Details: Zanussi washing machine DIY repair from a real master for the site
2. Remove the cover from the top of the machine
We remove the metal protective strip, which is fixed with self-tapping screws.
This will allow us to remove the back iron cover and gain access to the drum and motor.
We disconnect the chips from the motor and be sure to sign each one, so as not to confuse the contacts later.
We remove the drum from the hanging springs. Further, in order to get to the bearing, you will need to remove the shaft (motor drive), which is unscrewed with a head with an asterisk. The shaft sits very tightly, so you have to make some effort to remove it.
Next, we remove the tank and knock it out of the bearing using a chisel.
So we got to the most important thing - the inner bearing and the oil seal, which most often deteriorate in washing machines. They are changed as a set. The cost of one oil seal is about $ 1. Bearings are slightly more expensive at $ 2 apiece.
When knocking out a bearing, be sure to use a metal washer. The outer bearing is knocked out from the inside.
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Repair of washing machines Zanussi (Zanussi) is a frequent occurrence. Despite the fact that these cars come off the assembly line under the sign of a foreign brand, they can also break. And often the manufacturer is not at all involved in the fact that the machine broke down too early.
External factors and improper operation are the most likely reasons for the failure of the SM.
Using the statistics of service centers, you can quickly understand which nodes and parts in the device of the Zanussi washing machine are the most vulnerable
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- The dependence of parts on water quality. By the way, this is typical not only for the Zanussi brand, but also for other machines. Water oversaturated with salts at strong heating settles with scale on the heater and other elements.
The purity of the water in our water supply systems also does not differ, so the filter systems of the machine can become clogged with dirt and rust over time. As a result, the typesetting and drainage system suffers. - Hatch lock. This is already the fault of the manufacturers: both the blocker and the sensor are slightly underdeveloped, therefore they break more often than other brands of SMA.
- The heater (heating element) quickly builds up with scale. Experts believe that this is also due to the fact that manufacturers miscalculated in the selection of components from which the tubular part of the heater is made.
- Drive belt. It does not differ in reliability, so every 3 months it does not hurt to check its tension and integrity. If you see signs of stretching or damage to the belt, a tightening or replacement of the knot is required.
The only good thing is that it is possible to determine the malfunction on time, since the "smart" automatic washing machine Zanussi notifies the user of problems using fault codes.
Usually a Zanussi washing machine gives out the following error codes: E11, E12, E21, E22. Let's consider the most common combinations.
Water does not leave the system - cleaning of the drain filter and checking the nozzles for blockages is required.
It is also necessary to check the performance of the pump impeller - it should rotate freely in both directions. If the stroke is difficult, the pump needs to be replaced.
Complex breakdowns should be entrusted to a professional, but easy repairs to Zanussi washing machines can be easily done by yourself.
Next, we will look at how to repair a Zanussi washing machine with your own hands.
All filtration systems need to be cleaned periodically. If you neglect this rule, then later problems cannot be avoided.If there is a blockage in any of the filters, then there are problems with the intake or drainage of water.
In SM Zanussi, it is the filler filter that is most often clogged. What to do to normalize the work of the typewriter?
- Just unscrew the inlet filter - it is located on the water pipe.
- If you have not installed such a filter, then you need to clean the filter mesh.
Attention! Experts advise placing the inlet filter on a pipe with a special filter cassette that softens the water.
To clean the filter mesh, proceed as follows:
- Find the junction of the water intake hose with the washer body.
- Remove the top cover of the CM to unscrew the valve and filter.
- Disassemble the filter and rinse it under the tap.
- Replace the filter.
- Reassemble everything in reverse order.
Important! The device of the Zanussi horizontal loading washing machine is different from the front design, but the filter is cleaned in the same way.
By the way, pollution can accumulate not only because of the "errors" of the water supply system, but also because of the clothes that you send to the drum. From too dirty things, sand, dirt, debris, threads penetrate into the machine systems.
Craftsmen often find small coins, seeds, hairpins, crumpled checks in the drain filter. All this "nonsense" can provoke a stop in the work of the AGR.
Important! Remember to clean the filter at least every 3 months.
The problem with the UBL is a frequent malfunction of the Zanussi Aquacycle CM, but it also occurs in other models: for example, the Zanussi Easyiron.
It is difficult to tell right away why the blocker breaks down - through the fault of the manufacturer or user negligence. But there may be problems with the control board - then the blocker has nothing to do with it.
The plastic components of the sunroof locking device are unreliable and can break even if you simply slam the hatch shut with force. In this case, the metal hook will survive, but due to the breakdown of the UBL, washing will still be impossible.
The blocker is usually not repaired - it is easier to replace it with a new one. For Zanussi UBL typewriters costs about 1,500 rubles. It's a little expensive, of course, so first you should remove the old blocker to make sure it is 100% broken.
Remove the device according to the following scheme:
- Open the door.
- On the right you will see a small hole for the locking hook, and next to it there are two screws that hold the UBL. Unscrew the fasteners.
- Remove the gasket (lip). It is held in place by a wire tie that runs in a circle along the entire elastic. Pick it up with a thin screwdriver and remove. Then remove the cuff - do it by hand, without tools, so as not to damage the delicate elastic band.
- Remove the blocker by disconnecting the wires.
- Carry out a visual inspection of the device and make sure that the plastic part is intact. If the plastic is broken, and the records popped out, take the device with you and go for a new one.
- Show UBL in the store to sell you exactly the same.
- Install the bollard in reverse order.
Important! Close the door gently until it clicks, pressing down on the edge to extend the life of the device.
As we said above, the heating element is one of the most vulnerable places of any washing machine, especially Zanussi. The washing machine with such a breakdown may give an error E05, while the water in the tank stops heating.
To make repairs yourself, you will have to disassemble the SM case a little:
- Turn the machine with the front wall towards you.
- Unscrew the screws from the panel to remove it.
- From the bottom of the tank you will see the heater shank - it has 2 contacts and wires coming from them.
- Measure the resistance with a tester. If the device shows a value close to zero, the heating element will have to be changed. The readings of a working heater will be 20-40 ohms.
- To remove the heating element, unscrew the nut located in the center of the shank.
- Disconnect the wiring to the heater.
- Make an effort to get the heating element out of the groove.If there is a lot of plaque on it, then it could get stuck. Take WD-40 grease and lightly spray on the crevices. Loosen the old heating element and pull it towards you.
- Clean the hole well.
- Install a new heater, connect the wiring.
- Reattach the back panel and run a test wash. If the water heats up, and the E05 code is gone, then you did everything right.
Important! When choosing heating elements for the Zanussi washing machine, buy only original parts. Don't go for cheap Chinese counterparts - they won't last you long. An unsuitable heating element can also provoke a breakdown of the control unit, and then the repair will definitely "fly into a penny."
Damage caused by the drive belt is accompanied by the fact that the motor in the washing machine does not stop working, but the drum does not rotate. To check the integrity and location of the belt, proceed as follows:
- Remove the back cover by unscrewing the fasteners.
- In the niche you will see the drum pulley on which the belt should be put on. The motor pulley is much smaller and must also have a belt on it.
- Correct the belt if it has shifted.
- If the drum does not rotate and the belt is in place, then a replacement is needed.
- After adjusting or installing a new belt, refit the panel and run a test wash.
As you can see, the repair of Zanussi washing machines consists in eliminating typical failures and breakdowns. Fortunately, these malfunctions are such that you can easily eliminate them without the help of a wizard.
We only advise you not to touch the electronics. Even if you have a Zanussi washing machine circuit, in order to repair or replace an electronic module, you need special tools and relevant knowledge and experience. Do not want to provoke additional breakdowns - trust the master for complex problems.
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Zanussi washing machines have long held a strong position in the domestic market of household appliances. During this time, they have become very popular due to their reliability, functionality and other positive qualities. Nevertheless, like any other technique, these units are subject to various breakdowns and malfunctions, which sooner or later occur during operation. Therefore, many owners turn to the service center, although in many cases it is quite possible to repair the Zanussi washing machine with their own hands.
Sometimes it happens that the drum of the Zanussi washing machine stops rotating. In this case, it is recommended to turn off the machine, drain the water and try to scroll it manually.
If the drum does not turn, then it is quite possible that it is jammed. This can happen for the following reasons:
- The bearing is defective. The main reason is the wear of the sealing gland, which allows water to pass through due to the loss of elasticity.
- It is not uncommon for foreign objects to fall between the tub and drum from the pockets of clothing.
- Driving belt slipping off. Usually the problem is solved by replacing it, in some cases - along with the bearing.
- In units with vertical loading, doors may open and catch on heating elements or other parts.
If the drum is turned by hand, but does not rotate in operating mode from the electric motor. There are also certain reasons here:
- Defective motor due to moisture or power surges.
- The drive belt is gradually frayed, weakened, or completely torn.
- The motor brushes are out of order.
- In electronically controlled Zanussi washing machines, the control unit is faulty, requiring repair or complete replacement.
In any case, a thorough diagnosis is required, and qualified specialists should be engaged in the repair of this unit.
In this situation, water is not poured into the tank. Sometimes the machine draws up water, but it happens very slowly. Subsequently, the wash program fails and the process stops completely. This could be due to a faulty heating element or a clogged or faulty intake valve.
It is quite possible to fix this breakdown on your own. First, the power plug is removed from the socket, after which the functionality of the heating element is checked. The fact is that if the heating element is damaged, many functions of the washing machine can be blocked. If the item is found to be defective, it must be replaced.
In case of a possible clogging or malfunction of the inlet valve, you must immediately close the water supply valve to the washing machine. Next, you need to find the junction of the inlet hose with the tank, disconnect it and check for clogging of the intake valve mesh. In case of blockage, the mesh must be washed. If the mesh is clean, check the inlet hose. To do this, it is lowered into any container, after which the tap opens. A weak head or a complete lack of water indicates problems in the water supply system. If the water pressure is normal, then it's all about the inlet valve, which should be replaced.
Sometimes a faulty pump or drain pump can be the cause. When pumping is not in progress, the water supply is blocked at the same time. There can be a lot of malfunctions in the pump and they all need to be checked. After that, a decision is made to repair or replace it.
The procedure for draining the water is an important final step in the washing program. If the water does not want to drain from the system of the Zanussi washing machine, this indicates serious problems that require quick resolution.
The main causes are a faulty drain pump or a blockage in the exhaust system. Sometimes, as a result of improper installation in the sewer, reverse draft occurs. The water level sensor and electronic control module may be damaged. The drain pump is the main link in the drainage system of washing machines. It is he who ensures the pumping of the waste liquid from the tank. Together with water, various small debris gets into the pump. During operation, it will wrap around the blades and damage the pump. If cleaning does not work, the pump needs to be replaced.
Foreign objects can not only damage the pump, but also clog the outlet pipes of the drain system. The solution to the problem is to remove the blockage and clean the exhaust pipes.
Backdraft in the sewer is formed as a result of improper installation of the washing machine. For example, if the drain hose is placed too high, the pump starts to run at increased power. Sometimes even this power is not enough and water is not pumped out of the tank.
The level sensor detects the amount of water in the tank. This function is actively used during the draining process. When the water level reaches zero, the pump stops. If the sensor is damaged, it sends incorrect information to the electronic control module. For example, it shows zero liquid level, although the tank is still filled with water, and pumping is operating normally. Sometimes the control module itself turns out to be faulty, which coordinates and controls all processes in the washing machine, including the drain of waste water.
The most common breakdowns of the Zanussi washing machine include an unclosed hatch door. Many owners of Zanussi periodically face this problem.
Failures of the mechanical part are primarily considered as the reasons. In these cases, the lid does not close at all, and when the lock is operating, a characteristic click is not heard. A similar situation occurs as a result of wear of parts and careless handling of the cover. As a result of strong slamming, the hinges are skewed and the lock does not snap into place. Sometimes the plastic door rail is deformed.
Another type of breakdown is associated with electronics. That is, the lid closes with a click, but the hatch does not electronically lock. In the event of this malfunction, the washing machine displays the corresponding error code.This breakdown most often occurs due to the failure of the blocking device, including the ingress of small foreign objects inside it. Also, the control module may be faulty.
In the absence of experience and skills in working with household appliances, it is not recommended to carry out independent repairs. Qualified specialists of the service center will be able to quickly find the cause of the malfunction and eliminate it in a short time.
It is recommended to eliminate the leak as soon as possible, since not only your own apartment, but also the neighbors from the lower floor can be flooded. This can be done both independently and with the assistance of specialists.
It is recommended to do the following:
- The washing machine is disconnected from the power supply. Care must be taken to avoid getting into a puddle if possible.
- The water supply must be turned off using a special valve.
- The water from the machine must be drained through the filter located in the lower right corner of the front panel. It is quite possible that the matter will be limited to cleaning it.
If cleaning the filter did not give a positive result and after restarting the water continues to flow from the machine, in this case, the following work must be performed:
- Replace the worn sunroof seal.
- Install new clamps on the pipes connected to the water supply system. If there are mechanical damages on the branch pipes, they should also be replaced.
- Clean the hopper from which the detergent is supplied.
- Replace worn bearings and a washing machine oil seal.
To perform complex work, it is recommended to invite service center specialists who are able to quickly and efficiently perform all the necessary activities.
Another common malfunction is the lack of water heating. This problem occurs not only with Zanussi, but also with other washing machines. In this case, the quality of washing is noticeably reduced, since the powder does not completely dissolve during washing.
The main part of the heating system is the heating element. With constant use of low-quality, hard water, it quickly becomes covered with scale and burns out. In this case, the installation of a new heating element is required. At the same time, it is recommended to check the condition of the wires responsible for powering the heating element.
Another reason that the water does not heat up during washing is a malfunction of the control module. Here, self-repair is excluded, it is necessary to involve the specialists of the service center.
The lack of rinsing is usually found somewhere in the middle of the wash. The car just stops full of water. Quite often this happens for purely technical reasons. Therefore, before contacting the service center, you need to check the condition of the drain hose, which may be kinked or pinched.
Further, it is recommended to check for a blockage in the sewer. To do this, disconnect the drain hose, put it in the bathtub and turn on the drain again. If the water is pouring out freely, then the problem lies in the plumbing.
If the initial measures did not work, then the problem lies with the washing machine itself. Before checking, the machine must be de-energized and the water drained through the drain filter.
The most common reasons for the lack of rinsing in Zanussi are the following:
- Clogged filter, pipe or drain pump. It is required to check and clean all elements of the drainage system.
- Drain pump defective and must be replaced.
- The water level sensor is out of order. As a result, the control module does not receive the required information and does not issue the appropriate commands. This item is subject to replacement.
- The control unit itself is defective. Replacement of the control board is required.
Sometimes the Zanussi washing machine refuses to spin the laundry. In this case, the following problems become noticeable:
- Water leaves the tank, but the spin mode does not turn on.
- The water drains off normally, but the spin mode is activated only at the washing stage, and not during rinsing.
- The wash has ended, but the laundry was not wrung out well.
- The washing program stops before the waste water starts to drain.
A qualified technician will determine the exact cause. This defect is associated with malfunctions of certain parts and elements:
- The electronic module is completely or partially damaged.
- Clogged pipe that connects the drain pump to the washing machine tank. The blockage can be found in the drain hose, siphon, or sewer.
- If there is a function that determines the weight of the laundry, the reason may be that it is unevenly positioned in the tub before spinning.
- Blockage or malfunction of the drain pump and its filter.
- Failure of brushes or motor windings.
- Faulty pressure switch - water level sensor.