In detail: do-it-yourself repair of starters from a real master for the site
A car starter is a sophisticated electrical device that can be used to start the engine by simply turning the ignition key. Any of them is designed for hundreds of thousands of successful launches, and with proper care, it can last a long time, starting a car engine without problems in any conditions. The lack of timely diagnostics and replacement of worn parts can lead to such a situation that far from home or a car service, it will simply fail, delivering a huge number of problems to the car owner.
It is worth noting that although an independent starter repair is possible, its implementation requires experience and a set of elementary tools, which are simply not at hand in a long trip. Accordingly, repairing the starter motor may not be possible, which is almost guaranteed to immobilize the vehicle. But it is far from always impossible to start the engine due to a malfunction of the starter, and before undertaking its "repair", you should pay attention to other components - for example, a flywheel or a storage battery. In addition, it is impossible to repair a starter with your own hands if you do not know how it works.
At the heart of any starter is a powerful short-lived electric motor.
Starter operation when trying to start the car is as follows:
after turning the ignition key, voltage begins to flow to the windings of the electric motor;
the bendix pushes out the gear, which is connected to the flywheel;
after a successful crankshaft spin, the bendix gear is thrown back to its original position, at the same time the electrical circuit is opened and the starter stops working.
Video (click to play).
Despite the fact that there are several types of starters, their electrical part is the same, and the only differences are in the mechanisms for automatic decoupling from the flywheel. The friction damper may also differ. In addition to the classic design, the most widespread is the starter with a planetary gearbox - it is installed on diesel and powerful gasoline engines. Such designs have some advantages over classic options:
more compact dimensions;
increased efficiency;
easier start of the motor with a weak battery charge;
this starter requires less starting current, which increases the reliability of starting in cold weather.
Of course, a more complex design makes it much more difficult to repair the device yourself.
A qualitative check of this unit is impossible without dismantling it. It is best to carry out work in a pit, which will provide the ability to move freely under the car. A standard set of wrenches will be required from the tools, and the presence of socket wrenches with a flexible extension will greatly simplify the task. Dismantling is carried out in several stages.
The terminals are removed from the storage battery.
Electrical cables are removed from the pins of the solenoid relay and terminals.
The motor protection is dismantled.
After unscrewing the nuts that secure the starter to the engine block, it can be removed.
Carrying out periodic control of the brushes, you can timely notice a critical decrease in their height, which should not be less than 12 mm. To get to the brushes, unscrew the screw securing the contact wires and squeeze the spring - after that they can be freely removed. After measuring the length, a decision is made to install new ones or return the old ones to their place. As practice shows, if the starter is already dismantled, and new brushes are in stock, it is better to replace them.It should be understood that replacing the starter brushes is an operation that must be performed regularly, especially with frequent engine starts.
This is a more time-consuming process than removing the brushes. Initially, it is required to remove the washer from the axle and unscrew a pair of tie bolts. After disconnecting the casing of the device, you will have to remove the tubes of insulation of the screed bolts from it. Now you should evaluate the external condition of the collector and the windings. There should be no obvious black marks on them, as well as on the collector itself. If they are still present, then it is advisable to replace the collector, although as a temporary measure, it can be cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper.
To do this, you will have to get the anchor out of the case. To get to it, you must remove the washer from the axis of the anchor itself, strip the axis of the lever and knock it out - after that you can remove the anchor along with your drive. The clutch drive lever is removed and the free rotation of the gear is checked by hand: it should be completely free in one direction, and completely blocked in the opposite direction. Chips, and even more so chips should not be detected. If free rotation is difficult or impossible, and there are traces of wear on the teeth, the coupling together with the gear are replaced with new ones - it is unacceptable to operate such a device.
In the process of gradual disassembly of the starter, using an ohmmeter, the windings of the starter itself and the armature are tested for the presence of traces of short circuits. Checking the starter armature is mandatory, since then disassembling it for the sake of this is quite problematic. Reassembling the assembly should be done carefully and slowly. Before that, all surfaces are thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt, and plastic parts are necessarily lubricated with one of the special lubricants, for example, lithol. All metal parts, which are in excess in the starter, are treated with engine oil. How you can perform high-quality and self-diagnosis is shown in the video:
Since the bendix gear, working in tandem with the flywheel, has a huge load, they are the most common cause of failures when starting the engine. As a rule, the fact that the problem is with the gear is indicated by the periodic refusal of the starter to turn the crankshaft or its rotation too slow, not enough to start. Cracking or frequent clicks are often heard. To make sure that this is exactly the problem, a visual inspection of these nodes will help. If only the teeth on the flywheel are worn out, intermittent starting problems arise when the gear teeth fall into this pit and the starter turns idle.
A fairly common situation is such a moment - the starter clicks, but the crankshaft does not spin, or it occurs at an extremely low speed, clearly insufficient for starting. Before starting a starter repair with your own hands, you should definitely find out the reason for this behavior. There may be several of them:
seized motor shaft or bushing;
short circuit in the windings;
the stator touches the "+" of the rotor.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to visually diagnose any of the above reasons, and the starter will have to be removed. Before checking the starter, it should be thoroughly cleaned of accumulated dust and dirt. If problems are found with the shaft, tighten or replace it. In some cases, you can try to center it. Alignment will also help if the rotor touches the stator. A short circuit is easily identified by burnt contacts and a characteristic smell - if it is possible to replace the starter, it is better to do this, or give the damaged device to professionals.
A little less often, you can encounter such a situation when clicks or crackling in the starter are heard after starting the engine. Among the main reasons for this phenomenon are the following:
discharged battery, as a result of which the holding winding does not receive the proper level of power supply and cannot create a strong magnetic field to fix the armature;
open or short circuit in the holding winding.
To confirm or refute these versions, a starter test with a multimeter is required. If the test is negative, a possible cause may be burnt-out pins. The relay clicks, but there is no contact between the motor and the battery. This problem is characterized by periodicity - contact may occasionally appear.
To protect yourself from major repairs to the starter or its complete replacement, you should be more attentive to the device that is already working. It rarely happens that it suddenly fails. This is usually preceded by several signs. An attentive and experienced driver knows not only how to check a removed starter, for example, on a battery, but can also accurately determine when a breakdown is approaching in order to promptly and at minimal cost to eliminate an impending problem. For example, timely replacement of the starter bushings will help to avoid the need to replace the starter itself in the future.
Along with timely diagnostics and repairs, you need to follow the basic rules for the safe operation of the starter:
it is not allowed to use it to move a car over short distances;
attempts between unsuccessful starts of the motor should alternate with 30-second pauses, and the time of continuous operation of the device should not exceed 10-15 seconds.
Failure to comply with these rules and banal carelessness during the operation of the car can lead to the need for replacement, which will cost a fairly large amount, depending on the installed modification of this device.
An article on car starter repair - signs of device malfunctions, dismantling, assembly, diagnostics. At the end of the article - a video about the basic rules for repairing a starter.
The content of the article:
The main symptoms of starter problems
Removing the starter from under the hood
Diagnostics after dismantling
Assembling the starter and checking its performance
Video about the basic rules for starter repair
At the first sign of damage to the starter, measures should be taken to diagnose it and, if necessary, repair it. This can be done in a car service, and, most often, with your own hands - eliminating a starter breakdown is an operation of medium complexity, which is within the power of an ordinary driver, if we are not talking about a complete disassembly of the device. Most likely, you will need to replace its part and / or sand the component parts with sandpaper.
In order to save money on the services of a car repair shop, you will need an inspection pit, a set of tools and a charged battery. Below we will consider the most common problems of starters, the components of the mechanism and the possible connection of each of them with a breakdown.
An inspection hole is needed to pull the starter out from under the hood, and then diagnose it outside the car. Anyone who does this for the first time will spend a relatively long time, therefore, before starting dismantling, you can try to clean the starter contacts, which could have oxidized during operation, make sure that they are securely fastened, it is also possible to replace the power wires.
If you do not know where the starter motor is located in your car, you can be guided by the sound under the hood that appears when you turn the key - this will require the help of a second person who will sit in the car.
First of all, it is necessary to disconnect the device from the battery - remove the terminals and conductive cables from the solenoid relay. After that, the fastening bolts are unscrewed, as a rule there are 2 or 3 of them - for this you need a hinged extension.
It was already mentioned above that this work requires an inspection pit, since sometimes, to dismantle the starter, it will be necessary to remove the units and mechanisms that are on the way to it, in most cases - the sheathing of the engine compartment protection.
If the problem lies not in the relay, you should also check the stator insulation with an ohmmeter, the damaged winding is restored with an impregnating varnish, but if you have no experience with electrical measuring instruments, it is best to entrust this operation to a specialist. If the starter is geared, then permanent magnets will be present in its design, and if they are damaged, it is extremely difficult to repair them, so it is best to buy a new starter.
The rotor insulation should also be checked if the other parts of the starter are working properly, but for this you need to unscrew the studs holding the two halves of the electric motor and disassemble it completely. If traces of burning and soot are visible on the anchor, it should be replaced. There should not be a strong plaque on the collector - if there is one, you need to clean the part with sandpaper. It is important to inspect all parts for damage and contamination - the coupling should rotate freely in one direction and lock in the other.
It is also advisable to replace the brushes, regardless of whether they are the cause of the device breakdown or not. - it took you some time to extract it, so it makes sense to carry out preventive measures to delay the moment of repeated work under the car. The brushes are attached using terminals and springs that press them from above; to replace them, you need to remove the starter cover from the side of the ignition switch with a screwdriver.
Even if at some of the stages of the check after parsing the starter the problem was identified and eliminated, one should not neglect the time spent on removing and parsing - it is reasonable to take the opportunity to carry out a complete diagnosis and cleaning of all its mechanisms to reduce the likelihood of problems with the device in the future.
Remember that its breakdown on the road will most likely mean a call for a tow truck, so it's best to spend time on it in a garage.
It is very important to remember the sequence with which you disassembled the device - it is advisable to arrange its parts in the same order so as not to get confused during assembly.
After these checks, the starter can be installed back on the vehicle. Of course, the mechanism of the mechanism can differ greatly on different models of cars, therefore, before starting the repair, you should familiarize yourself with the technical documentation and, at least, look at the diagram of the starter device in your car.
Do-it-yourself or car service specialists need to carry out preventive maintenance work from time to time even if there are no signs of malfunctions, since this device has a certain margin of service life, usually measured 100-150 thousand km.
Video about the basic rules for repairing a starter: