DIY construction and repair country house

In detail: DIY construction and repair of a country house from a real master for the site

Renovation of the summer cottage at the beginning of the season: work on the veranda, kitchen. Improvement of bedrooms and living room. Facade finishing

Often, even the most beautiful and well-groomed country houses and plots require renovation and beautification of the field of a long and destructive winter. It is for this reason that many summer residents in the spring begin to think about how to make repairs to the summer cottage with their own hands and put the territory in order so that they can enjoy spending time outside the city.

Every summer resident should understand that suburban ownership is a lot of painstaking work. And even if you bought a dacha not in order to set up a vegetable garden outside the city, but in order to have fun with friends, you must understand that the house on the site, as well as the site itself, must be properly maintained.

Of course, there is no need to carry out major overhauls of the building annually, but even block-container country houses must be maintained in good condition.

People in our country have long been accustomed to saving on everything, and an attempt to reduce such a parameter as the price of repairs by doing work with their own hands will not only save finances, but also put their own hands on repairs, which will be an interesting occupation and a reason for pride.

Let's take a look at the seasonal renovation of a country house from the inside, because every year some building and finishing materials require renovation.

The corridor, hallway and veranda are the premises that meet us at the entrance to the house. At the same time, they are a kind of delimiters between the cozy atmosphere of the house and the summer heat or winter cold, and they are also a barrier to the entry of flies, mosquitoes and other insects.

Video (click to play).

It is precisely this purpose of such premises that they certainly need an annual cosmetic dacha repair with their own hands.

The necessary repair work on the veranda, in the corridor or in the hallway includes:

  1. Warming of the veranda;
  2. Processing of entrance doors and windows;
  3. Floor and ceiling finishing;
  4. Repair of the roof over the veranda.

We will not talk about the options and styles for decorating certain rooms in the country house, because each summer resident certainly has his own ideas for repairing the country house, which he would like to implement.

The kitchen is the room where the stove is constantly on fire, water flows from the tap, which means there are constant vapors, temperature changes. For such operating conditions, the repair of old country houses and new ones should provide for a competent selection of finishing materials that can withstand such aggressive conditions.

In the kitchen, even the highest quality finish falls into disrepair much faster than in any other room in the house.

This is precisely the reason that the following work should be done in the kitchen before the start of the season:

  • Prevention of the emergence and development of mold;
  • Prevention of the onset and development of the fungus;
  • Antiseptic treatment against infection;
  • Insect control;
  • Surface tinting;
  • Twisting of all loose pieces of furniture (cabinets, tables, chairs);
  • Monitoring the state of communication systems (water supply, sewerage, electrical wiring).

Advice. In addition to the work presented, you may need to clean the soot if there is a stove in the kitchen, and also if we are talking about a summer country kitchen, then work may be required to eliminate roof leaks and repair brickwork.

Repair of a country house, or rather, its living rooms such as a bedroom or living room, will not require anything complicated from the owners. In these rooms, everything depends on your personal desires and preferences.

Of course, if you want to completely change the appearance, no one will bother you, but if we are talking about cosmetic repairs at the beginning of the season, then you can get by with the following measures:

  1. Crack putty;
  2. Whitewashing or painting the walls;
  3. Varnishing of wooden surfaces (furniture, lighting fixtures, etc.).

Advice. If you were able to allocate very little time for the production of such cosmetic repairs, and power outages are often observed in your suburban area, then renting a diesel generator for a summer residence will allow you to prevent a work stoppage for a long time.

Going out into the street, you can also notice a lot of defects that your country house has acquired, therefore, do-it-yourself repair in the country house consists in the production of the following facade and roofing works:

  1. Foundation work. By the beginning of the season, the foundation should remain intact, without cracks. The surface of the basement of the country house, protruding above the ground, must be finished with specialized materials or impregnations. If cracks do occur, the problem should be eliminated using natural or artificial stone, resin, bitumen, etc .;

In the photo - a crack in the foundation

  1. Roofing. It doesn't matter what material was used to create the roof, the main thing is that its integrity and tightness are not compromised. To monitor the condition of the roof, you can simply wait for the rain;
  2. Wall repair. The types of these works directly depend on the material from which the construction was carried out:
    1. Repair of a wooden surface can be combined with a facade insulation procedure. This procedure should begin with the processing of wood with specialized compounds, then the selected insulation is laid, an insulating film is laid on it, and then the necessary finishing work is carried out;
    2. If the dacha was built of brick, then you can either simply patch up the cracks on the surface by updating the coating material, or insulate according to the described scheme;

Insulation of brickwork

  1. Repair of old country houses must be carried out strictly in accordance with the technology of their construction.

Insulating the facade of a house is certainly a good idea, the main thing is to make sure that the walls are repaired in advance, that is, cracks and loose areas of the material are cleaned and repaired.

Mazanka ready for the summer season

Each owner can carry out the repair of a country house independently, because it is in his interests that the house is cozy, beautiful and suitable for living and recreation in the summer.

And the video in this article will reveal even more secrets of seasonal renovation of a country house.

A dacha truly becomes a dacha only when a house appears on it. So building a country house is the primary task for any owner of a summer cottage. Of course, you can contact a construction company, and your construction of a country house with your own hands will be completed in a month or two. But you can save money and get the most valuable experience in life if you build a summer house with your own hands. If you choose to build a country house inexpensively with your own hands, our tips outlined in this article will be useful to you.

When you start building a summer house, of course, you will be guided by your financial capabilities. The choice of material for construction, construction technology, area, number of storeys, the presence of certain engineering systems, equipment, and so on will depend on this. But nevertheless, for a start, it is worth deciding where exactly on the site to locate the new house, what area and number of storeys it will have.

The best option for the location of the country house is when one of the walls of the house is adjacent to the road passing by.This is convenient when building a summer cottage - after all, this way you do not have to carry building materials across the entire plot. As for the area of ​​the house, it all depends on how many people it will be designed for. If the area of ​​the site is not large, and the house should comfortably accommodate several people, then you should immediately plan a house with an attic. Its construction, if it is more complicated than a one-story house, then not by much (after all, you still need to make a roof, it just will not be so high and sloping), and the consumption of building materials for a one-story house of a similar area will be much greater.

The only but important limitation in the construction of two-story summer cottages or houses with attics is that such a house must have a high-quality, durable, preferably brick or reinforced concrete foundation. When laying out and laying the foundation, be sure to consider in advance whether you will attach a garage and a veranda to the house. Under them, the foundation can be made after, but it is better to lay it right away.

Your next step is to decide what kind of construction technology you will use and, accordingly, building materials. The choice is large enough, but still it comes down to only three main options.

The first option will allow you to build the most durable house, especially if a brick is chosen. But a brick building will be more expensive in terms of cost, and the speed of its construction is inferior to the speed of construction using other technologies.

A gas silicate house is being built quickly, it is relatively inexpensive, and the use of reinforcement in the joints between the blocks will make such a house very strong and durable. But the most important advantage of gas silicate is excellent heat and sound insulation at home.

Frame technology gives the highest construction speed. The disadvantages of such a house are that it will cost a little more than a gas silicate one and will be the least durable. However, modern materials for frame housing construction provide a sufficient level of strength and durability, especially since we are talking about the construction of a country house, and not a capital structure.

As for the construction of the roof, all the same roofing materials are used in the construction at the summer cottage - slate, including elastic, roofing iron of various profiles, tiles, metal tiles, soft tiles. Focus only on your taste and capabilities!

If you are building a modern country house, where you should be comfortable at any time of the year and in any weather, you must equip it with appropriate communications. Shower and toilet outside? Then everything is easier. But if you want to fit all household amenities under one roof, you must:

Usually, in the conditions of summer cottage construction, central communications are not provided, so autonomous sewer systems will come to your rescue.

If there is a water supply system and there is stable water in it, great. If not, the best option is to drill your own well and install a pumping system in it. The pleasure is not the cheapest, but believe me, the autonomous availability of water is very convenient!

There are a lot of options. The most traditional one is a stove, but it is much more difficult and more expensive than purchasing a double-circuit boiler of the combined type, operating on gas and electricity, and even on coal or wood. Such a boiler is extremely practical in operation and will provide heating of the house, its supply with hot water.

Everything is standard here, but you need to remember that most dacha cooperatives are switching to paying for electricity by the meter. So it is worthwhile to immediately install a certified electricity meter, and use energy-saving devices within the network, if possible.

So, the country house has been built. Most likely, if you devote to the construction of a country house every weekend and there are helpers, you will be able to do it in one warm season. This means that you can devote the next season to the construction of other important elements at the dacha - a garage, a veranda, sheds and gazebos, and, of course, a bath.On the pages of our site you will find answers to any questions that arise on these topics.

Build yourself, and we will be happy to help you!