearing, he lowered the bolt with a stop inside the glass, fitted the two halves of the top on the stop and carefully pressed the top against the upper (large) bearing. When tightening the bolt, the puller began to expand the bearings and the small one could not stand it, moved with a bang and began to get out of bed.

Then, I attached a puller (stop and top) to the large bearing, a bolt through the shoulders of the supports on the glass (d66mm, height 20mm, wall thickness 1.5mm), put instead of the oil seal. After a little resistance, the bearing gave up.

Rice. 36 Demonstration of pullers

Rice. 37 Demonstration of pullers

Rice. 38 Demonstration of pullers

You can buy original bearings in shops for repairing washing machines (and refrigerators?) (200-300 rubles). Original with metal closure. I preferred conventional bearings in stores. closed with polyurethane on both sides. The oil seal was found only in a washing machine specialized in repair for 250 rubles.

After cleaning the bearing beds and rinsing the tank, he heated the glass under the bearings with a hairdryer (

up to 50-60g.), inserted the bearings into place with a puller in two steps. I lubricated the stuffing box spring with litholom24, not abundantly. It is also recommended to lubricate the shaft with lithol, but it became a pity for the linen. I inserted the oil seal, greased the shaft with soapy paste, put the drum and rotor in place, tightened the bolt.

The gum of the seal between the halves of the tank was deformed, so he took it out, cleaned it and the groove, smeared the gum with silicone sealant (a little), and put it in place. !! If the sealing rubber band is not a ring (split), then the connection point must be at the top of the tank! Stretch evenly to reduce the gap between the ends. Put the other half more carefully, be more careful with the TEN.

Tighten the self-tapping screws of the tank halves in two steps through the bolt. The tank can be replaced. The assembly is easier, after checking the wires, connectors, fasteners, I close the machine with metal and drag it to check.

The flight is normal. After a slight creak of the oil seal, which quickly passes after the first wash with abundant powder, the machine starts to work as before. Two lightweight washes to try. So far so good.

I confidently earned money for cognac! ;-P)))

Image - LG direct drive washing machine DIY repair

One of the best helpers in the house is the washing machine. It facilitates the work of a woman, frees her at least from washing. If the family is large, then you have to wash every day to keep the apartment clean and the hygiene of its residents. Therefore, the breakdown of the washing machine is a real problem for a woman.

The entire wash is a heavy burden on her shoulders. And the hostess begins to wash all this linen and clothes by hand, wasting time and energy. And so every day, dreaming about a new washing machine or about how to quickly repair an old one. And there is no money for repairs.

What then is to be done? It is necessary to somehow get out of the situation. If the husband is with hands and head, then he will be able to independently find the cause of the breakdown and replace the faulty part with a new one. Today we will tell you about how to disassemble the Lg washing machine and any other model.

The brands of machines differ from each other in some peculiarities: washing programs, sizes, number of revolutions, but the principle of disassembling washing machines is the same.

For high-quality and quick disassembly, you need:Image - LG direct drive washing machine DIY repair

  • two screwdrivers, a thin flat and a Phillips screwdriver for unscrewing the fasteners;
  • round nose pliers or pliers;
  • awl;
  • hammer;
  • open-end and socket wrenches;
  • ticks;
  • nippers.

The internal parts of the device are protected from negative environmental influences by metal elements of the case: back wall, front panel, top cover.

To do this, lay the device on its side and remove the pump through the bottom, having previously disconnected the wires from it. To remove the drain pump, you need to loosen the screws and disconnect the clamps.To do this, press the latches with pliers and disconnect the drain hose and the pipe.

You need to disassemble the pump from the snail by unscrewing the screws on it. Remove dirt and mucus from the snail.Image - LG direct drive washing machine DIY repair

Pay attention to the impeller, rotate it on the shaft, whether it turns, whether it is damaged. If it is broken, replace the impeller with a new one.

Also check the rubber seals. If the gasket is cracked or torn, replace it. Next, pry the latch with a screwdriver and remove the motor from the coil. Remove the monolithic cross by warming it up with a construction hairdryer. Then pull the magnet off the shaft.

After that, clean all parts of the pump, remove dirt, check the bearing. Lubricate it. If broken, replace. Begin reassembly using the photograph taken before disassembling the drain pump.

So, we have removed all panels: front, back and top covers, control module. We will now show you how to disassemble the loading tank of the Lg direct drive washing machine.

This work in the service center is the most expensive, because the machine must be completely disassembled. The bearing and oil seal are located at the rear of the tank. To find out if the bearing is defective or okay, rotate the drum by hand.

If you hear a creak and a hum, then the bearing does not work, it must be replaced.

As soon as you buy Lg, you immediately need to install the washing machine on a flat surface, adjusting it in level so that there is an even load on the bearings. If you see a leak in the back of the tank, then the oil seal has become unusable.Image - LG direct drive washing machine DIY repair

To get to the bearing, you need to completely disassemble the drum. You need to replace the part with a new one of this particular model. You cannot take a bearing from other machines, because it will not fit. When buying it in a store, pay attention to the integrity and quality of the part.

Direct Drive, or Direct Drive, is a new technology used by the Korean firm Lg. Thanks to it, the life of the washing machine is longer, because it does not have a drive belt.

The machine is quiet. In washing devices of this brand, the motor is located at the back of the loading tank, and not at the bottom, like in other devices.

We told you how to disassemble the loading tank in order to replace bearings and oil seals, how to remove the drain pump from the washing machine, disassemble and clean it. Now you know how to repair the device so as not to pay a lot of money for a complete disassembly of the machine and its restoration.