Details: zanussi zws 6107 DIY repair from a real master for the site
2. Remove the cover from the top of the machine
We remove the metal protective strip, which is fixed with self-tapping screws.
This will allow us to remove the back iron cover and gain access to the drum and motor.
We disconnect the chips from the motor and be sure to sign each one so that we do not confuse the contacts later.
We remove the drum from the hanging springs. Further, in order to get to the bearing, you will need to remove the shaft (motor drive), which is unscrewed with a head with an asterisk. The shaft sits very tightly, so you have to make some effort to remove it.
Next, we remove the tank and knock it out of the bearing using a chisel.
So we got to the most important thing - the inner bearing and the oil seal, which most often deteriorate in washing machines. They are changed as a set. The cost of one oil seal is approximately $ 1. Bearings are slightly more expensive at $ 2 apiece.
When knocking out a bearing, be sure to use a metal washer. The outer bearing is knocked out from the inside.
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Repair of washing machines Zanussi (Zanussi) is a frequent occurrence. Despite the fact that these cars come off the assembly line under the sign of a foreign brand, they can also break. And often the manufacturer is not at all involved in the fact that the machine broke down too early.
External factors and improper operation are the most likely reasons for the failure of the SM.
Using the statistics of service centers, you can quickly understand which nodes and parts in the device of the Zanussi washing machine are the most vulnerable
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- The dependence of parts on water quality. By the way, this is typical not only for the Zanussi brand, but also for other machines. Water oversaturated with salts with strong heating is deposited with scale on the heater and other elements.
The purity of the water in our water supply systems also does not differ, so the filter systems of the machine can become clogged with dirt and rust over time. As a result, the typesetting and drainage system suffers. - Hatch lock. This is already the fault of the manufacturers: both the blocker and the sensor are slightly underdeveloped, therefore they break more often than other brands of SMA.
- The heater (heating element) quickly builds up with scale. Experts believe that this is also due to the fact that manufacturers miscalculated in the selection of components from which the tubular part of the heater is made.
- Drive belt. It does not differ in reliability, so every 3 months it does not hurt to check its tension and integrity. If you see signs of stretching or damage to the belt, a tightening or replacement of the knot is required.
The only good thing is that it is possible to determine the malfunction on time, since the “smart” automatic washing machine Zanussi notifies the user of problems using the trouble codes.
Usually a Zanussi washing machine gives out the following error codes: E11, E12, E21, E22. Let's consider the most common combinations.
Water does not leave the system - cleaning of the drain filter and checking the nozzles for blockages is required.
It is also necessary to check the performance of the pump impeller - it should rotate freely in both directions. If the stroke is difficult, the pump needs to be replaced.
Complex breakdowns should be entrusted to a professional, but easy repairs to Zanussi washing machines can be easily done by yourself.
Next, we will look at how to repair a Zanussi washing machine with your own hands.
All filtration systems need to be cleaned periodically. If you neglect this rule, then later problems cannot be avoided. If there is a blockage in any of the filters, then there are problems with the intake or drainage of water.
In SM Zanussi, it is the filler filter that is most often clogged. What to do to normalize the work of the typewriter?
- Just unscrew the inlet filter - it is located on the water pipe.
- If you have not installed such a filter, then you need to clean the filter mesh.
Attention! Experts advise placing the inlet filter on a pipe with a special filter cassette that softens the water.
To clean the filter mesh, proceed as follows:
- Find the junction of the water intake hose with the washer body.
- Remove the top cover of the CM to unscrew the valve and filter.
- Disassemble the filter and rinse it under the tap.
- Replace the filter.
- Reassemble everything in reverse order.
Important! The device of the Zanussi horizontal loading washing machine is different from the front design, but the filter is cleaned in the same way.
By the way, pollution can accumulate not only because of the "errors" of the water supply system, but also because of the clothes that you send to the drum. From too dirty things, sand, dirt, debris, threads penetrate into the machine's systems.
Craftsmen often find small coins, seeds, hairpins, crumpled checks in the drain filter. All this "nonsense" can provoke a stop in the work of the CMA.
Important! Remember to clean the filter at least every 3 months.
The problem with the UBL is a frequent malfunction of the Zanussi Aquacycle CM, but it also occurs in other models: for example, the Zanussi Easyiron.
It is difficult to tell right away why the blocker breaks down - through the fault of the manufacturer or user negligence. But there may be problems with the control board - then the blocker has nothing to do with it.
The plastic components of the sunroof locking device are unreliable and can break even if you simply slam the hatch shut with force. In this case, the metal hook will survive, but due to the breakdown of the UBL, washing will still be impossible.
The blocker is usually not repaired - it is easier to replace it with a new one. For Zanussi UBL typewriters costs about 1,500 rubles. It's a little expensive, of course, so first you should remove the old blocker to make sure it is 100% broken.
Remove the device according to the following scheme:
- Open the door.
- On the right you will see a small hole for the locking hook, and next to it there are two screws that hold the UBL. Unscrew the fasteners.
- Remove the gasket (lip). It is held in place by a wire tie that runs in a circle along the entire elastic. Pick it up with a thin screwdriver and remove. Then remove the cuff - do it by hand, without tools, so as not to damage the delicate elastic band.
- Remove the blocker by disconnecting the wires.
- Carry out a visual inspection of the device and make sure that the plastic part is intact. If the plastic is broken, and the records popped out, take the device with you and go for a new one.
- Show UBL in the store to sell you exactly the same.
- Install the bollard in reverse order.
Important! Close the door gently until it clicks, pressing down on the edge to extend the life of the device.
As we said above, the heating element is one of the most vulnerable places of any washing machine, especially Zanussi. The washing machine with such a breakdown may give an error E05, while the water in the tank stops heating.
To make repairs yourself, you will have to disassemble the SM case a little:
- Turn the machine with the front wall towards you.
- Unscrew the screws from the panel to remove it.
- From the bottom of the tank you will see the heater shank - it has 2 contacts and wires coming from them.
- Measure the resistance with a tester. If the device shows a value close to zero, the heating element will have to be changed. The readings of a working heater will be 20-40 ohms.
- To remove the heating element, unscrew the nut located in the center of the shank.
- Disconnect the wiring to the heater.
- Make an effort to get the heating element out of the groove. If there is a lot of plaque on it, then it could get stuck. Take WD-40 grease and lightly spray on the crevices. Loosen the old heating element and pull it towards you.
- Clean the hole well.
- Install a new heater, connect the wiring.
- Reattach the back panel and run a test wash. If the water heats up, and the E05 code is gone, then you did everything right.
Important! When choosing heating elements for the Zanussi washing machine, buy only original parts. Don't go for cheap Chinese counterparts - they won't last you long. An unsuitable heating element can also provoke a breakdown of the control unit, and then the repair will definitely "fly into a penny."
Damage caused by the drive belt is accompanied by the fact that the motor in the washing machine does not stop working, but the drum does not rotate. To check the integrity and location of the belt, proceed as follows:
- Remove the back cover by unscrewing the fasteners.
- In the niche you will see the drum pulley on which the belt should be put on. The motor pulley is much smaller and must also have a belt on it.
- Correct the belt if it has shifted.
- If the drum does not rotate and the belt is in place, then a replacement is needed.
- After adjusting or installing a new belt, refit the panel and run a test wash.
As you can see, the repair of Zanussi washing machines consists in eliminating typical failures and breakdowns. Fortunately, these malfunctions are such that you can easily eliminate them without the help of a wizard.
We only advise you not to touch the electronics. Even if you have a Zanussi washing machine circuit, in order to repair or replace an electronic module, you need special tools and relevant knowledge and experience. Do not want to provoke additional breakdowns - trust the master for complex problems.
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We will not "beat around the bush", but immediately start preparing, because you will not be able to disassemble a Zanussi washing machine with a drum loading 5 kg. First, we need to collect all the necessary tools. This shouldn't be a problem. It is good enough to rummage in the garage, dig in the pantry, and everything you need is found:
- a set of screwdrivers (you can use a screwdriver with a set of heads of various configurations);
- a set of keys (you will need various keys, including ring keys);
- a knob with a set of heads (mainly 7 and 8 mm);
- pliers (large and small);
- small round nose pliers;
- bearing puller;
- ticks;
- liquid WD-40;
- hammer;
- awl;
- markers of several colors.
As you can see, the tool is simple, you can get it all without difficulty, so further discussion of this issue is meaningless. The only thing I would like to note is that you should only use high-quality tools. Unscrewing the fasteners with Chinese keys, you most likely rip off their edges and then add some work to yourself. If there are no normal keys, ask your neighbor for the time of repair or buy Soviet keys from rags - you will not regret it.
It would seem that it is easier to get into the body of the Zanussi washing machine and see what is there, to study, so to speak, its device in practice. But it was not there. The body of old washing machines of this brand is disassembled quite cunningly.
The top cover can be removed without any problems, we take a knob with an 8 mm head, unscrew two bolts, grab the cover, slide it towards ourselves a little, and then up - nothing special. But the same cannot be said about the removal of the rear wall of the Zanussi car. The body of the Zanussi washing machine has one serious feature - it does not have removable side walls. What does it mean?
For washing machines of most brands, the body structure assumes the presence of five or six elements:
- top cover;
- bottom;
- back wall;
- front wall;
- left side wall;
- right side wall.
For your information! Some models of washing machines do not have a tray or a cover that covers the bottom of the body.
The device of the Zanussi washing machine is unusual in that the body of this "home assistant" (except for the top and bottom) is disassembled into two large halves:
- front wall, half of the left wall and half of the right wall of the body;
- back wall, half of the left wall and half of the right wall of the case.
To get to most of the necessary parts, such as the engine, drive belt, drain pipe, we need to completely remove the rear half of the housing. How to do it?
To move the back of the case back faster, rock it from side to side.
By removing the back of the Zanussi washer, we made it much easier for ourselves to extract its main components. Now we will be able to unscrew and pull out a lot for the production of repairs, and nothing will stop us. What details have you got free access to?
- Drum pulley and drive belt.
- Rear counterweight.
- Washing machine engine.
- Anti-vibration stands.
- Heating element (ten).
- Temperature sensor.
- Inlet valve with branch pipes.
- Drain pipe and pump.
- Two pressure switches.
- Noise filter.
- Sprinkler pump (serves for forced injection of water into the tank during washing).
We begin the next stage of disassembling the Zanussi washing machine by removing the wires from the heating element (it is located under the drum pulley), the engine, and pulling out the thermal sensor from the tank. Next, remove the wires from the pressure switches. They are located on the top left of the machine body and on the pump, which is on the bottom left. Remove the wire from the intake valve. After that, we will do a very useful thing, unscrew the rear counterweight, so that later it would be easier for us to pull the washing machine during repairs. It is held in place by 4 bolts.
Attention! All wires you remove must be marked with multi-colored markers and paper tags, so that later nothing is confused. After all, the device of the electrician of the Zanussi washing machine may seem complicated to a beginner.
Remove the drive belt. With one hand we hold the belt, and with the other we rotate the drum pulley. The belt will come off easily. We remove the clamps from the pipes and pull them off. We take a knob with an 8 mm head and unscrew the two bolts that hold the Zanussi washing machine in front, and then unscrew two more screws at the back. Having unscrewed the fasteners, we hold the engine from below with one hand, and with the other we lightly beat on its pulley - the motor will be removed.
Now we take out the heating element. We unscrew the nut between its contacts. We lightly press on it, and then we take the ten by the contacts and very gently, swinging it to the sides, we begin to pull towards ourselves. Here it is important not to break off one of the contacts, otherwise you will have to change the heating element.
Next, remove the racks. On the one hand, they are held on a kind of plastic rods, and on the other, on a regular screw. To remove the stem, you need to take a 14 mm head, put your hand behind the stem and put the head on its latch. After that, you need to grab the front of the stem with pliers and pull towards yourself, holding the tank - the fasteners will pop out. We unscrew the rack from below and remove it to the side. We do the same with the second ward.
We take out the pressure switches from the grooves, remove the clamps from the filling pipes and remove them together with the filling valve. We unscrew the watering pump, disconnect the hose from it. Now let's look into the car body from the top. On the upper wall of the tank we see a small breather pipe, we carefully pull it out. What's next?
- We go in front. We open the hatch of the Zanussi washing machine. We take with our hand the upper part of the rubber cuff of the hatch and slightly pull it towards ourselves.
- Then we pry the plastic clamp with a flat screwdriver and draw it in a circle until we find the latch. Disconnect the latch and remove the clamp.
- Since we have a Zanussi washing machine with irrigation and a large load, it means that in the upper part of the cuff there is an inlet to which the irrigation branch is connected. Again, we take the upper part of the cuff and pull it towards ourselves.
- We remove the clamps and the branch pipe from the branch pipe.
Next, go around the back of the car again and unscrew the noise filter. Now in the body there is only a tank with a drum, suspended on two springs, a control panel in front, a trash filter, UBL and a manhole cover. The hatch blocking device and the hatch itself are easy to remove, you can read about this in a special article, so we will not dwell on this in more detail. Anyone can also unscrew the trash filter, but difficulties may arise with the control panel.
How is the control panel removed? We go around the washing machine in front, take out the powder receptacle from the niche. We unscrew the screws behind the tray. Unscrew two more screws from above the panel. Next, slightly pry the control panel with a flat screwdriver and remove it.
Be extremely careful, the bundle of wires fits to the control panel; they must not be torn off.
Having removed everything that is possible, and studied, during the disassembly, the device of the Zanussi washing machine, we left the body of the washing machine with a tank and a drum suspended on two springs. If we want a complete disassembly, we need to remove the tank from the springs, and then disassemble it into parts.
With the help of a friend, we remove the tank from the springs and take it out of the body of the washing machine. It is very easy to do this together, but alone you can tear the navel. Unscrew the front counterweight and remove it. We put the tank with the hatch down on a flat surface so that we have full access to the drum pulley. Next, we perform the following actions.
- We block the pulley so that it does not rotate. This can be done in any convenient way, for example, as shown in the picture.
- Take a hex screwdriver and try to unscrew the bolt that is in the center of the pulley. If it does not work, you can grease the bolt, then wait a little and try again. When unscrewing the bolt, be careful not to rip off the hex.
- We grasp the drum pulley with our hands and, swinging it from side to side, pull it up.
- Having removed the pulley, we need to disassemble the tank body into two parts.
For your information! The two halves of the tank body of the Zanussi washing machine are tightened with long screws, so its tank is considered collapsible.
- We take the knob and the head by 8 mm and one by one we unscrew all the screws holding the two
halves of the tank together. Once you unscrew the screws, the tank will be disassembled.
We easily managed to remove the front part of the tank, but the rear part is still securely fastened to the drum through bearings, which in turn are mounted on the shaft. They must be removed together with the tank. We take an old unnecessary screw that fits into the thread of the shaft (from where we unscrewed the bolt holding the pulley) and screw it in there. Next, we substitute a wooden block and apply light blows to the screw with a hammer until the back of the tank comes off the bearing.
As a result, the rear part of the tank remained to the side, and we have a drum in the back, which has a crosspiece and a shaft. It is equipped with a bearing and an oil seal. The hardest part follows.
- We hammer the grips of the puller under the bearing.
- We create tension by gradually tightening the thread of the puller.
- We generously fill the bearing with WD-40 grease.
- We are waiting for 30-40 minutes.
- Slowly unscrew the thread further and remove the bearing, and then the oil seal.
Summing up, we note that the device of a Zanussi brand washing machine does not seem so complicated to be trusted by a master to disassemble it. You can disassemble such a washing machine yourself, if you carefully study the instructions given in this article. The device of Zanussi machines may differ slightly depending on the model, but these differences are insignificant. Some car models, drum loading a little more for some model, no injection, and the like. All this will not hurt you to study the instructions, and disassemble your first Zanussi machine "by screw". Good luck!