In detail: do-it-yourself anti-radar repair from a real master for the site
Probably every driver at least once had the idea to acquire a radar detector, especially after another racket of a traffic policeman on the road. So get down to business! But let's clarify right away: a radar detector is a device that suppresses police radar, and its assembly is a very difficult task. Here we will consider a simpler anti-radar scheme - the so-called radar - a detector that signals that an inspector is scanning your car.
To measure the speed of a car, the traffic police radar receives radiation reflected from the car, and the radar detector - direct, therefore the radar detector is always able to detect the radar earlier than it measures the speed of the car! So, if a traffic cop scans from his radar 500 m from the car, this is the range of the Vizir device, then before the car approaches a visible distance of 100 m you have the opportunity to slow down.
This anti-radar scheme is quite common on the network, and although I personally did not assemble it, I had to repair such a homemade device. There, a microwave diode - the detector stood in a small funnel made of tin and the whole structure fit into a body soldered from foil PCB, the size of a pack of cigarettes. Under microwave irradiation, it blinked and peaked. Here is another version of the anti-radar circuit from the Radio magazine:
All radars in service with the traffic police operate at frequencies of 10525 MHz, 24150 MHz and 34700 MHz. These radar detectors are capable of detecting all of them.
Setting up the anti-radar circuit can be done while standing close to the person with the radar;
Or so as not to light up, near the stationary radar - camera:
![]() |
Video (click to play). |
Sometimes they are placed a couple of kilometers in front of the traffic police post:
Recently, the authorities have adopted: The VIZIR radar video recording speed meter consists of two independent units - a speed meter and a digital photo and video camera. The camera turns on both automatically when the driving car exceeds the preset speed limit, and manually - by an auto inspector. Surveillance cameras with built-in radar. The device works constantly, and when the speed is exceeded, the sensor is activated, which activates the camera.
The market also offers radar detectors. This device is not prohibited: nowhere in the law is it written that you cannot use radar detectors. Here are some examples of branded foreign products:
Cobra XRS-9445 Radar Detector. Price: $ 109.99
Cobra XRS-R9G with GPS Speed & Red Light Camera Detector. Price: $ 229.98
Cobra XRS-9970G Radar Detector. Our Price: $ 319.99
Questions about radar circuitry? FORUM
Currently, devices such as radar detectors are gaining more and more popularity among our compatriots. Such devices are designed to fix cameras, as well as police radars, which are used to determine the speed of a car and warn the driver about their presence. Like any other gadget, the detector can fail over time. In what cases it is necessary to repair radar detectors and what malfunctions are typical for such devices - we will talk about this below.
How to check such a device at home?
If we are talking about diagnostics of functionality, then the gadget is checked in the car, the diagnostic procedure is as follows:
What malfunctions are most often manifested in the operation of detectors:
As for the repair, it is far from always possible to carry out it with your own hands. If you have the appropriate knowledge and skills, you can try to repair the detector yourself.
How can you restore the device to work:
Is your TV, radio, mobile phone or kettle broken? And you want to create a new topic about this in this forum?
First of all, think about this: imagine that your father / son / brother has an appendicitis pain and you know from the symptoms that it is just appendicitis, but there is no experience of cutting it out, as well as the tool. And you turn on your computer, access the Internet on a medical site with the question: "Help to cut out appendicitis." Do you understand the absurdity of the whole situation? Even if they answer you, it is worth considering factors such as the patient's diabetes, allergies to anesthesia and other medical nuances. I think no one does this in real life and will risk trusting the life of their loved ones with advice from the Internet.
The same is in the repair of radio equipment, although of course these are all the material benefits of modern civilization and in case of unsuccessful repairs, you can always buy a new LCD TV, cell phone, iPAD or computer. And for the repair of such equipment, at least it is necessary to have the appropriate measuring (oscilloscope, multimeter, generator, etc.) and soldering equipment (hairdryer, SMD-hot tweezers, etc.), a schematic diagram, not to mention the necessary knowledge and repair experience.
Let's consider the situation if you are a beginner / advanced radio amateur who solders all sorts of electronic gizmos and has some of the necessary tools. You create an appropriate topic on the repair forum with a short description of “patient symptoms”, ie. for example “Samsung LE40R81B TV does not turn on”. So what? Yes, there can be a lot of reasons for not switching on - from malfunctions in the power system, problems with the processor or flashing firmware in the EEPROM memory.
More advanced users can find the blackened element on the board and attach a photo to the post. However, keep in mind that you replace this radio element with the same one - it is not a fact that your equipment will work. As a rule, something caused the combustion of this element and it could “pull” a couple of other elements along with it, not to mention the fact that it is quite difficult for a non-professional to find a burned-out m / s. Plus, in modern equipment, SMD radio elements are almost universally used, soldering which with an ESPN-40 soldering iron or a Chinese 60-Watt soldering iron you risk overheating the board, peeling tracks, etc. The subsequent restoration of which will be very, very problematic.
The purpose of this post is not any PR of repair shops, but I want to convey to you that sometimes self-repair can be more expensive than taking it to a professional workshop. Although, of course, this is your money and what is better or more risky is up to you.
If you nevertheless decide that you are able to independently repair the radio equipment, then when creating a post, be sure to indicate the full name of the device, modification, year of manufacture, country of origin and other detailed information. If there is a diagram, then attach it to the post or give a link to the source. Write down how long the symptoms have been manifesting, whether there were surges in the supply voltage network, whether there was a repair before that, what was done, what was checked, voltage measurements, oscillograms, etc. From a photo of a motherboard, as a rule, there is little sense, from a photo of a motherboard taken on a mobile phone there is no sense at all. Telepaths live in other forums.
Before creating a post, be sure to use the search on the forum and on the Internet. Read the relevant topics in the subsections, perhaps your problem is typical and has already been discussed. Be sure to read the article Repair strategy
The format of your post should be as follows:
Topics with the title “Help fix the Sony TV” with the content “broken” and a couple of blurred photos of the unscrewed back cover, taken with the 7th iPhone, at night, with a resolution of 8000x6000 pixels are immediately deleted. The more information about the breakdown you put in a post, the more chances you will get a competent answer.Understand that the forum is a system of gratuitous mutual assistance in solving problems and if you are dismissive of writing your post and do not follow the above tips, then the answers to it will be appropriate, if anyone wants to answer at all. Also note that no one should answer instantly or within a day, say, no need to write after 2 hours “That no one can help”, etc. In this case, the topic will be deleted immediately.
You should make every effort to find a breakdown on your own before you get stuck and decide to go to the forum. If you outline the whole process of finding a breakdown in your topic, then the chance of getting help from a highly qualified specialist will be very great.
If you decide to take your broken equipment to the nearest workshop, but do not know where, then perhaps our online cartographic service will help you: workshops on the map (on the left, press all buttons except “Workshops”). You can leave and view user reviews for workshops.
For repairmen and workshops: you can add your services to the map. Find your object on the map from the satellite and click on it with the left mouse button. In the field “Object type:” do not forget to change to “Equipment repair”. Adding is absolutely free! All objects are checked and moderated. A discussion of the service is here.
How do radar detectors work? The following requirements are imposed on radar detectors:
The detection range of a signal by a radar detector is one of the most important characteristics of the device, since the amount of time it takes to make a decision depends on it. In the “city” mode, the detection distance of the radar radiation fluctuates within 700-850 meters, outside the city the distance can reach 3 km.
Working range of waves - the wider the range of waves received by the device, the more models of DPS radars it can take direction finding. Today, without fail, radar detectors must operate at the following frequencies:
- X-band (10.525 GHz) - obsolete frequency, models on it are not produced, but still found on the roads.
- K-band (24.15 GHz) - this frequency is used in most radars in service with the traffic police.
- Ultra X - short pulse range, introduced since 2002, used in modern Sokol radars.
- Ultra K - the K range of short pulse frequencies, introduced since 2004, is used in Iskra and Berkut radars, as well as in video recorders.
- VG-2 - radar detector blocker when detecting direction finding equipment from traffic police officers.
- POP TM is the frequency range of radars used in the USA.
Most modern models have a multiband matrix for determining the incoming signals.
One more anti-radar characteristic - the ratio of false signals to real ones. It is known that the radar detector takes only part of the signals, in each specific situation there are conditions for false alarms (electric door locks with photocells, high-frequency emitters, terrain features, radar impulse).
Important characteristic radar detectora is the processing time of the incoming signal. Modern models of radars in service with the traffic police operate in a pulsed mode, with a short period of the emitted signal, operational reception and its processing increase the efficiency of the radar detector.
Reliability of the result - in addition to the coefficient of false signals, the reliability of the data, the correspondence of the received data on the distance to the radar, plays an important role.
Appliance functionality - Premium models are equipped with additional features to make the appliance easier to use.For example, a local oscillator built into the antiradar circuit has a blocking system in the presence of a DPS radar. Local oscillator sensor without phonit protection with amplification of the signal from the radar.
In addition to the listed characteristics, radar detectors can take direction finding of laser signals, however, the determination of laser exposure does not have accurate statistical data due to the specifics of the application of such radars.
Radar detectors are manufactured in a monolithic case, so most breakdowns can only be repaired at a service center. Among the frequent breakdowns - the radar detector constantly beeps, the radar detector does not work, the radar detector does not catch. Some of these faults may not be such. If your anti-radar does not catch any one type of radar, it may turn out that it is simply not capable of this constructively. There is also an uninterrupted supply of signals in the city, but, as a rule, this is not a defect, since the device must be switched to the “city” mode. Any repair of radar detectors is best done in a service center or at authorized dealers, if the warranty is valid. Self-repair can finally "finish off" your radar detector.
and where does the VF trade wind?
only a turret machine gun can be placed there. a
Whistler 138 Ru is a radar detector, not a radar detector
What's the difference? I’m, you might say, a teapot. Explain, if not difficult. Or where to read something sensible about it?
difference in terminology
a radar detector is essentially a special device that disables the radar. it's illegal everywhere.
the detector only informs about the possibility of irradiating it with signals similar to radar. it is illegal in some countries. in the RF norms.
Actually, modern radars are less visible and the meaning of a radar detector is becoming less and less.
depending on what "graze".
tripods radiate constantly and they are "visible" from afar.
The vizier works on the sight. but most likely, if you are not alone on the road, they will check the cars in front and again you will cross ..
Stationary arrows are few and far between, and they are close when it's too late.
well, hair dryers without video recording seem to have been banned
about antiradar - it is a source of strong electromagnetic radiation .. is it pleasant to be irradiated yourself? well, for the time being it.
a couple of times you will drive .. then the facts will be compared. This time .. well, and secondly, it is not a fact that this radar detector will effectively drown out the entire frequency band, so it can be useless, especially since different radars work in different ranges - and all to jam, it is necessary to carry a cart with an additional generator
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Well, what about the irradiation you turned it down. Despite the fact that everywhere there are mobile networks, wi-fi and the like, your radar detector will not do anything wrong. It just might be a problem due to its illegal use. Install a radar detector)
and which model is more reasonable to choose?
depending on what "graze".
tripods radiate constantly and they are "visible" from afar.
The vizier works on the sight. but most likely, if you are not alone on the road, they will check the cars in front and again you will cross ..
Stationary arrows are few and far between, and they are close when it's too late.
well, hair dryers without video recording seem to have been banned
about antiradar - it is a source of strong electromagnetic radiation .. is it pleasant to be irradiated yourself? well, for the time being it.
a couple of times you will drive .. then the facts will be compared. This time ..Well, and secondly, it is not a fact that this anti-radar will effectively drown out the entire frequency band, so it can be useless, especially since different radars work in different ranges - and everything must be muffled, it is necessary to carry a cart with an additional generator
I hear about it for the first time.
difference in terminology
a radar detector is essentially a special device that disables the radar. it's illegal everywhere.
the detector only informs about the possibility of irradiating it with signals similar to radar. it is illegal in some countries. in the RF norms.
Actually, modern radars are less visible and the meaning of a radar detector is becoming less and less.
thanks, now I will know. I'll think about it.
Cyril, where does infa come from?
for example, to normally mute the phone, you think the phone has enough power. you need many times more! And this is not taking into account that it is necessary to jam the entire potential band and not a couple of frequencies at which the signal is actually transmitted (!)
And where does the infa come from that the radar detector is harmful to health? If the rays are directed, then all the more there is nothing to be afraid of. Maybe you don't use a microwave either? There, too, the radiation is good
And where does the infa come from that the radar detector is harmful to health? If the rays are directed, then all the more there is nothing to be afraid of. Maybe you don't use a microwave either? There, too, the radiation is good
It's just that there is powerful radiation in the antiradar, that's all. If a person is irradiated like that, then nothing good will happen. But this is all theory
something in the news slipped the idea of the traffic police to ban these things.
who thinks about this?
Yes, this idea is not the first time jumping, but has not yet been banned. If they are banned, they will come up with something new.
Yes, this idea is not the first time jumping, but has not yet been banned. If they are banned, they will come up with something new.
And what can you think of new here?
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And what can you think of new here?
But you never know what. Once upon a time, there were no anti-radars, and there were no detectors. Then they came up with it. Well, that's the same and something else will come up with. Progress.
As for me, all these anti-radars and radar detectors are illegal, or at least go against their conscience. It would be better for something to come up with a device so that drivers observe traffic rules
Why is it against your conscience? What's so terrible about that?
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Does anyone in Saransk repair radar detectors?
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Radar detector stinger 430. Signal level indication scale from 1 to 9. When the radar was detected, it showed indication from 1 or from 2. Now only from 3. I started to catch worse, from a shorter distance. Check it out. Or tweak if you can.
Radar detector stinger 430. Signal level indication scale from 1 to 9. When the radar was detected, it showed indication from 1 or from 2. Now only from 3. I started to catch worse, from a shorter distance. Check it out. Or tweak if you can.
Definitely leaving the local oscillator setting in the horn. In general, it is the three brands mentioned above that suffer from this. Bring it, I'll return it to him, but as I wrote, some parameters cannot be restored without a debugging stand, and it is not in Saransk. And if there was, the cost would not be appropriate for repair.
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Question after inspection. Maybe I won't be able to restore it.
Heterodyne IMHO has nothing to do with it. The horn is mechanically damaged (fell off, fell apart, etc.), or the vibrator moved out of its place, either in the horn or on the board, do not disappear. Disassemble it yourself and see.
Heterodyne IMHO has nothing to do with it. The horn is mechanically damaged (fell off, fell apart, etc.), or the vibrator moved out of its place, either in the horn or on the board, do not disappear. Disassemble it yourself and see.
With such malfunctions, there will be no reception at all. For the listed brands, it is the local oscillator settings that float away. Repeatedly tested. Without a source with stable radiation both in frequency and impulse, it is impossible to understand in which direction the adjusting screw to turn.
I usually tune with my Spark.
Post has been edited by Best Radar: 08/31/2013, 15:56
Heterodyne IMHO has nothing to do with it. The horn is mechanically damaged (fell off, fell apart, etc.), or the vibrator moved out of its place, either in the horn or on the board, do not disappear. Disassemble it yourself and see.
With such malfunctions, there will be no reception at all. For the listed brands, it is the local oscillator settings that float away. Repeatedly tested. Without a source with stable radiation both in frequency and impulse, it is impossible to understand in which direction the adjusting screw to turn.
I usually tune with my Spark.
There will be a reception, but the sensitivity will decrease. The receiver in the radar, I think, is quite broadband, and when, when detuning the local oscillator, only the peak of the highest sensitivity shifts along the spectrum, I think it will still be captured by the receiver.
Heterodyne IMHO has nothing to do with it. The horn is mechanically damaged (fell off, fell apart, etc.), or the vibrator moved out of its place, either in the horn or on the board, do not disappear. Disassemble it yourself and see.
With such malfunctions, there will be no reception at all. For the listed brands, it is the local oscillator settings that float away. Repeatedly tested. Without a source with stable radiation both in frequency and impulse, it is impossible to understand in which direction the adjusting screw to turn.
I usually tune with my Spark.
There will be a reception, but the sensitivity will decrease. The receiver in the radar, I think, is quite broadband, and when, when detuning the local oscillator, only the peak of the highest sensitivity shifts along the spectrum, I think it will still be captured by the receiver. With that shit that stands in crunches, the local oscillator settings just go away from time to time. Have you ever seen what's inside them (I mean crunch / star / stinger)?

Once I came across an article on an amateur radio site on how to make a car adapter for a laptop.
A simple circuit (see below) - one microcircuit and a pair of transistors ...
Like many music lovers, I had a desire to install a subwoofer in the car. But the usual box-shaped subwoofer took up almost a quarter of Oda's already small trunk. So I decided to build a Stealth building. In addition, there was experience in working with fiberglass. More details ...

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On the roads of almost any country, you can find a huge number of radars, and drivers do not always know in advance where they are. This is where an automotive radar detector comes in - a compact device that helps locate speed control equipment. How is it different from antiradar, how to choose, configure or update it?
It acts as a radio receiver for the police radar, which measures the speed of a moving vehicle. You will know in advance that you are near a section of the road where the driving speed is controlled. This not only saves money, but also improves road safety.
You need to understand the difference between a radar detector and a radar detector.
A radar detector is an exclusively passive radio signal receiver. It does not affect the received signal in any way, but only analyzes it. This makes it possible to determine what kind of monitoring equipment is used. Most modern detectors can work with different types of radars, display information on the screen, and emit sound and voice signals. The detector can be used in Russia and many other countries of the world - it is not prohibited by law.
Antiradar has a different principle of operation. He not only receives the signal, but also actively suppresses it! Having detected intense radiation of a certain frequency, the device switches to the "jamming" mode, distorting the signal with special noise. Thanks to this, the police radar cannot track the speed of the vehicle. Conveniently? Yes, but prohibited by law - at least in Russia. The reason is that this technique operates on frequencies that are prohibited from being occupied by individuals.
The punishment for using a radar detector can be very harsh - from confiscation of a device to a fairly large fine. Therefore, in our country, such equipment is usually not sold. There are almost always only passive receivers on sale, but sellers sometimes mistakenly call them "antiradars".
Attention! Before making a choice, you need to find out two points:
- Does your car have an athermal windshield. Athermal glass is coated with silver oxide, due to which it begins to reflect the sun's rays. This is convenient because the interior does not get hot in hot weather, but the protective layer prevents radio signals from entering. This means that the radar detector will not be able to pick up the radiation from the monitoring devices. If you are not aware of the information about the windshield, inspect it - on the outside it will have a metallic sheen of purple, green, orange or another color. If it is still athermal, you will have to choose a radar detector with a spaced-apart installation type or look for an unprotected place next to the rear-view mirror.
- Are there adaptive cruise control, blind spot sensors and other sources of strong radio signals in the car? If they are present and cannot be turned off, alas, you will have to do without a radar detector, since it will receive strong interference. There are only a few anti-jamming models available so far, and all are manufactured by Escort, the world leader in radar detectors. We are talking about the Escort Passport 9500ix INTL and the 8500ci Plus INTL variant.
The most important parameter. Determines which radar signal the technician will pick up. The choice depends on the area in which you most often move. For example, the X range is outdated and is no longer used in almost any other place except in the wildest places. But the K-band in the pulsed mode is widespread. There is also a low-power sub-band K-Pulse - it is used in the latest Strelka, Kordon and many others radars.
A separate class of monitoring devices is laser-type meters.They do not use a radio signal, but a laser beam with a certain wavelength. Such models are also often used in Russia, so it's good if your detector can pick them up.
The hardest thing is with the complexes "AvtoUragan", "Avtodoria" and "Odyssey". These are not radars in the usual sense, but cameras that are installed on different sections of the road. First, the car is registered on one, then on the other. Then the technique determines the time for which this section was covered, and from it finds out the driving speed. No standard detector can detect such a device, because it does not emit anything! However, there was also a right for them - modern options are equipped with a built-in database with camera coordinates. It is recommended to pay attention only to detectors that have a database.
The most common class. In our country, you can most often find inexpensive Russian and South Korean models. Their cost usually does not exceed 12,000 rubles. The producers of PlayMe, Neoline, Star Stinger, Supra, Street Storm, Sho-Me deserve trust. Some world famous brands also have budget lines - for example, Whistler and Cobra.
Popular models are Street Storm STR 9540EX and STR 9900EX GL, as well as PlayMe Forever.
Street Storm STR 9540EX. Advantages: Sees an arrow, it is inexpensive, there are many functions + GPS Disadvantages: No serious problems in 2 years Comment: The main advantage is that it works as it should: it does not freeze, does not get too hot, although the load is strong. ... In addition, there is an updated base of cameras and radars, it's cool that his memory is rubber, many times he has already entered his coordinates. The firmware is periodically updated, there is nothing to complain about. Also, the settings system is very convenient, you can configure the taa that will only yell at the arrow. The filter is good here.
Everything is more serious here. The cost varies from 12,000 to about 20,000 rubles. The best known manufacturers in this category are Street Storm, Cobra, Beltronics, Whistler and Escort. In Russia, Street Storms are the most popular, as they are inexpensive and perfectly pick up signals from most local radars.
Top models: STR 9350EX, 9750EX, 7010BT, Whistler PRO-99ST +. Mid-range radar detectors are a great choice for most situations.
Whistler PRO-99ST +. Advantages: Large frequency range, which, if necessary, can be easily turned off. It catches radars at an excellent distance, in any case, you can have time to slow down the speed limit. You can drive around the city with him calmly, without unnecessary signals that only distract, when the speed changes, auto-mute is triggered, it's convenient. The database is updated well, it is enough to connect it to a PC with the Internet. All technical characteristics correspond to reality. Comment: The possibilities of this radar detector are enormous, having bought it 3 months ago I did not receive a single penalty. For me, the model is completely suitable, with it you can feel the reliability, the savings are obvious.
Vasilyeva Natalya
A relatively rare group of detectors in our country, the cost of which exceeds 20,000 rubles. The main manufacturer in it is the Escort company. Choosing such a device, you can count on almost 100% protection from any radar, up-to-date databases and many additional functions.
The best options are Passport 9500ci INTL MTR, Passport 8500ci Plus INTL and a few others. They "see" the signals of almost all radars and lasers, are equipped with GPS receivers, can be equipped with external speakers, digital noise filters and much more.
Escort Passport 8500ci Plus INTLAdvantages: + Hidden installation + Perfectly picks up signals of all ranges + Simple and convenient Disadvantages: Price Small distance of notification of stationary radars (300 meters) .. The base with updates on radars must be purchased separately .. Comment: The radar is generally satisfied. Yes, it's a little expensive, but the hidden installation is important for me personally .. It catches signals well .. Yes, there are a lot of false positives, but if it doesn’t squeak, then you can fly safely .. After 3 months of use, I personally lost the sound, repaired under warranty. Repaired for 1.5 months, because entrails were transported from behind a hillock .. But after that it works again ..Yes, there is a small warning distance, but if the radar emits waves, then it catches them even 1.5 kilometers away. Sometimes, even those driving behind do not understand why I am dropping the speed, because. he catches too early .. But you can adapt. On the whole, the impression of him is positive .. Although, of course, it costs money ..
Kolesnikov Nikolay
The detector must be installed in a place from which the road is clearly visible. If you have to distract yourself from road control to look at the screen, you have chosen the wrong place.
The most common option is next to the rearview mirror. It's not bad, but there are drawbacks. With this installation, the detection accuracy of laser beams is somewhat reduced, since most detectors can detect them only in an area of about 1 m around them. If the fixture is at the level of the windshield, and the beam is directed towards the license plate, there is simply not enough coverage. Thus, if you have a large vehicle, it is best to place the detector somewhere lower.
Some drivers put detectors in the middle of the windshield. This option is technically acceptable, but it can provoke a conflict among police officers - many of them do not like the presence of such a device.
It is recommended to secure the equipment at the bottom of the windshield or in general on the dashboard.
The easiest way to attach the detector is to use the supplied suction cups. It is suitable if you are going to place the equipment on the windshield or other flat surface. But if you need to attach it to the dashboard, it is better to use double-sided adhesive tape.
Attention! Be careful with the sticky tape! There are cases when it damaged the serial number of the device, which led to the loss of warranty.
The process can vary greatly depending on what you intend to connect the fixture to. Prepare the following tools just in case:
- flat screwdriver;
- knife or sharp scissors;
- a piece of wire of medium thickness;
- soldering iron.
- Use a screwdriver to unscrew the 2 screws that secure the lighting shade.
- Route the cable to the side post using the wire.
- Route it to the left side of the panel and attach the native connector.
- It is recommended to take power from the orange and black wires of the plafond.
- You will need an extended fuse (available from many electronics stores). The process looks like this:
- Find a target in the fuse box, in which there is always a "plus" (or it appears after turning on the ignition).
- Insert the extended fuse wire into the connector or solder it to the fuse foot.
- Install the resulting structure in the fuse box and power it.
- "Plus" is placed on a thick wire with a black stripe, which is located on the ignition block.
- "Minus" - on the stove pin, under the nut.
- The connection is made through a fuse.
- If there is no voltmeter, check the functionality of the interior lighting lamp.
The main thing in this method is not to confuse "+" and "-".
The update and flashing process varies greatly from model to model. For example, in Whistler, to determine the current software version, you need to hold down the City button for a few seconds - the numbers of interest will appear on the screen. In Sho-Me, everything is a little more complicated - you have to lift the lid and see what is written on the main chip.
You can update the version yourself, but you risk the warranty. You need to download the firmware for your device and load it through your computer. Remember, however, that this is a rather dangerous procedure. Only representatives of the official service center can give a guarantee of its implementation.
After the update is complete, you need to reboot the detector. Different models do this in different ways.In some cases, you need to hold down the MENU button (or similar) and press the volume up / down buttons. For details, see the instructions.
A radar detector is a useful device, but it will only bring maximum benefit when properly installed and configured. Do everything in accordance with the rules and get reliable protection from monitoring devices!
Before proceeding with the setup of the Cobra TM radar detector, it is necessary to correctly install this device, ensuring its correct operation. The detector should be installed parallel to the road. You may need to bend the bracket slightly once to position the instrument horizontally. It is better to install the device in the middle of the windshield of the car as high as possible so that in places with a difference in elevation, the detector is triggered as soon as possible. Keep in mind that toning can degrade the sensitivity of the device by 10-20 percent. Thus, if you have a tint strip glued to the top of your windshield, it is better to install the device lower. Also keep in mind that athermal glass with a purple tint degrades the sensitivity of any anti-radar by 40-60 percent.
Most often, such glasses have a technological window that does not have any athermality - it is in this place that the gadget needs to be installed. You will find information about this window in the documentation for your machine. as a rule, it is located somewhere under the rear-view mirror.
You can check the windshield for athermality by experience. Just stand in front of an active signal source, for example, in front of a traffic police radar or a sensor for automatic doors that work in the K-band, and check the signal strength of the device from the car and from the street. If you notice a difference in the signal strength, your glass is athermal and the low sensitivity of the antiradar is connected with this.
It is customary to configure the radar detector once, after which the selected parameters are saved in memory. Today, in our country, they use mainly two ranges in which police radars function:
- X - in this range the Falcon-type radar works, which has long been discontinued, but in some regions they are still found.
- K-band - modern speed meters work in it.
- Separately, laser radars can be distinguished, which do not work in any specific range, but function due to the length of the light wave, which is measured in nanometers.
There are other frequency ranges:
These ranges are not yet used in our country, so we advise you to turn them off. First of all, this will reduce the frequency of false alarms. Regardless of the fact that there is no measuring equipment in such ranges in our country, triggers from other sources are not excluded. The speed of the gadget's processor also increases, since it will work to recognize only certain ranges.
It should be noted that in the new Cobra antiradars, the Ka band is enabled by default and cannot be disabled. The X range is enabled in the settings and you can turn it off if necessary. Frequency bands unused in our country are disabled by default. In other words, modern models of Cobra radar detectors are configured for operation in Russia. In the factory settings, the Trail driving mode is selected - it is optimal in many cases.
In the urban mode of operation in the models of the Cobra RU 935, 945, 955 and 745, 755 and 775 CT radar detectors, the signal strength with a power of one and two is not sounded, so we do not recommend using the mode in an unfamiliar area. City and City Max are well suited for cities where cops are mostly armed with Riflemen.
For the convenience of using the detector and getting the maximum result from it, you will need to get used to the gadget for a certain time and learn how to correctly recognize the information.For example, the appearance of a short and weak signal in the K-band almost certainly indicates a false alarm. However, a stable signal almost certainly indicates that a radar has been detected.
Do not forget that in addition to police radars, other equipment operates in the above ranges, which have a weaker radiation that the detector can work on. These can be sensors for opening sliding doors at gas stations or in stores, power lines, cruise control in cars, cell towers, satellite dishes, etc.
To reduce the frequency of unnecessary alarms, we advise you to do the following:
- Disable ranges that are not used in our country.
- Switch between City and Highway modes. In the first case, the received signals become coarser and the number of false alarms decreases. In this case, the sensitivity of the sensor decreases.
For increased comfort, you can use the IntelliMute option, which is not available on all radar detectors. Setting the function makes it possible to drown out the functioning of the gadget at low speeds. These are the cases when the use of the detector is not relevant. Suppose you are in a traffic jam or approach a mall where there are door sensors and you simply cannot exceed the speed limit in a parking lot.
Please note that the range of the anti-radar response largely depends on factors such as:
- geography of the area (winding or hilly road, lack of reflective objects and surfaces);
- the type of police radar used (high, medium, low power);
method of installing the radar (in the back, at an angle, in the face); - weather, traffic on the road.
It is impossible to determine in advance the maximum range of the anti-radar, since in each specific case the set of factors affecting the range may be different.
Also, you should not use two antiradars at the same time, since the heterodyne background of one device can interfere with the operation of the other.
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Keep the radar detector away from a functioning police radar at close range - up to five meters. It is not normal to use it, and the detector board might just get damaged.