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If your computer's power supply fails, do not rush to get upset, as practice shows, in most cases, repairs can be done on your own. Before proceeding directly to the technique, we will consider the block diagram of the power supply unit and provide a list of possible malfunctions, this will greatly simplify the task.
The figure shows an image of a block diagram typical for pulsed power supplies of system units.
Switching power supply unit ATX
Indicated designations:
A - power filter unit;
B - low-frequency rectifier with a smoothing filter;
C - cascade of the auxiliary converter;
D - rectifier;
E - control unit;
F - PWM controller;
G - cascade of the main converter;
H - high-frequency rectifier equipped with a smoothing filter;
J - PSU cooling system (fan);
L - output voltage control unit;
K - overload protection.
+ 5_SB - standby power supply;
P.G. - information signal, sometimes referred to as PWR_OK (required to start the motherboard);
PS_On - signal controlling the start of the power supply unit.
To carry out repairs, we also need to know the pinout of the main power connector, it is shown below.
Power supply plugs: A - old (20pin), B - new (24pin)
To start the power supply, it is necessary to connect the green wire (PS_ON #) to any zero black wire. This can be done using a conventional jumper. Note that for some devices the color coding may differ from the standard one, as a rule, unknown manufacturers from China are guilty of this.
It is necessary to warn that turning on impulse power supplies without load will significantly reduce their service life and may even cause damage. Therefore, we recommend assembling a simple block of loads, its diagram is shown in the figure.
Video (click to play).
Load block diagram
It is advisable to assemble the circuit on resistors of the PEV-10 brand, their ratings: R1 - 10 Ohm, R2 and R3 - 3.3 Ohm, R4 and R5 - 1.2 Ohm. Cooling for resistors can be made from an aluminum channel.
It is undesirable to connect a motherboard as a load during diagnostics or, as some "craftsmen" advise, an HDD and CD drive, since a faulty power supply unit can damage them.
Let's list the most common malfunctions characteristic of pulsed power supplies of system units:
the mains fuse blows;
+ 5_SB (standby voltage) is absent, as well as more or less than the permissible;
the voltage at the output of the power supply (+12 V, +5 V, 3.3 V) is abnormal or absent;
no P.G. signal (PW_OK);
PSU does not turn on remotely;
the cooling fan does not rotate.
After the power supply is removed from the system unit and disassembled, first of all, it is necessary to inspect for the detection of damaged elements (darkening, changed color, violation of integrity). Note that in most cases, replacing a burnt-out part will not solve the problem; a piping check will be required.
Visual inspection allows you to detect "burnt" radioelements
If these are not found, we proceed to the following algorithm of actions:
If a faulty transistor is found, then before soldering a new one, it is necessary to test its entire strapping, consisting of diodes, low-resistance resistances and electrolytic capacitors. We recommend changing the latter to new ones with a large capacity. A good result is obtained by shunting electrolytes using 0.1 μF ceramic capacitors;
Checking the output diode assemblies (Schottky diodes) with a multimeter, as practice shows, the most typical malfunction for them is a short circuit;
Diode assemblies marked on the board
checking the output capacitors of the electrolytic type. As a rule, their malfunction can be detected by visual inspection. It manifests itself in the form of a change in the geometry of the housing of the radio component, as well as traces from the flow of electrolyte.
It is not uncommon for an outwardly normal capacitor to be unsuitable during testing. Therefore, it is better to test them with a multimeter that has a capacitance measurement function, or use a special device for this.
Video: correct repair of an ATX power supply. <>
Note that non-working output capacitors are the most common malfunction in computer power supplies. In 80% of cases, after replacing them, the power supply unit's performance is restored;
Capacitors with disturbed case geometry
the resistance is measured between the outputs and zero, for +5, +12, -5 and -12 volts this indicator should be in the range from 100 to 250 ohms, and for +3.3 V in the range of 5-15 ohms.
In conclusion, we will give some tips for improving the power supply unit, which will make it work more stable:
in many inexpensive blocks, manufacturers install rectifier diodes for two amperes, they should be replaced with more powerful ones (4-8 amperes);
Schottky diodes on channels +5 and +3.3 volts can also be supplied more powerful, but at the same time they must have an allowable voltage, the same or greater;
it is advisable to change the output electrolytic capacitors to new ones with a capacity of 2200-3300 uF and a rated voltage of at least 25 volts;
it happens that instead of a diode assembly, diodes soldered to each other are installed on the +12 volt channel, it is advisable to replace them with an MBR20100 Schottky diode or similar;
if capacities of 1 μF are installed in the piping of key transistors, replace them with 4.7-10 μF, calculated for a voltage of 50 volts.
Such a minor revision will significantly extend the life of the computer power supply.
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They write different things about antiglare films. I want to figure it out on my own. Bought FX-Shock-Antireflex Schutzfolie Garmin Striker 7dv Panzerfolie Folie. The film specifically hides all the glare, but the clarity drops. By the way, it is durable, you have to try to scratch it. Here is what is written on the seller's website about this film - “. The transparent effect is achieved by a fine-grained matte surface. The display is minimally changed (slight decrease in contrast / minimum enlargement) " In fact, it turned out to be worse. In addition to blur, the side view also suffers greatly. The photos show half of the display without film
———- Post added at 15:19 ———- Previous post posted at 15:15 ———-
I will order another, FX-Antireflex- HD Schutzfolie Garmin Striker 7dv Displayfolie Folie Here's what they write about her: “. ideal for good antireflection effect while maintaining display sharpness. which, in addition to its excellent reflection reduction effect, preserves the sharpness of individual pixels and the naturalness of the display colors. ” I will order one. I will write the result.
———- Post added at 15:35 ———- Previous post posted at 15:19 ———-
But I put the cut film on paper with small print - the sharpness did not suffer. The striker's display is under the glass (?), There is a gap between the film and the display. Because of this, blurring is obtained (
The Prorab Striker 480 charger is a device that is used to charge both 12 and 24 volt batteries, mainly trucks and tractors. It is used, as a rule, in car fleets. The device is equipped with a special fuse that protects the battery from polarity reversal and overloads during charging. The device is compact and can be stored in a garage or workshop. lightweight, it can be stored in your garage or workshop.
Control. The body of the charger is equipped with an ammeter specially for monitoring the current during the charging process.
Convenient panel. Use of the device is convenient due to the compact and accessible arrangement of the control panel and the network connection wires
Ventilation. The case has holes for heat dissipation and cooling the device
Easy to carry. A special handle on the body makes it easy to move the device from place to place.
Max battery capacity, A / h 250 Max power consumption of charging, W 730 Max charging current, A 25 Output voltage, V 12/24 Dimensions (HxWxD), mm 245x370x250 (packed) Voltage, V 220 Boost mode is Chargeable battery type
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Is it possible to repair a motor cultivator with your own hands at home? Many owners of such motor vehicles are faced with the fact that the engine suddenly stalls, systems do not work well, and malfunctions occur.
What is worth doing, entrusting the job to the master, or doing the disassembly of the device yourself?
The first step in the event of a breakdown is to check the warranty.
If there is a warranty card for the product, be sure to contact the seller and report the breakdown.
If it fits under the terms of the warranty, you will be repaired for free.
Cases that are not eligible for warranty service:
The device has failed after outside interference: disassembly or damage from foreign objects.
The breakdown of the unit has occurred due to improper operation.
The frame or motor of the cultivator was disassembled, there is no warranty sticker.
If you have used your cultivator correctly, and it suddenly fails, then check the warranty period.
In the case when the unit is by no means new, and the warranty period has long expired, you can repair the cultivators yourself, but only if the breakdown is minor. Replacing the engine and other main functional units is very difficult for the user without special skills. In this case, you will have to look for a service center that specializes in gardening equipment.
Most minor breakdowns can be solved by replacing some parts, cleaning internal systems and replacing fluids, but it is better to leave the professional repair of cultivators to the craftsmen.
The following are some situations in which you can repair your cultivator yourself.
Possible malfunctions of the unit can be explained by the fact that some of its parts are simply heavily clogged. Due to pollution, it is the engine that most often suffers. Since the units operate in the field with the presence of a huge amount of dust, sand and earth, the motors for the cultivator quickly become dirty.
It is worth regularly carrying out the following procedures:
checking candles and their condition;
checking, cleaning and replacing filters;
replacement of fuel and oil after a long downtime of the unit;
cleaning the muffler;
cleaning the carburetor.
Of course, this is not a repair of cultivators, but it helps in many cases.
In order not to have to repair the cultivator with your own hands, it is necessary to handle the equipment correctly.
Unlike a walk-behind tractor, a cultivator is more susceptible to various breakdowns if it is used for other purposes.
Here are some small rules for working with this technique:
Do not forget to change the oil. Even if it is of very high quality, over time its properties will disappear, and it does not matter that there is a lot of it.
Do not work at maximum power for a long time, it is very harmful to the engine. Motor vehicles do not have a good cooling system, so overheating has a very destructive effect on it.
The cultivator's tines should be cleaned, lubricated and removed from time to time. If something gets stuck in the work items, serious damage can occur.
Preparation of the cultivator for work is carried out without fail after its long stagnation without work. It is necessary to check all components according to the user manual and fill in new fluid.
A simple repair of cultivators and walk-behind tractors can be done by yourself. Basically, you will need simple manipulations with replacing parts and fluids, cleaning internal parts, and the like. But if you cannot solve the problem on your own, the only way is to go to the service center.