In detail: vortex ch 100 do-it-yourself repair from a real master for the site
When we moved to live in a village, I had to carry water from a well in buckets, and I need a lot of it every day. In 2009, they decided to supply water to the house. We have no well, the source of water is a well in the depths of the garden. We dug a trench from the well to the house of the required depth so that the PVC pipe would not freeze in winter, installed a station in the back room of the house. And the pump was lowered into the well. At first we bought a pump of another brand (it seems "Aquarius", so I’ll find a passport for it, so I’ll write about it too), it was more powerful, and we planned to install a shower cabin instead of a bath over time. It was expensive (to us), and served less than two years.
We bought instead a household borehole electric pump of the VIKHR CH-90 screw type, it has an upper water intake, submersible and can be used to supply water from wells, and from wells, and from open reservoirs. The pump was sold packed in a cardboard box, the passport of the electric pump was also there.
The passport describes in great detail how to install the pump, so that it does not touch the walls of the well casing, so that the distance from the bottom of the well to the pump is maintained, as indicated in the passport. Particularly noted. that it is impossible to pump contaminated liquids, as well as acidic or alkaline solutions.
The upper and lower photos show the technical characteristics of the VORTEX pumps of various types.
And also a diagram of the pump installation is shown. When installing it, care must be taken not to twist the electric cable, hose and cable during diving. After a couple of meters, we fixed them with electrical tape (tied to the hose), but so that the cable was even slightly slack, so that it did not bear the weight of the pump and the column of water in the hose.
Video (click to play).
Well, much more was written in the passport. The warranty is six months, and the service life of the manufacturers assured that it would be 5 years. So, since 2011, we have already changed 3 VORTEX pumps. At first, the price was quite divine, I don’t remember exactly (3-4 thousand), and we bought the last, third pump already at the beginning of 2015 and the price for it was already “biting” - 7150 rubles. In the city, with relatively normal salaries, maybe you can buy the same thing cheaper, and in the countryside - by 2-3 thousand more, despite the fact that the salaries here are such that you will not run away much.
When last year another VORTEX ordered us to live a long time, not serving us even one year, my husband got nervous and decided not to collect the collection of these pumps anymore, but to try to repair it.
VORTEX CH-90 (like its other “companions”) looks beautiful, the body is made of stainless steel, but its weak point is 4 tie rods that pull the engine with the working part of the pump. They are made of ferrous metal and are subject to corrosion. I think the manufacturer does this on purpose, using simple metal parts, so that these pumps are bought more often. Well, some other pump parts also cannot boast of quality.
I cannot show you the new pump. But I'll show you what our pump has become in ten months of operation (see the top photo). He stopped supplying water to the house. It turned out that the pins had rotted and he was crumbling. We tried to bring it into the house (it was just frost on the street), so it completely collapsed. The husband repaired it, put it back into the well. And it worked as good as new. After 10 months, when my husband had already arrived from the watch, he decided to check the condition of the pump.
They pulled it out and were surprised ourselves. Of course, the rust on the case has reappeared, but it is water of this quality, it can be easily brushed off.But, look at the bottom photo, there is no corrosion on the studs and nuts. Below I will describe how it was repaired. The holes that are visible on the pump housing cover - there should be re-bolts, but they also rotted and there is nothing to attach the cable to, but we have a hose through which water is supplied, a thick-walled high-pressure cord (miner's) and a pump is attached to it with clamps. The clamps are also unreliable, we paint them over with paint, and then tightly wrap them with electrical tape so that the water does not get to them. The pump is held by a hose and a cable, one might say, is not needed.
The husband was delighted with the result and decided to extend the life of the rest of the pumps (fortunately, we did not throw them away). Now I will describe in detail the repair of the VORTEX CH-90 pump.
It is better to repair it in the yard, but now it is very cold, we drag it into the house. The pump body is made of stainless steel - this is a big plus. And below in the photo you can see rotten re-bolts (“ears” for fastening the cable), they are made (as if on purpose) of ordinary metal and this is what they turn into in a short service life.
By the way, these pumps may differ slightly from each other. For example, there were tie rods on one pump, and tie bolts on the other two, but it makes no difference, both of them quickly rot. And the pump casing falls apart. In short, an autopsy will show :))
Even the label looks like new on the pump. This is probably an advertisement for them, it would be better if the manufacturers took care of the working part of the pump.
The husband prepared the studs from stainless metal, he took the best-preserved native stud from the pump as a sample, you can see them in the lower picture. Studs were made from a rod of d-8 mm, on both sides of the pins I cut a thread of d-6 mm, since this is the thread in the body. And the length of the hairpins was cut off by 75 mm, as was the case with the old hairpin. Used for fastening brass nuts, because they were not found from stainless steel.
During the repair, it turned out that the studs must be prepared for a specific pump. Because they turned out to be too long for one of the pumps, it is good that they were not short. When everything was twisted, the excess was cut off with a hacksaw for metal.
The top picture shows that the tie bolts have been removed. Three went more or less normally (holes from the tie bolts are visible).
And the head of one bolt was so rotten that there was nothing to pick it up, I had to cut it down.
When the head of the bolt was cut off, the cover was removed, and the hairpin remained screwed into the body, I had to tinker with it.
In the lower photo we see the removed rubber working cuffs (left) of the worm shaft (center). With his fingers, the husband holds the washer with a seat under the working cuff. All this is already removed easily.
We remove them and carefully slide down the cable towards the plug. In the removed cover (made of stainless steel), we see a recess for the check valve.
We remove the washer and part of the body and this is what appears before our eyes. This is the quality of water in the Rostov region, well, in many other regions too. Therefore, we use purchased water for drinking and cooking, and this is used for household needs. And in cities, water pipes look generally awful.
Here in the bottom photo, the husband screwed the studs back in so that you can see how they stood and how they were twisted by the water.
In this bottom photo, you see a working worm shaft connected to an electric motor with a tight flexible rubber connection. The worm shaft is made of ordinary metal, treated with a thin layer of electroplating. This is a very big minus, since the smallest solid particles (grains of sand) are still present in the water, they erase the deposition, exposing the black metal and corrosion begins. The shaft becomes rough and starts to wear from the inside of the working cuffs.
We clean the parts from rust and see a flexible rubber joint in the bottom photo. A screwdriver indicates a screw for filling the oil, it is made of stainless steel. We didn’t pour oil and we don’t know what was needed there, we didn’t have to, everything was normal there.
And here in the bottom photo there is a check valve, which is installed in a special recess in the pump cover.
Tie pins (or bolts) come into such disrepair. And this is the most "persistent" of them, the rest look even worse.
Here they are! Is it really difficult for a manufacturer to make them out of stainless steel, even if the pump would be more expensive, but of high quality. So no!
And this is how the worm shaft suffered from corrosion, since the electroplating was worn out. The pump on which we changed the studs a year ago, the shaft looked about the same. We do not know how long its resource will last, but while it works, it keeps pressure well. And the renovation cost us almost nothing, because his husband did it himself.
After disassembly, we proceed to cleaning and washing the pump and its parts. Rust can be easily cleaned with such a metal brush.
In the picture below, you can see the washed worm shaft sealing lip.
For some reason, the intermediate washer is also made of ordinary metal and also suffered from corrosion.
We assemble the pump in the reverse order. At the outlet of the pump, the husband put another check valve (redundant) made of brass, since he did not rely on the factory rubber one.
Now we have one pump in operation, one in reserve, and the third one will also begin to sort out the other day. And now they will be enough for us for a long time.
Conclusion. There are no complaints about the electric motor and pump casing. But the manufacturer must also make all the working and fasteners of the pump from stainless steel, because everything is completely in the water all the time. Then it would be a great pump. He gives us water to the house from a well 12 meters high, and another well is located 50 meters from the house. Copes with this perfectly.
Since submersible pumping equipment is used in many summer cottages and in country houses to solve various water supply problems, it is useful to be able to do a simple submersible pump repair for every owner of such equipment. This is especially true of mechanical breakdowns, which can be dealt with with your own hands if you know the cause of the breakdown and how to fix it. In our article, we will tell you how to repair deep well pumps yourself, describe the most common breakdowns and how to fix them. At the same time, we will describe the sequence of repairs and frequent malfunctions for the most common models of pumping equipment of the "Vodomot" and "Whirlwind" units. The video at the end of the article will help you understand the intricacies of repairing submersible pumps.
Pumps of the brand "Vodomet" and "Whirlwind" are in great demand due to the simplicity of the design and simple repair of the downhole unit. The heart of any submersible pumping product is a compact cylindrical body. It is in this case that the engine with the impeller is put on its shaft. In this case, the impeller is separated from the engine compartment by means of a special insert. The shaft passes through it.
Before proceeding with the repair of borehole pumps, it is necessary to assess the serviceability of its main units. To do this, do the following:
First, check the piston for damage and deformation. It should be straight and even.
The permeability of the suction port is then assessed. It is considered serviceable if air, penetrating from the side of the suction pipe, passes freely from both sides.
It is also worth measuring the distance between the piston and the coil magnets with your own hands. Normally, it should be in the range of 0.4-0.5 cm. If this value is greater, then the coils in the device may beat. If the clearance is reduced, the engine may overheat.
In addition, in "Vodojet" units and other similar models, it is necessary to measure the distance from the valve that closes the inlet to the device body. Normally, it should be from 0.7 to 0.8 cm. This will allow the liquid to flow freely from the unit in the absence of pressure.
You also need to make sure that malfunctions in the operation of the downhole unit are not caused by critical voltage surges. Therefore, using a special device, you need to measure the voltage in the network. It should be in the range of 200-240 V.
Since there are models of pumping equipment from different manufacturers on sale that differ in strength and design features, the repair and operation of such devices should be carried out taking into account the model. Since as a downhole unit you could have chosen not "Water cannon" or "Whirlwind", but a model of another brand, we decided to list the weaknesses of the most common pumping products, as well as the features of their repair:
Most Grundfos models have special thermal insulation for the engine and built-in valves. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary to change the thermal insulation seals of the motor. This work can only be done by a professional.
Jileks brand pumps often encounter fluid leakage from the electric motor. For repair it is necessary to replace the fluid with a similar product. This can be done only in a special service center.
The most popular is the domestic pump "Malysh". Although the price of service repair is quite acceptable, it is not difficult to repair this device with your own hands. A common problem is that the unit makes a lot of noise after turning on, but does not pump water. This usually happens due to a rupture of the central axis on which the membrane and anchor are installed. Usually, disassembling the unit will quickly identify the problem. The axle needs to be replaced. You can find out more about the repair of the Malysh pump from the proposed video:
The downhole pump "Vodoley" quite often overheats during operation. This is especially true for units installed in shallow wells. However, since the repair of such equipment can be about half of its cost, then if an inexpensive pump breaks down, it is easier to buy a new device.
Pumps "Vodojet" and "Whirlwind" are a fairly reliable technique that, if used correctly, can serve for a long time without breakdowns. If not properly operated, the units can become clogged with silt and sand. For repairs, you will need to change the pumping part.
Pumping equipment "Rucheyok" is also famous for its ability to overheat. And this despite the design in compliance with European standards. According to the manufacturer's instructions, the device can work without stopping for 7 hours, but in practice this will cause overheating. Therefore, it is recommended to give the pump a break after 2-3 hours of operation.
As for Vodomet pumps or units of other brands, often the reasons for breakdowns can be:
silting of the impeller;
break in the supply cable;
failure of the rotor or stator.
To diagnose the problem with your own hands, you should adhere to the following rules:
To begin with, the unit must be removed from the well and performed for a test run. If the shaft rotates, the problem is with the impeller. It must be cleaned of silt and the unit can be assembled and operated further.
If the "Water cannon" pump does not even turn on during the test run, then first you need to check the power cable with a tester. To do this, check the voltage at the terminals of the engine compartment. If it is, then the cable is intact. Otherwise, you will have to replace it with a new cable.
If, when diagnosing a borehole pump, it turns out that everything is in order with the cable, then the cause of the malfunction lies in the electric motor. In this case, the product will have to be disassembled all the way to the engine compartment, remove the stator or rotor and rewind the winding.
To repair any pumping equipment with your own hands, you need to learn how to disassemble it. We will consider how to do this using the example of the "Water cannon" pump. Disassembly is performed in the following sequence:
Unscrew the perforated cylinder at the inlet pipe.This is a coarse filter that protects the product from sand and silting.
Next, all the washers, discs and "glasses" are dismantled from the shaft on the engine of the pump unit with their own hands. To make it easier for you to put the removed products back in the desired order, lay them side by side in the order in which you remove them.
It is important to know: the impeller consists of 16 removable parts, not counting the same anti-friction washers. Therefore, it is very important to follow the sequence of removal and refitting of all elements.
After that, it is necessary to dismantle the engine retaining ring from the "Vodojet" borehole pump. This part covers the engine compartment cover. To do this, you need to use a mallet. With the blow of this tool, we move the engine down, after that we pull the cord and return it back. After such manipulations, the O-ring will move. After that, the retaining ring is shifted towards the body with a screwdriver. As a result, the stopper will skew and it will be easy to remove it.
Next, we disconnect the wiring, open the engine compartment cover. After that, using a mallet and a screwdriver, you can remove the motor from the case.
As a result of such disassembly, the impeller and all its constituent elements can be easily washed and cleaned. The engine can be taken for diagnosis and repair to a specialized workshop. After cleaning and repairing, the assembly is carried out in the reverse order.
Most pumping products from different brands often face the same problems. We will list the most common ones and indicate what needs to be done to troubleshoot the problem:
Video instruction for the repair of the Vortex borehole pump: