In detail: do-it-yourself xbox 360 repair from a real master for the site
The reason for the E74 system error, which occurs during the initial boot of the set-top box and is characterized by the indication of 1 red blinking sector on the power button of the console, and a secondary error with code 1022, is in most cases a “hot” connection to an already turned on TV.
That is, the order of turning on the set-top box is violated. What is the correct sequence?
And the sequence is as follows: the first one connects the interface video cable to the disconnected TV or monitor, the second plug is connected to the xbox 360 jack, only after connecting the TV (monitor) turns on, and after that the set-top box itself.
ATTENTION: Do not remove the video cable connectors while the set-top box and the TV are in operation! All connections and disconnections can be made ONLY with the devices turned off.
The result of juggling the interface video cable when the console is turned on, or the TV (monitor) is turned on, may be: the appearance of a system error E74 displayed on the screen, which means that the ANA chip is out of order (for the version of the set-top box without HDMI) / HANA (for versions of the set-top box with HDMI interface) ). What does it mean? This means that the chip does not respond to diagnostic commands. And it is very likely that during hot plugging, some of its blocks may burn out from static in the circuit or in the chip itself.
On the Internet, there are many "popular" ways to repair the Xbox 360 console in order to get rid of brakes, glitches and freezes, errors of 3 red lights. Let's consider the existing myths, starting with the background.
Myth one: replacing the cooling fans with more powerful ones, or connecting regular 12v coolers or attaching additional cooling to the console case will probably save you and your console from overheating and subsequent malfunctions.
To dispel this myth, you need to analyze the work of the Xbox, and understand what happens inside during an intense graphic load: based on experience, we can say that most owners, after different times, may have primary signs of deterioration in the condition of the xbox 360, which depends on the set factors of its operation. All the troubles of these consoles come from the lack of cooling, and the high temperature to which the processors (video and central) are heated. This is what the "masters" rely on in their attempts to prove this myth.
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Video (click to play). |
But you should not mix the heat emanating from the chip and dissipated by the radiator placed on the chip surface, with the heat directed in the lower direction, which, in addition to frying the body of the microcircuit itself from below, heats up the place of contacts (soldering) of the chip on the board. The additional flow is able to cool the heated soldering points, only the outer rows, but not all of them.
Thus, perversions with fans are not able to correct this situation.
• The second myth: Replacing thermal paste is like a panacea for all XBOX diseases. This myth appears as a consequence of erroneous ideas about the causes of Xbox errors and is an addition to the first myth. But no one really thought about what is needed for the set-top box to work stably without breakdowns and brakes for a long enough time (two years or more) without replacing the factory thermo-conductive paste in the cooling system.
And in the event of the appearance of these famous three red lights and freezes occurring as a result of the breakdown of the chip soldering contacts, after logical reflection, one can understand that replacing the thermal paste is no longer necessary here (i.e. there is no point in washing the car if it does not start). Thus, this procedure is unlikely to save the situation and restore the damaged contact or remove heat from the legs of the chip (which is the root cause of these breakdowns).Thermal paste is needed only to improve the heat transfer process between the surfaces of the heatsink and the chip, and nothing more.
• The third myth: overheating of the attachment. It would seem that everything is like in a computer: not a high-quality heat exchange between the radiator and the chip, replacing the thermal paste, as it were, should solve this ailment, but there is no such similarity with a PC, there is a big difference in the overheating of the PC, since it is overheating, but in the xbox 360 is already a consequence of overheating, and a violation of the contacts of the soldering of the chip to the motherboard.
A small help in the Xbox console there is a built-in error indicator, in case of overheating, TWO red lights light up. And the indication of THREE red lights is no longer overheating due to the breakdown of the contacts of the chip with the board, it is popularly called "chip dump", that is, it is simply partially soldered off due to overheating.
... let's move on
The fourth myth: This is the most perverted folk method!
Its essence is in pressing the radiator to the chip using M5 bolts! Yes, this is a really cheap repair method that allows you to slightly extend the life of the console. The original mounts are removed. and the heatsink presses against the chips to make contacts appear in the place of the broken soldering, but few people take into account the fact that when the chips are pressed into the textolite, it becomes possible to crush the soldering or the chip itself, because the clamping force is not controlled, which can easily damage the board, it cannot be done at all suitable for repair.
Another danger is that in the process of pressing the chip into the PCB board, the board itself twists, its curvature occurs, thus other contacts begin to move away from the board, since tension is created in the body of the board and over time, after heating, these contacts will simply break.
The fifth myth: Reball (chip soldering) will permanently cure xbox360 from all troubles. Its essence is to make it unrealistic at home. The maximum that can be done is to heat the chip to a temperature of 270 degrees, remove it from the board, solder new balls onto it, and solder it back. It would seem that everything is simple. But without the use of special equipment and special solder, heating the chip and the board with it with a stream of hot air, the board simply starts to burn, and its geometry is again violated.
Even if it is possible to carry out this procedure, then your set-top box will work for a month, maximum two. And again the chip will fall off.
Moreover, after such a procedure, when the board was fried, and it was led, it will no longer be possible to fix more than the xbox.
In the vastness of the Internet today, there are many Xbox360 repair shops, red lights repair and more.
Many repairs with a one-time method, which is the most common repair today.
But the main thing is they take money as for a full-fledged reballing, etc.
We will dispel your doubts about such repairs and how it happens.
1st Repair - Many people think that the Xbox360 lacks cooling, which is why they fail.
And how many masters change the paste under the chip (sometimes it does not help for long) and put a jumper so that the cooler spins up to 12 volts. But this still will not save your xbox, since it will cool only one side of the chipset legs and most of the chip will still remain with poor heat dissipation and the noise of the set-top box will double.
2nd repair - Xbox360 overheating. At first glance, everything is like in a computer: poor heat exchange between the radiator and the chip and changing the thermal paste seems to solve everything, but there is a big difference in that overheating in a PC is overheating, and in xbox 360 it is a violation of the contact between the chip and the motherboard, and also a small one. Help, an indication of errors with overheating is built into the box and the box, in case of overheating, gives out TWO red lights on the panel, therefore, the appearance of three red lights and freezing are in no way connected with overheating, but are the result of a violation of the contact between the chip and the motherboard, namely soldering. If an indication was built into the computer, like in a box, then the only error there was two red lights, since I did not see that computers suffer from a violation of soldering on the components.
3rd Xbox360 repair - pressing the radiators to the chips using M5 bolts.Yes, indeed, if you need a cheap repair and for the box to work for a short time, then you can remove the original fasteners and press the radiators to the chips so that the broken soldering touches and contact appears, but pressing the chips into the PCB is a danger to simply crush the solder or chip, since the clamp is uncontrolled and you can just pinch and make the box unrepairable. Another danger is that by pressing the chip into the PCB, the board is warped and the other contacts begin to move away as they are under tension and over time, when exposed to temperature, the contacts are simply broken.
Number of articles published by the author: 197.
I would like to consult with the members of the forum.
They brought me an XBOX360 for repair. Already warmed up, as many as 2 services were repaired (in Moscow). Symptoms - freezes at the initial stages of the splash screen, or gives error E79.
Console with xbreboot?
If so, check out the JTAG hack.
In any case, a memory reball is unlikely to do anything.
Azzy rhombus <:>I'm not a magician yet - I'm just learning! 😛
Georg, please enlighten in more detail. For the first time I just took this unit in my hands. As far as I understand, xbreboot is a jailbroken firmware of the motherboard itself? And JTAG-hack - the actual firmware? Remove the USB flash drive and use it on the programmer?
How to find out if the console is with xbreboot or not? Considering that its current owner cannot say anything intelligible.
About memory - I understand, thanks. I thought so myself.
Azzy rhombus <:>I'm not a magician yet - I'm just learning! 😛
Write firmware.
turn off the attachment while holding the drive tray.
disconnect the wires from the drive.
unscrew the 4 bolts from the bottom of the drive, tear off the soundproof sticker.
we connect the drive to the sat port of the computer, the other end either to the connector on the motherboard box or power it from another source, for example, a device from Chippy.
turn on the computer, then the set-top box (or supply power from the connector).
go to the MTKFlash32 tab, press the Intro / Device Id button.
thereby we transfer the drive to Vendor mode.
press start-run, type cmd.
we type in the window that appears.
C: Documents and Settingsuser> c: unlock_packageunlockspi.exe 01f0 (you will have a different parameter).
we drill until we hear the sound of a siren.
that's it, you can now add firmware to your drive.
turn off the computer and the console.
turn on the computer and then the console.
go to the FirmwareTool 32 tab.
on the Source tab, specify the path to the key of your firmware.
on the Target tab, the path to the LTplus1.9.1 firmware file.
click Spoof Source to Target, click the Save to File button, and specify the path to save the assembled firmware.
go to the MTKFlash32 tab, press the Intro / Device Id button.
after the drive has switched to Vendor mode, press the Write button.
at the end of the firmware, press the Outra / ATA Reset button.
turn off the console, turn off the computer.
we put the drive in place, connect the sat and power cable, assemble the attachment.
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With time inside the console dust is gathering... To remove it, you need to disassemble the attachment and remove dirt.
In this article we will tell you, how to disassemble Xbox 360 E at home.
Dust gradually builds up static electricity, which in rare cases can lead to a short circuit.
A dirty cooler cannot provide proper cooling of the system, which sooner or later it will end with overheating... Until that time, the set-top box will freeze and make noise.
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To get rid of the dust, you need to disassemble the Xbox 360 E case.
Wipe all components clean cloth with rubbing alcohol... Alcohol-containing liquids will not work, you need alcohol.
Upon completion of the procedure, wait 20-30 minutes, and only then start assembly.
Make sure you have all the necessary tools in your arsenal:
- Flat screwdriver with a diameter of 2.5 mm;
- Torx T7, TR9, TR10 "star" hexagon with hole;
- Shaped screwdrivers Philips PH1, PH2;
- Plastic flat and curly blades;
- Metal tool for working with latches;
- Knife (regular or technical).
The use of inappropriate (improvised) tools will affect not only the appearance of the console. You can damage parts, which will significantly complicate the assembly process.
First you need prepare a workplace... Prepare several small containers. Small plastic cups will do. They are convenient for storing bolts, so that nothing gets lost.
Remove all unnecessary items. Leave only what is useful for disassembly Xbox 360 E.
To start turn off the console and remove the power cord from the outlet.
Before starting work, you can turn on the console and remove the drive tray... This will help avoid breaking the front panel cable. When turned off, the console will try to close the tray. Hold it gently with your hand.
1. Removing the hard drive... Disassembling the Xbox 360 E. Open the cover that covers the HDD tray, as shown in the picture. Pull the tail and remove the drive.
2. Removing the side panels... Take a metal spatula and remove the support side panels. Slide the tool between the panel and the case and gently slide the latches.
3. Removing the bottom panel of the case... Take a plastic spatula and separate the body parts. They are attached with 3 latches.
4. Removing the top panel... We unscrew only the black bolts (large). The small ones keep the cooling system. Don't touch it yet.
5. Removing the front panel... The front panel should be removed in the "extreme care" mode. Make sure that the loop is not damaged. If the tray is open, it will be much easier to remove the front panel.
6. Removing elements of the cooling system... Now unscrew the small screws (see above). Remove the cover and take out the cooler and heatsink. Disconnect the floppy drive and remove the motherboard.
Now you see the Xbox 360 E parsed in front of you. Start cleaning... You can also replace faulty parts with new ones, repair faulty elements, change thermal grease, etc.
If bolts are lost during disassembly, take a magnet and check the surface and floor near the place where you were working.
Watch your actions carefully. If you are afraid to forget something, record and photograph everything that can help you with work and further assembly.
Treat plastic parts with care.
If you are in doubt that you can do everything correctly, contact the service center. Experienced craftsmen will do the work quickly, efficiently and without unforeseen consequences. Plus you will receive a guarantee.
Video instruction on how to disassemble XBOX 360! Ask any questions I will try to answer!
HUAYU H858 soldering station: 1. 2. Homemade adjustable power supply 20V 5A: SMD LEDs: ——————————————————————————– Advertising on the channel: My second channel: Our Vkontakte groups: (here we share our experience and ask questions) (here I post links to the tool and consumables that I use)
In this video I show how to clean and repair a DVD drive from an XBOX 360 gaming console.
Apple Service Center We answer the questions here and - Due to its cheapness, this type of cable attachment has become more and more common on modern cell phones and tablets. Of course, it is easiest to glue the ribbon cable, especially if the machine does it for you. But repairing such loops is quite difficult.
DVD player with a problem in the drive, it did not go out. Repairs were made and everything worked. Website VKontakte group
If you have any problems with apple technology, please contact us: or - A torn-off element usually tears off a nickle (contact pad) on the printed circuit board after itself. If a stump is visible (the remnants of the contact pad), then you can solder to it. If the penny is killed by liquid, it may happen that the hemp will not be at all. Then you need to watch this video. Written disclaimer: by repeating anything from this video, you bear full material, mental, moral and any other responsibility. ————————–
Here I will show you how to disassemble your Xbox 360 with a minimum of tools.
Thin and long object. (paper clip, watch screwdriver)
Hair dryer (to remove the warranty sticker)
That's all. Now let's start disassembling.
1. First, remove the front panel:
Now we take out the hard drive (if any) and look at the upper grill.
We put a long thin object into the hole at an angle. If you look, you can see the gray loop, which we bend in this way.
At the same time, we pull the grate up
If only half has risen, repeat the procedure on the left side.
Now we pull the grate up and bend 4 more loops on the sides through the grate:
Likewise on the underside:
If you wish, you can warm up the warranty sticker with a hairdryer and carefully peel it off.
Now we open the front latches and raise part of the case
Now the hardest part is messing around with the rear latches. We pull the body up from the side and poke it in turn into the holes until it clicks.
Heard a click, but didn't poke? So it snapped back into place, poke it again! And so, open the left half of the back:
Now we raise the left side to a skew, pressing in the middle so that it remains so:
And with force we poke into the last two holes
After that, the top cover can be removed.
Removing the DVD drive button