In detail: do-it-yourself webasto hair dryer from a real master for the site
The Webasto autonomous heater is a very reliable device, but a breakdown can still happen. In most cases, failure is due to improper installation, improper operation, or lack of maintenance.
Most often, the Webasto autonomous heater simply does not turn on in the event of a malfunction, however, with some malfunctions, an abnormal operation of the device is simply observed.
Autonomy Webasto has the following typical faults:
flame breaks;
unstable work (for example, startup difficulties).
In the event of a breakdown, the heater will signal its malfunction by showing an error code (a table with codes is presented at the end of the article).
The timer display will show an inscription in the form of the letter F and two numbers (this is the error code).
If there is no timer and there is only a switch, then the switch lamp will give a certain signal (blink code). The light will give 5 short signals and a number of long ones. The number of long beeps is an error code. If the error code is 0, then the light will simply give 5 short beeps.
Also, abnormal operation of the heater may be indicated by extraneous noises during the operation of the device.
The car owner himself can only check the condition of the fuses, as well as visually assess the condition of the heater.
Therefore, if visually all the fuses are intact and all the plugs are in place, then it is necessary immediately contact a specialized service center... To fully diagnose and read errors, you need a special Webasto Thermo Test software, as well as a special programmer and an adapter plug. All this is available only in a specialized service center.
Video (click to play).
Self-repair can damage the heater or the vehicle.
Autonomy Webasto can show the following error codes:
Webasto is an irreplaceable thing in the modern world. Happy owners of such a device avoid serious problems in winter. But as soon as the system disappears, the question arises, why does the webasto not turn on? In the article we will try to analyze the possible causes of the breakdown, but first we will consider how to use the mechanism correctly so as not to further experience problems with the heater.
Webasto system in the car
Today it is difficult to find a car enthusiast who does not dream of embedding Webasto in his car. Webasto is a German-made autonomous pre-heater. A compact mechanism weighing 5 kg is installed inside the circuit of the on-board network cooling device and the vehicle fuel system. The main function of Webasto is to warm up the engine before starting the power unit. An independent heater pump drives antifreeze throughout the entire cooling network through the radiator. In fact, the device is a small combustion chamber connected to the vehicle's cooling system. Today, the manufacturer brings to the market two types of devices - Thermo Top Evo-4 and Thermo Top Evo-5... They differ only in power.
Webasto is also connected to the standard interior heater and starts the fan. Thus, in the cold season, the driver does not need to wait for the engine to warm up. The motor reaches the required temperature with one push of the remote control button. The owner does not need to approach the car, you can launch the webasto from the window of the apartment. Also, on cold start engine wear is equal to a mileage of 100 km... The heater works autonomously, heating and long starting of the engine does not take a large battery charge. The only obvious drawback is that the battery life is reduced by a year.If you take this as payment for convenience and comfort, then changing the battery is not decisive.
Webasto work in winter
In order for the device to serve a long operational life, and you do not diagnose Webasto with your own hands, you need to follow the attached instructions and tips:
parts of the mechanism should not come into contact with liquid;
no electric charges should act on the parts of the device;
it is forbidden to work at high humidity and temperature;
turn off the heater at the gas station;
using webasto in closed garages is prohibited;
use fuel supplied by the manufacturer;
the device needs to be started occasionally with an unheated engine at a lower fan power for about 10 minutes;
the heater can only work for an hour, you should not start it often.
When Webasto does not start after a summer downtime, many believe that they can easily repair the system on their own. This is far from the case, because, like any other mechanism, the heater has a swirling system. When you do not understand anything about electrics, it is worth contacting the company's diagnostic center - this will save you from a more round cost. If you have an idea of \ u200b \ u200bthe work of a mechanic and are ready to take the risk, then you should start by familiarizing yourself with the manufacturer's scheme. Check the simplest parts of the mechanism, perhaps the reason lies there.
One of the varieties of webasto
Work failures are divided into types:
Errors in internal memory... As a rule, they do not affect the operating mode.
Spontaneous crashes... Autostart or secondary inclusion is covered in the device diagram.
Shutdown by mistake... There is a failure in the control panel or power supply. The heating switches itself off without saving the error. The second variant of failure, when the error persists, and restarting asks for a signal to shutdown and to restart the system.
Blocking webasto... Occurs due to a recurring error. The failure must occur 4-6 times and then the unit is locked and saves the report. It is impossible to unlock the mechanism yourself, you should contact the service center. Note that if the malfunctions are due to low voltage or a damaged battery, there is no blocking.
Overheating lock... When the webasto overheats, the system locks up.
Shutdown by mistake due to low or high voltage... When the voltage reaches 11.5V, the mechanism turns off for a while. After that, a purge occurs. The voltage can be measured by the control unit. When the voltage is overestimated, it is measured with a heater. Usually, at 16V voltage, operation is suspended, shutdown and purging occurs. If the problem is resolved, the system is ready to serve again.
When the Webasto does not start, other causes are determined using the Thermo Test PC diagnostics.
Elimination of errors.
Common crash causes are sorted by type:
Unsaved errors. First, the fuel supply is checked, and only then the heater or connecting units are changed.
Fixed crashes. They look at the type of problem in the device's memory, a faulty node is shown there. Further, the breakdown is eliminated by replacing the part.
General saved faults. When webasto did not detect the broken part of the system. The first thing to look at is the peripheral parts of the mechanism.
View information about the error using PC diagnostics.
Fuel... Often the problems lie in the fuel supply. This happens in the winter, when many drivers forget to change the summer diesel fuel to the winter one. See the heater, it can work in a warm room, so take care of the garage. When the webasto is gone in a warm place, change the fuel. First, drain the diesel fuel, blow through the system, clean it, change the filter, pour in new diesel fuel. There is another reason for not entering the fuel into the heater. The diesel fuel does not reach the pump. The sound is clear and loud. There may also be air leaks when the fuel line is damaged. In addition, you need to check the solenoid valve, there is an accumulation of plugs in it.To check the air pressure on the winding, we take an ohmmeter. Normal units range from 136-154 ohms... When diagnosing, add any flushing fluid to the tube.
Electrician ringing... After checking the fuel system, people who understand electrics go further, and the average driver turns to service craftsmen. We look at the fuses F1-F3, if there are blown ones, we replace them and check for operability. Next, we check the timer. We measure its current in the connector, if there is no current supply, then the timer should be changed completely. The next object of control is the stove. We look at the terminals along the way, when they oxidized, this can block the supply of current. We look at the integrity of all wires. Depressurization most often occurs on the plug itself.
Webasto operating instructions
Removing blocks... Webasto may turn on blocking due to the fact that errors have been fixed, and reports about them did not have time to be recorded in the memory panel. We remove power from the control unit for 3 secondsremoving it from the fuse. We take out the chip and return it to its place. Then we turn on the heater. Then we repeat the first two steps of the manipulation. If everything went well, the system will work.
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I decided to share some experience of parsing, collecting and eliminating one of the causes of problems in Webasta's work. It all started with the banal. When buying a car 5 years ago, the car did not even show signs that there was a Webasta on it. And now everyone knows, because it works like a tractor. So the day has come when it is necessary to remove it and make an audit. At first, suspicions were about a dying air blower. Having enlisted the support of GIB2D “Dimon, do not shout. After disassembling and assembling it, you will laugh at yourself for a long time that you were afraid to tear it apart. Everything is nowhere easier there. " crawled under the car. Better to be prepared and purchase a repair kit for gaskets in advance.
We climb under the car with a 13 ratchet, large side cutters, clamps and a small container for antifreeze. We disconnect the supply and return hose at the place of the coupling, which was previously drawn in with clamps. The couplings are located at a distance of about 50 cm from the webast at the transition of the webast hose to the standard hoses. If you pick up the clamp on the clamp with side cutters, then it is removed with a bang. I later used them again. Antifreeze will be about 300-500 ml. Further, having a piece of hose with an inner diameter of 16-18 mm and two clamps, we loop the hoses if there is a need to use a car. We also remove the clamp from the diesel fuel supply hose. The power supply, if the chip is cut off, can be removed directly from the boiler.
For ease of cleaning, it is better to remove all hoses from the boiler itself. Take a wd or liquid wrench and preprocess all the bolts. One bolt of the brain cover broke off from overheating. I had to spend time drilling it. If there is no need and there is no urge that the brains of the boiler fucking. t brain, then there is no point in throwing off the lid over the brain. Everything is hermetically sealed there. We take the bat with a star (25) and begin parsing. We divide the webasta into three parts: a fan in the case, a burner in the case, and a heat exchanger. Here are some pictures of why you need to clean the Webasta in a timely manner.
The photo shows how everything is in soot and coke. The camera near the pin was especially damaged. Everything was uprooted about 1 matchbox of coke and carbon deposits. On a tip from the forumer "smirnov" the burner was cut. There are three legs. Having cut the legs and removing the staples holding the pin, it disassembles the camera into two parts. Now there is access to thoroughly clean everything. On the pictures you can see a bracket that holds two tablets through which fuel flows and ignites. By removing the bracket, it was possible to turn them over to the cleaner side. I cleaned everything with an ABRo carburetor cleaner. We boiled it back with an automatic machine. After cleaning, everything shines like new. Before cleaning
The fan casing is essentially not collapsible. The only thing I could do was to drop some oil on the shaft through the plug on the body. When assembled, the kit includes four spacers. Two rubber, paronite and paper. Depending on the year of issue of the webast, rubber or paper is used when connecting the fan and burner unit. It makes no sense to look for a place where to vpendyur both. When installing the webast in place, I also decided to remake the place where the power supply and control of the webast were connected. Was put together like this last winter.
I want to note that only the compound (and it turned out to be a mass) was protected from oxidation. Everything else was already black. Having cleaned and soldered everything, I drove it into an adhesive heat shrinkage.
For the convenience of soldering, you can remove the clamp holding the hoses and power in the area of the tank and then there will be enough wire to pull it out from under the car.
The result of the work. The sound of the webastoy was previously eliminated, but not completely. It may need to be replaced later. So do not make premature conclusions about a malfunction of the air blower or other parts of the webast.
Last edited by Platon806 on Apr 25, 2014 1:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Many owners of the well-known Webasto pre-heaters are faced with the fact that during normal operation of the heater, suddenly it does not want to start or it starts up and stalls. This means that it is blocked, and now we have to answer the question: "How to unblock Webasto?" Blocking Webasto occurs as a result of an error in the electronic control unit, which may be caused by a loss of contact with any sensor, incorrect sensor readings due to its breakdown, or a short to ground. This is done to preserve the operability of the main units of the heater and protect them from possible breakdown, because it is much cheaper to get off with the purchase of a new sensor than a pump or even worse combustion chamber.
In order for the pre-heater to work again, it is necessary to eliminate the malfunctions that have arisen and erase the errors.
When Webasto is blocked, when it is turned on again, the control lamp flashes several times, which are repeated after a certain period of time - this is the error code that denotes a certain type of malfunction. The code can be deciphered using the service book that this heater comes with. Now, having eliminated the malfunction, you can safely proceed to erasing the error. Depending on the model of the heater and the vehicle on which it is installed, there are different ways to unblocking Webasto. On rather outdated models, you need to briefly de-energize Webasto by disconnecting the battery from the car, and in some, disconnect the main fuse for a few seconds, then reconnect it. However, in most new models, Webasto is unlocked by connecting to a computer with special software that reads the error code, decrypts it and, if necessary, deletes it from the memory of the electronic control unit.
Software for unlocking the Webasto heater
Since not every owner has a special cable and software with him, you should contact a service station, where experienced craftsmen will unlock Webasto. There is another universal way to remove the Webasto lock, suitable for most heater models. You need to turn off the heater, disconnect its main fuse, turn on the ignition and start the car. After the car has worked a little, you can turn it off, and after connecting the fuse, try to restart Webasto. If this method did not help, then you can repeat the procedure several more times, but if this time the attempt was unsuccessful, then you should contact the Webasto service center.
Summing up the results of this material, it is worth noting that with proper operation, timely and high-quality service, pre-heaters will last a long time and will only delight their owner.
The problem of starting a cold engine start at low temperatures is well known to every car owner. The power unit hardly starts up in cold weather, the degree of wear of loaded engine parts increases during such starts. Also, in winter, the comfort of vehicle operation is significantly reduced, since the warm-up time of the internal combustion engine and the interior space to an acceptable level can be significantly increased.
To effectively solve these problems, the car can be equipped with a pre-heater. There are several types of such devices, while the best autonomy and performance are possessed by liquid engine heaters of the Webasto type.
In this article, we intend to talk about how much Webasto costs with the installation, what features and nuances the installation of Webasto on a gasoline engine or diesel unit involves, and also how to install Webasto on a car yourself.
So, if the car is operated in a region with frosty and long winters, is used in such conditions as a commercial vehicle, the driver wants to increase the comfort of use in winter, etc., then the question of installing a pre-heater becomes especially relevant.
In the case of Webasto, the answer will be in the affirmative, even taking into account the rather high initial cost of such a heater and its installation. On average, buying and delivering Webasto will cost from 40 to 100 thousand rubles. for the device itself (depending on the type of vehicle), as well as about 15 thousand rubles. for installation.
However, such a pre-heater will allow the engine to start in any frost, and the total resource of the internal combustion engine increases. We also note that the warming up of the engine and the passenger compartment with an autonomous heater before the trip is noticeably reduced, which allows us to talk about fuel economy (especially in relation to gasoline cars).
On diesel engines, the Webasto installation allows you to solve the well-known problem of diesel fuel, which thickens in cold weather. It turns out that the installation of preheating is more or less profitable from an economic point of view, since fuel consumption is reduced, the engine is subject to less wear, which reduces the cost of repairing it.
For maximum savings, many drivers (especially owners of cars and small commercial vehicles) also prefer to install the specified equipment on their own. In other words, you will need a Webasto kit, installation instructions, the necessary tools and a place for work (it is advisable to have a garage with a lift or a pit).
To begin with, installing Webasto with your own hands involves a whole range of operations. If you are not confident in your abilities, do not have sufficient experience and suitable tools, then it is better to refuse from self-installation and turn to a professional installation center for help.
It should be remembered that improper installation can lead to fire and various problems during the further operation of the vehicle and the autonomous heater itself, as well as to the failure of individual elements of the internal combustion engine and / or Webasto.
As a result of fuel combustion, heat is generated, which heats up the coolant (antifreeze or antifreeze) of the engine cooling system. The specified coolant passes through the heater heat exchanger, which is connected to the standard engine cooling system.
The coolant is circulated thanks to a separate pump that is integrated into the heater. The pump forces the coolant to circulate in a small circle, as a result of which the engine heats up, as well as the elements of the internal combustion engine power system installed on the motor.The standalone Webasto heater is a ready-made set of all elements and parts that are required for installation. This kit includes:
electronic controller (control unit);
coolant circulation pump;
fittings for connecting to the fuel system;
fittings for connection to the cooling system circuits;
dosing pump for fuel supply;
separate heater exhaust system;
separate air intake;
mounting brackets and fasteners;
installation instructions and operating instructions;
As mentioned above, Webasto kits may differ, as they are designed for installation on different types of engines and vehicles (light gasoline and diesel cars, minibuses, trucks, special equipment, etc.). Taking into account these features, the kits differ in performance, basic characteristics and configuration.
In the process of selecting a heater for a specific car, this must be taken into account separately. For example, the installation of Webasto for a diesel engine on a gasoline car may in some cases require additional fasteners and adapters, which ultimately greatly complicates the installation.
To begin with, the installation of a Webasto heater on a gasoline and diesel unit will require free access to both the upper and lower parts of the engine compartment. At the same time, it is necessary to realize good lighting. The installation process itself involves the following steps:
The final stage can be considered the installation and connection of the battery, after which the first test start of the engine is carried out. After such a start, you need to let the motor run for XX for 5-10 minutes.
Then you should check the level of antifreeze and add coolant if necessary. Next, a trial activation of the heater is carried out and the entire functionality of the device is checked.
Finally, we add that in some cases, during the first start, the heater may not work, since there is not enough fuel in the fuel line. It will take a little time for the fuel to fill the line. After being switched on again, the autonomous preheater should start operating normally.