Ts4312 DIY repair

In detail: ts4312 DIY repair from a real master for the site my.housecope.com.

Do you need a circuit?
Do you need a cutter?
Is the battery OK?
Is there anything to supply current? On all bands.

Try to check the current on all ranges

When repairing shooters (testers) of the USSR Zhytomyr bottling Image - Ts4312 DIY repair

first of all, you need to check the constant current, i.e. turn on the tester in the DC current measurement and apply current (at all limits). The resistance measurement resistances are also tied to the current resistances.
Damn, better give me, I'll do it for you!

Set the largest limit on the 4313 DC current measurement (I do not remember, roughly-5 A). Connect a multimeter (digit) to the input terminals. The multimeter will show up to one Ohm somewhere (approximately). Switch 4313 to the next limit (somewhere 1A) The multimeter will show a resistance of the same number of times more (5 Ohm is approximately very). And so all the limits. Look for where the failure is hundreds of times the change in resistance

At the smallest current limit, this rule does not work.

Image - Ts4312 DIY repair

Combined device Ts4312

Electrical diagram and list of components.

When searching for small radio parts that have fallen off the table, the probability of their detection is directly proportional to the size of the part and inversely proportional to their value for completing the work.

Dielectric and diamagnetic screwdrivers can be cut from old fiberglass boards.

For half a day I rummage on the Internet, looking for how to approach the Ts4312 tester. While my husband was alive, he himself repaired everything in the house, called me, etc. Now he is gone, there is no one to ask, in those or only diagrams, or in an “unreadable” format. Thank you very much for explaining the basics in an understandable language. Maybe you can answer how to ring the integrity of the wire and check the battery or light bulb? For a specialist, this is elementary, but for a woman who first took a tester in her hands, it is a mystery sealed with seven seals. Thank you in advance! Best regards, Lyudmila Mikhailovna

Video (click to play).

3.Battery Test 1.5v. ... 20 volts: Connect the test leads to the left and right contacts.
- set the switch on the front panel to position V for the selected measurement limit, for example, no more than 30 volts or no more than 7.5 volts. ... at the bottom, use the keys to switch the measurement of DC voltage (__) or AC (

). That is, for the battery, you must press (__).
- now if the probes are connected to the Plus-Minus of the battery, the arrow will show the measured voltage in volts. And if the arrow deviates to the left beyond the scale, then it is necessary to change the polarity of the probes. Read the readings from the voltage scale of your choice -V or Ohm resistance (kOhm).
Do not measure the voltage in the network

Forum RadioKot
Here you can meow a little 🙂

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Image - Ts4312 DIY repair

Image - Ts4312 DIY repair

JLCPCB, 10 PP prototypes for only $ 2 and 2 days delivery!

Dolby, but not surround
Zen 4, Aleph 3 - and nothing else is needed.

do not connect the equipment to the network so as not to go beyond the OBR

Dolby, but not surround
Zen 4, Aleph 3 - and nothing else is needed.

do not connect the equipment to the network so as not to go beyond the OBR

Dolby, but not surround
Zen 4, Aleph 3 - and nothing else is needed.

Dolby, but not surround
Zen 4, Aleph 3 - and nothing else is needed.

Dolby, but not surround
Zen 4, Aleph 3 - and nothing else is needed.

Dolby, but not surround
Zen 4, Aleph 3 - and nothing else is needed.

Image - Ts4312 DIY repair

Image - Ts4312 DIY repair

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Of course * and * so * is possible. I * search * get it * a little ** a little * lighter e. * I * have ** 65 * years old, * got sick * on * heart * full * forward * strict o * forbidden. these * 2 * documents * found l * and * before * downloaded. * Thank you * for * the answer. 73 de OM6SK Jaro

Added after 17 minutes (s):

Here * this * is * correct * n yt * for * me * an old man. Thanks a lot . I * downloaded * the book * to * something * such * I * hoped. means * I'm ** lucky *. ... p. 162 * maps. 91 ** and * now * in * small, * n slightly * will be * in * m oim * measures * ** full * forward *! 73 de OM6SK Jaro

I'm sorry - R7, not R10 - was wrong. Attached file (green resistance).

Thank you for instructions on how to use it. I got the device without a back cover, which I found on the Internet (description of the device - video clip), so I used it.

Added by (22.12.2016, 13:16)
I have 2 diodes on the measuring head (they can be seen on the previously attached file 8643591), but in the manual in the photo there are no “guts”.

Added by (22.12.2016, 13:30)
I read the instructions. That's what I did. All my actions are confirmed by the file _4354-1-.docx in the first message. If it does not open, let me know - I will expose it in separate files.

Message # 11 chkmatulla »27 Nov 2016, 17:53

Message # 12 ROW »27 Nov 2016, 17:59

Sent after 1 minute 35 seconds:

Message # 13 chkmatulla »27 Nov 2016, 18:02

Message # 14 AnSm »27 Nov 2016, 18:39

Message # 15 chkmatulla »27 Nov 2016, 19:20

Message # 16 AnSm »27 Nov 2016, 19:29

Message # 17 chkmatulla »27 Nov 2016, 19:58

Message # 18 VVKV »27 Nov 2016, 20:01

Message # 19 AnSm »27 Nov 2016, 21:06

Message # 20 chkmatulla »27 Nov 2016, 22:01

Image - Ts4312 DIY repair


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3. In resistance meter mode, what does it say?
4. Is the battery normal? Half-demagnetizing the head is anrial. If the arrow walks freely, then all in a bundle you need to look for a jamb in the body kit, a broken conductor, etc.

Attached image (Click to enlarge)
Image - Ts4312 DIY repair

Name: Repair of combined devices.

author: Kuzin V.M., Kuzina O.V.

The principle of operation, design, characteristics and basic rules for the use of combined devices are considered. Basic electrical diagrams, layout diagrams of elements, maps of electrical circuits and other information about domestic and most common foreign combined devices are presented. Practical recommendations for troubleshooting and troubleshooting are given. Proposed for repetition by radio amateurs, developed by the authors and implemented by them in practice, circuits of original measuring devices.

In the practice of measuring, portable combined devices are widely used, allowing you to measure several physical greatness over a wide range of values. The capabilities of portable combined devices can be realized most fully under the condition of correct operation and taking into account the influence of their characteristics on the measurement results, which requires, first of all, familiarity with the theory of measurements and the availability of the necessary information about combined devices as measuring instruments.
During the operation of portable combined devices, various types of malfunctions can occur, caused both by wear and aging of system elements, and by improper actions of the operator. When repairing these devices, difficulties are possible associated with the lack of element marking on circuit boards or pads, element arrangement diagrams and other necessary information.

It is quite within the power of every user who is well acquainted with the basics of electronics and electrical engineering to independently organize and repair the multimeter. But before proceeding with such a repair, you must try to figure out the nature of the damage that has occurred.

It is most convenient to check the serviceability of the device at the initial stage of repair by inspecting its electronic circuit.For this case, the following troubleshooting rules have been developed:

  • Image - Ts4312 DIY repairit is necessary to carefully examine the printed circuit board of the multimeter, on which there may be clearly distinguishable factory defects and errors;
  • special attention should be paid to the presence of unwanted short circuits and poor-quality soldering, as well as defects on the terminals at the edges of the board (in the area of ​​the display connection). For repairs, you will have to use soldering;
  • factory errors most often manifest themselves in the fact that the multimeter does not show what it should according to the instructions, and therefore its display is examined first of all.

If the multimeter gives incorrect readings in all modes and IC1 heats up, then you need to inspect the connectors to check the transistors. If the long leads are closed, then the repair will consist only in opening them.

In total, a sufficient number of visually detectable faults can accumulate. You can familiarize yourself with some of them in the table and then eliminate it yourself. (to the address: Before repairing, it is necessary to study the multimeter circuits, which are usually given in the passport.

If they want to check the serviceability and repair the multimeter indicator, then they usually resort to using an additional device that produces a signal of a suitable frequency and amplitude (50-60 Hz and units of volts). In its absence, you can use a multimeter type M832 with the function of generating rectangular pulses (meander).

To diagnose and repair the multimeter display, you need to remove the working board from the device case and select a position convenient for checking the indicator contacts (screen up). After that, you should connect the end of one probe to the common terminal of the indicator under investigation (it is located in the bottom row, the far left), and alternately touch the other end to the signal outputs of the display. In this case, all its segments should light up one after the other according to the wiring of the signal buses, which should be read separately. Normal "operation" of the tested segments in all modes indicates that the display is working properly.

Additional Information. This malfunction most often manifests itself during the operation of a digital multimeter, in which its measuring part fails and needs to be repaired extremely rarely (provided that the instructions are followed).

The last remark concerns only constant values, when measuring which the multimeter is well protected against overloads. Serious difficulties in identifying the reasons for the failure of the device are most often encountered when determining the resistances of the circuit section and in the dialing mode.

In this mode, typical malfunctions, as a rule, appear in the measuring ranges up to 200 and up to 2000 Ohm. When an extraneous voltage enters the input, as a rule, resistors under the designations R5, R6, R10, R18 burn out, as well as the transistor Q1. In addition, the capacitor C6 often breaks through. The consequences of exposure to extraneous potential are manifested as follows:

  1. Image - Ts4312 DIY repairwhen the Q1 triode is completely "burnt out", when determining the resistance, the multimeter shows one zeros;
  2. in case of incomplete breakdown of the transistor, the device with open ends should show the resistance of its junction.

Note! In other measurement modes, this transistor is short-circuited and therefore has no effect on the display.

With a breakdown of C6, the multimeter will not work at the measuring limits of 20, 200 and 1000 Volts (the option of a strong understatement of the reading is not excluded).

If the multimeter constantly beeps when dialing or is silent, then the reason may be poor-quality soldering of the pins of IC2. The repair consists in careful soldering.

Inspection and repair of an inoperative multimeter, the malfunction of which is not related to the cases already considered, is recommended to start with checking the voltage of 3 Volts on the ADC supply bus.In this case, first of all, it is necessary to make sure that there is no breakdown between the supply terminal and the common terminal of the converter.

The disappearance of indication elements on the display screen in the presence of a supply voltage converter with a high degree of probability indicates damage to its circuit. The same conclusion can be made when a significant number of circuit elements located near the ADC are burned out.

Important! In practice, this node "burns out" only when a sufficiently high voltage (more than 220 volts) hits its input, which manifests itself visually in the form of cracks in the module compound.

Before talking about repairs, you need to check. A simple way to test the ADC for suitability for further operation is to dial its terminals using a known working multimeter of the same class. Note that the case when the second multimeter incorrectly shows the measurement results is not suitable for such a check.

When preparing for operation, the device is switched to the diode “dialing” mode, and the measuring end of the wire in red insulation is connected to the “minus power” output of the microcircuit. Following this black probe, each of its signal legs is sequentially touched. Since there are protective diodes at the inputs of the circuit, connected in the opposite direction, after applying a forward voltage from a third-party multimeter, they should open.

The fact of their opening is recorded on the display in the form of a voltage drop across the junction of the semiconductor element. Similarly, the circuit is checked when a probe in black insulation is connected to pin 1 (+ ADC power supply), followed by touching all other pins. In this case, the indications on the display screen should be the same as in the first case.