In detail: DIY ceiling repair options from a real master for the site
If you make repairs to the ceiling in an apartment with your own hands, it’s interesting to do so, you should try to move away from whitewashing and painting, boring white wallpaper or old-fashioned polystyrene tiles. You can always pick up interesting ideas and try to put them into practice, especially since no one and nothing limits your imagination, except for the budget and time planned for apartment renovation.
The problem of repairing the ceiling in an apartment with your own hands is not only financial costs and the limited time allocated for repair work. These are, first of all, our ability to do something or repair something with our own hands, and they are far from ideal. Few of the ordinary apartment owners who are not associated with the professional activity of repairing and improving residential premises are able to assemble complex multi-level ceilings with their own hands or build a combination of tension and frame structures.
You can easily pick up some of the most interesting ideas for repairing ceilings in an apartment with your own hands, there are practically unlimited numbers of interiors and design solutions, another thing is to try to put them into practice on your own.
For creative delights and your own ceiling design options, you can use the simplest and most affordable repair methods:
Painting the ceiling surface with modern paints, creating a composition of several complex shapes and color schemes;
Pasting the ceiling with wallpaper, including graphics and photographic images;
Ceiling space decoration with overhead decor.
Video (click to play).
If you have experience with drywall, then you can collect the simplest options for two-level ceilings with lighting elements. Despite the simplified design, the results of repairing the ceiling in an apartment with your own hands, photos can make a strong impression on guests and hosts.
Of course, the most difficult stage is the choice of style and general composition of what should appear in the ceiling space, methods and methods of implementing the idea. You have to think over and plan the repair of the ceiling in the apartment with your own hands in stages, up to each technological operation separately.
In order to achieve a high quality repair, first of all, you will need to carry out a very competent rough preparation of the ceiling surface.
The stages of rough preparation for different options for repairing and finishing the ceiling in an apartment are in many cases very similar in terms of the materials used and technological methods. Conditionally preparatory activities can be divided into two main types:
Leveling and grinding the surface of the ceiling slab in the apartment in order to improve the quality of the base for the future decorative coating;
Installation of a suspended frame system for fastening the false ceiling cladding. It turns out a perfectly flat surface, but the height of the apartment is reduced by 8-10%.
There is another, third option for repairing the ceiling space of an apartment, this is the laying of decorative panels on a wooden crate. Traditionally, such solutions are used for kitchens, balconies, loggias, baths and lavatories, those rooms where the functionality and practicality of decorative ceiling decoration is of paramount importance.
For small rooms, for example, a one-room apartment, it is impractical to use a suspension system.This repair option is not very popular, since even a slight decrease in the height of the ceilings has an extremely negative effect on the overall perception of the space.
If the owners of the apartment do not want to lose in the height of the room, then the most suitable method for a rough repair would be to level the surface with gypsum plaster.
The preparation technology is practically no different from plastering walls:
The ceiling surface is cleaned from whitewash and mortar residues to concrete, the inter-slab seams are thoroughly cleaned from the old filling;
The surface is primed with deep penetration acrylic adhesive;
Using a hydraulic or laser level, the horizon line is determined, along which horizontal marking cords or thick fishing line are pulled;
Every 50-60 cm, longitudinal aluminum strips of beacons are attached to the ceiling surface with alabaster mortar;
Leveling mixtures of gypsum plaster are sequentially laid on the surface of the ceilings of the apartment, after which the laid mass is stretched as a rule and dried for 24 hours.
Since the gypsum mass on the ceiling surface is retained much worse than on vertical walls, the rough repair is carried out in several thin layers, no more than 5-12 mm thick. For the last layer, fine-grained finishing and superfinishing mixtures are used.
After the final drying of the gypsum mass, the preparation of the ceiling for repair is completed by grinding the surface with a plaster mesh with an emery grain. As a result, the apartment acquires a ceiling surface, the quality of which is practically not inferior to drywall.
Everything from wallpaper to tiles and heavy plaster moldings can be glued to the ceiling in the apartment. One of the options for rough repair of the ceiling in the apartment with your own hands is shown in the video
For the most complex repair options, a rough preparation of the ceiling based on a suspended rack system and sheet plasterboard is usually chosen. The main advantage of this scheme is to obtain an absolutely flat surface with an underlayer of pressed paper, on which the most complex decor options made of plastic and polymer film can be easily glued.
The base of the draft ceiling is a frame made of a galvanized sheet profile, assembled on the ceiling slab using dowels and self-tapping screws. Metal profiled slats are initially fastened along the perimeter of the walls of the room, after which the plane is sewn up with a crate made of a U-shaped profile.
Sheets of drywall are attached to the assembled frame with self-tapping screws, after which the joints between the laid plates are putty and sanded with a mesh. If you start repairing the ceiling on a suspension system, then it would be correct to at least try to make a two-level option with your own hands.
The easiest way is to make side boxes above the windows and above the entrance to the room. Usually a box-shaped "appendage" is used as a screen behind which curtains or horizontal blinds are hidden.
Collecting boxes during the repair process is no more difficult than installing the ceiling itself; you just need to install two additional rows of suspensions for each pencil case, which are sheathed with plasterboard strips, just like the entire ceiling field.
So that after repairs on the decorative ceilings of the apartment, the lines of joints and black heads of fasteners do not shine through, the plasterboard surface is primed with acrylic paint in the color of the future decoration of the room.
After the rough repair of the apartment ceilings has been completed, you can proceed to the most crucial stage - the choice of the method of applying decorative coating. In the simplest case, the ceiling can be simply painted with acrylic paints, dividing the room into several color zones. Such solutions are very popular for modern small-sized apartments - studios, children's rooms and small rooms with large window openings.
The most traditional and simplest way to repair ceilings involves pasting a leveled and sanded ceiling base with regular textured wallpaper.
Today, instead of roses on paper or vinyl silk-screen printing, more modern materials based on plant fibers are used for the ceiling. Such a repair has one very important advantage - a fabric or wallpaper covering very well hides surface defects and dampens noise in the apartment.
At the same time, it is not necessary to copy the laying of panels on the walls of the apartment during the repair process; you can come up with and lay out an original pattern, as in the photo.
A canvas of bamboo fibers is laid simultaneously on the wall and on the ceiling, such solutions are already recognized by designers as the standard for apartments with an attic layout.
Ceilings decorated with large volumetric flowers or a field of dandelions look very unusual. Of course, repairs of this level require a serious investment of time and effort, but the implementation of such an idea is quite affordable for the average person.
One of the most effective ways to decorate the ceiling during renovation in an apartment involves the use of graphic images. For example, in the simplest case, drawings can be applied to a ceiling surface painted with acrylic paint with your own hand using a stencil or a marking template.
Graphics of any type, applied to the ceilings of an apartment by the hand of a professional, greatly enliven and saturate the interior with emotions. It can be just the outlines of animal figures, stylization of parts of plants, buildings, just geometric shapes, the main thing is that the drawing is done at a professional level.
During the renovation process, the selected pattern for the ceiling is printed on a large-format printer, cut into sectors and glued to the ceiling of the apartment.
The maximum saturation of the interior of the apartment is provided by full-fledged photo images. Usually, before renovating an apartment, the owners choose wallpaper for the ceiling of a certain orientation. It can be nature, fantastic scenes, just an image of the sky, or even individual details from your own photo archive.
This is not to say that ceiling repair using plasterboard cladding is the easiest and most affordable of all the options available. Despite the sophisticated assembly technology, finishing the ceiling space with suspended panels remains one of the most time consuming and costly of all the options available. But often it is simply impossible to repair the ceilings in an apartment in another way, for example, if the floor slabs are laid with a slope that gives a difference in height from 5 to 10 cm.
If you already had a chance to use plasterboard ceilings in an apartment, you should try to make them as effective as possible.
Joint use of plasterboard box ceilings and photowall-paper. The box located along the perimeter of the room is perceived as a picture frame, and the central sector is filled with a picture or photo wallpaper.
This can be a projection of the starry sky or images of branches and tops of trees that create the impression of an open space in an apartment.
During the renovation process, the ceiling can be divided by straight lines diverging in a cross, this creates the illusion of a transparent roof, window or skylight.
Overhaul of the apartment makes it possible to try a lot of options for images on photo wallpapers, from sea pebbles, chamomile fields and water whirlpools to 3D images of butterflies, birds, fish and animals.
Repairing a plasterboard ceiling allows you to use a very interesting technique - an image floating in the center of the ceiling space, usually flowers or a composition of flowers.
The floral panel is cut from thick plasterboard and hung in the center of the ceiling on hidden hangers. A flower arrangement cut out of photo wallpaper is glued to the panel.Such solutions go very well with the bright interior of the room, especially if the base is made in light colors and colors.
The purpose of renovation is not always to create an ultra-modern bright interior of an apartment. Often, the owners give preference to more conservative forms, for example, the ceiling during the renovation can be decorated with stucco and friezes.
Stucco molding around the central chandelier or lamps in the apartment allows you to revive the space around the light source, especially if the chandelier is multi-track with curved shades, and the ceiling surface is simply painted white or covered with white wallpaper.
Repair with full-size stucco molding is much more difficult than conventional painting or wallpapering on the ceiling of the room. It will take a significant amount of time and effort to mark and properly adhere the extruded foam parts.
It makes sense to repair the ceiling space for a full-fledged decoration with friezes when the entire interior of the room is decorated in a classic style, with a lot of lacquered wood and heavy wallpaper with a pattern typical of the Victorian era.
Repair of the ceiling in an apartment can be more attributed to a creative occupation that requires the skills of a designer and artist. To understand what the space should look like after renovation indoors, you will need to make more than a dozen sketches and sketches. You may have to look for your own solution, but it is best to simply adapt the already finished design of the ceiling field.