Vaz 21213 DIY repair CV joint replacement

In detail: vaz 21213 do-it-yourself repair CV joint replacement from a real master for the site

We carry out the work when replacing the hinge, its cover and grease.

We remove the drive from the car (see here).

When replacing the cover, clean the hinge from the outside and clamp the shaft in a vice with soft metal jaw pads.

Using the pliers, we squeeze the small clamp by the protrusions and, prying it off with a screwdriver, disconnect it.

Remove the large clamp in the same way.

We move the protective plastic casing and rubber boot along the shaft.

We clean and wipe the end part of the hinge from the old grease.

We knock down the hinge through a drift made of soft metal, striking the end of the clip.

The drift must not transmit force to the cage or balls in order to avoid damage to them.

The hinge is fixed to the shaft with a retaining ring located in the groove at the end of the shaft.

We pry the retaining ring with a screwdriver.

Disconnect the rubber protective cover and the plastic casing.

To replace the thrust washer ...

Install the hinge in reverse order.

When installing the old hinge, we first clean it from grease.

Having cleaned the shaft, we apply a thin layer of new grease SHRUS-4 and put a casing and a new cover on the shaft.
We install a new retaining ring on the shaft.

We put 60 cm 3 of SHRUS-4 grease into the hinge cavity.

Press the hinge onto the shaft through a soft metal drift.

We put a cover on the hinge body. We install new clamps (before tightening the clamps, we release excess air from the cover, prying the seat belt of the cover with a screwdriver).

In the article, we examined the removal and installation of front wheel drives in the article - "Replacing front wheel drives." In this article, we will consider replacing the angular velocity joints of the front drive VAZ-21213.

Video (click to play).

We prepare a car for repair. We install on a viewing hole or on a lift.

We remove the drive from the car. We clean the hinge from the outside and clamp it in a vice with soft pads.

Since basically the outer hinge is most often changed, then we will consider this operation first.

1. Using pliers or pliers, squeeze the small clamp by the protrusions and, prying with a screwdriver, disconnect it.

Image - Vaz 21213 do it yourself repair CV joint replacement

2. Remove the large clamp in the same way. If the protective cover is attached with plastic clamps, then we simply bite off the clamps with the help of side cutters.

Image - Vaz 21213 do it yourself repair CV joint replacement

3. We move the protective plastic and rubber cover along the shaft. We clean and wipe the end part of the hinge from the old grease.

Image - Vaz 21213 do it yourself repair CV joint replacement

4. Using a drift made of soft metal or a wooden spacer made of durable wood, knock down the hinge, striking the end of the clip. We take into account that the punch should not transmit force to the cage or balls in order to avoid damage to them. This is in the event that it will be necessary to put this joint again on the shaft.

Image - Vaz 21213 do it yourself repair CV joint replacement

5. Remove the hinge. The joint is held on the shaft by a circlip located in a groove at the end of the shaft.

Image - Vaz 21213 do it yourself repair CV joint replacement

6. Retaining ring is usually sold complete with a hinge. Pry off the retaining ring with a thin screwdriver

Since the front suspension and the drive axle of the Niva 2121 are arranged similarly to the front-wheel drive family of the concern, it will not be possible to avoid the breakage of the CV joints. The ending resource is indicated by:

  • A characteristic crunch when driving with inverted wheels;
  • Jerks during acceleration;
  • Increased vibration on the go;
  • Tapping when overcoming irregularities.

As a rule, the element withstands an emergency condition for a long time. However, in this case, no one will be able to give guarantees when the "grenade" itself or the bearing will fall apart. The total resource is often equal to the total mileage of the car for the entire period of use, but the majority surrenders to 120-130 thousand km.

An increase in the rate of wear is due to the peculiarities of driving (frequent and intense acceleration with the steering wheel turned out), as well as the ingress of sand and dirt through damaged anthers to the bearings.

Depending on the year of manufacture, the Niva 2121 can be equipped with CV joints for 22 or 24 slots. Until 2002, the first option was distributed, after 2002 - the second. According to another version, 22-slot "grenades" were common until 2007.

The correct way to determine the type is to remove the hub tapered washer by hand counting.

Operating experience shows that the best quality "grenades" for Niva are produced by AvtoVAZ, and if you are confident in the origin of the product, it makes sense to pay attention to the products CORAM and Pilenga.

The operation to dismantle the drive elements is possible if:

  • Jack;
  • Churbaka;
  • Balloon key;
  • Keys 13, 17 and 23 (the first two varieties are doubled);
  • Slotted screwdrivers;
  • Drift;
  • A device for removing clamps from the factory or made of adjustable pliers;
  • Anthers;
  • Clamps;
  • Hub nut;
  • SHRUS-4M grease;
  • Rags for wiping off grease;
  • Kerosene.

On a slightly jacked-up machine, the cap covering the hub is removed, the hub is completely unscrewed and the wheel nuts are loosened.

The wheel is hung out and dismantled.

The lower lever is gently lowered onto a sturdy block of wood.

The nuts holding the ball joint are removed (3 pcs.). The shaft of the outer CV joint is carefully removed from the steering knuckle by pulling the latter back and up.

The steering knuckle is secured with a wire to a suitable lug. The lower mount of the shock absorber is released from the lever, after which it is necessary to raise the jack a few more centimeters up.

Using pliers and a screwdriver, it is necessary to remove the boot clamps of the inner CV joint, as well as the boot itself. Then the retaining ring is removed, located inside the body of the "grenade", the structure is removed from the car.

When the inner "grenade" is in your hands, you should collect the dropped bearings and place all the elements in a bath with kerosene, rinse thoroughly from dirt and old grease.

The shaft is freed from the retaining ring holding the inner race of the joint, as well as the race and cage.

With the help of a puller or modified pliers, the persistent ring is pulled off.

Carefully applying a punch and a hammer along the end of the clip, the hinge is knocked off.

The retaining ring is then removed from the shaft.

All elements are washed in kerosene and cleaned with an iron brush.

After all the parts are defective, replaced with new ones and washed, installed in their places (except for the anthers), they are treated with SHRUS-4m grease. Average consumption for outdoor - 60 cm3, indoor - 150 cm3.

It makes sense to use screw clamps instead of standard clamps. Also, at the end of the work, replace the wheel nut with a new one and adjust the bearing clearance.